Little White Lies.


So now I'm laying in my bed, my gaze fixed on the ceiling.
Trying to ignore the humming coming from across the room.
Dear Brendon just had to agree with the idea of being my roomie.

Damn him.

"Hey Ami."
He whispered.

I tried to pretend I was asleep.
He decided to come over and wake me up.
Stupid persistent prick.

"What in the hell do you want?!"
I hissed.

"I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?"

Liar. You've been humming since lights out.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping me get better like you? Not lying to me?"
I confronted him.
Not that I expected it to get me any where.
We are compulsive liars after all, it's our nature to lie our asses off.

"I'm not lying."

"You were humming."
Stubborn bastard.

"That wasn't me."

"Brendon, go sleep in your own bed. It's bad enough that I have to share my room with you."

Lies for the liar.

He sighed in defeat and shuffled back to his bed.Giving me the perfect opportunity to check out his nice ass.
I rolled over in my bed, attempting to get some sleep.
However, a stupid thing calleda crush guilt got in my way.

Needless to say I failed at my attempt to sleep.

I called into the dark of our room.
Half hoping he wouldn't reply.Half hoping he'd come snuggle in bed with me.


"Do you still want to sleep in my bed?"
I can not believe I'm doing this.I can not believe I didn't do this before.

No more then two seconds later he was standing next to my bed.
Lookingnearly innocent in his pajama pants and baggy t-shirt.

I scooted over and made room for him to lay down.




"Don't mention it.... Literally, you tell a soul and I'll fucking kill you."


It was silent for a few minutes.
I thought he had fell asleep.
That is, until I felt his arm snake around my waist.

"Don't push it Brendon!"
I warned and felt his arm lift away.I immediately regretted it, being snuggled with him sounded so nice.

Slowly I finally managed to find myself asleep.

"Brendon, babe?"
I called as I walked across a plush carpet in a cozy bedroom.
Brendon came in through a door, wearing nothing but boxers.

"Yea sugar?"
He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist before connecting our lips.
His were just like I had imagined, soft, warm, and plump.

"I'm so glad we finally got married. Isn't this honeymoon suite the best?"
He said once we had broken away.

Just as we were about to lean in once more...

The real Brendon called whilst shaking me from my slumber.

"What in the hell do you want Brendon!?"
I shouted, enraged that he had woken me from my dream.

"Never mind."
He turned his back to me.

Fucking bastard woke me up from the best dream I've had in a while.
I hate him!

You know that isn't true. Liar.
♠ ♠ ♠
Three comments on the last chapter so I decided that'd I'd give you guys another.
This chapter's one of my favorites!

Thanks to:
Spread-the-Rumors for commenting each chapter so far =D
rhymeswithcircus for commenting =]
fetch your camera for commenting =]

you guys rock!