Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 10

This morning for the third day in a row I woke up and had the urge to throw up. Every time I got up out of bed and run to the bathroom, Bert woke up and came to hold my hair back and rub my back.

"Baby, this is the third day in a row that you've woke up and had to throw up. Will you please let me take you to the doctors?" Bert asked once I was done emptying my stomach.

"I guess we can go if it makes you happy." I said getting up to wash out my mouth.

"Ok I'll go call the doctors and make an appointment for today."

"Ok thank you Berty."

Bert left and I decided to take a shower seeing as it was already 8:47 and my brothers told me to stay home since I was sick. When I got out of the shower Bert was in my room getting dressed.

"Sugar your appointment is at 9:45 so we should probably go now."

"Ok." I said putting on my clothes, a red Fall Out Boy shirt that says, 'Fall Out Boy Drop It Like Its Hot.', ((I have that shirt and no body understands what it means)) a pair of semi tight jeans and my black and white converse. We told everyone where we were going and left for the doctor's office. When we got there I signed in and waited for them to call me back.

"Melissa Way?" one of the nurses, I know as Tanya, called. I stood up and Bert asked if I wanted him to come with me but I told him to just wait and that I wouldnt be gone long.
When I got in the room they asked me a bunch of questions and took a sample of blood. When they took the blood to the lab is when they started the questions. Most were just the basic questions until they got to one that really stuck out at me.

"Melissa, have you been having a regular period?"

When I really thought about it I noticed I hadn't had my period for about two months. So I told the nurse that.

"I see, and have you had sex lately?"

Then I remembered that time I came home for lunch and Bert and I had sex. Then it hit me 'I don't think Bert used a condom when we had sex I'm probably pre-' but my thoughts were cut off with another nurse coming in with my blood results.

"Well congratulations Melissa, your blood sample came back saying you're pregnant."
Just then my world stopped 'I-I'm pregnant? I'm going to have a baby I'm going to be a mom! OMG I can't believe this. I'm actually happy. I can't wait to tell Bert but wait, what will he say?'
I left the little room and walked back to Bert in the waiting room. I had a look of shock on my face plus a smile. When Bert saw me he stood up and ran over to me.

"Missy what'd they say?!"

"They said that I just have a little bug, that's all."

"Well how long will it take to get rid of? Is it contagious?" he asked at about a million miles per second.

"Well you see they said I'll gain weight for about nine months then it'll be gone. It is most definitely not contagious." I said still smiling.

"What?! What type of but is that?"

I pulled Bert close and whispered in his ear, "A baby."

"A baby? What do you- Do you mean you're PREGNANT?!"

I nodded shyly because I thought he was mad. Then he picked me up in a tight hug and started spinning me around, "I'M GONNA BE A PAPA! AND SHE'S THE MAMA!"

I laughed and Bert put me down. "You're not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? Baby, I'm glad you're gonna be the mama to my first child. I love you."

I smiled, "Well Im glad you're gonna be the daddy of my first child. I love you too."

"No, not daddy. I wanna be papa. Daddy is too over used."

"Ok, I'll call you papa from now on."

"Thank you, Mama." Bert said kissing me on the lips. Then he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car. On the way home we just talked about the baby. Bert was so excited. Im glad that he's not mad too. We decided to not tell the guys right away and see how long it takes them to find out why we call each other 'Papa' and 'Mama'.

"What else did the doctor say, Mama?" Bert asked smirking at the fact that he called me Mama.

I laughed, "Well, Papa, they said that the baby is due about mid-April (it's October now, so the baby was made in the middle of August. So she's about 2 months along) I wont start showing until about December. And when I'm about 8 months we can't have sex anymore. She also said I can finish out the CC season since state is this weekend but I can't do anymore sports after that."

"Ok, when's the next appointment?"

"In 8 weeks, she told me that when I'm at 5 months I can find out if its a boy or girl." I said rubbing my tummy.

Bert took his right hand from mime and placed it on my belly too. He smiled at me before turning back to the rode. "I cant wait."

"Me neither." I took his hand back in mine and kissed it, before placing it back on my belly.

"Come to think of it, you have been eating more lately."

"Hey yea, and I thought I was just really hungry because during CC I'm always either never hungry or hungry all the time. And I thought I was just getting fat."

"Mama, you're not fat. Even being pregnant you won't be fat. You'll just have a bump."