Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 12

We were all just sitting around watching movies, well everyone but me and Bert. We were busy having a heavy make out session.

"Umm... Bert I would appreciate it if you didn't have sex with my sister in front of me. Thanks." Gerard said looking at us.

"Well I'm sorry. I only have 6 more months of being able to." Bert defended/whined. I lightly pushed him because he had just hinted about the baby in front of everyone. They all looked at us with confused looks on their faces.

"Why do you only have 6 more months?" Mikey asked. I thought we might as well tell Mikey and Gerard now.

"Umm... Mikey, Gerard, can we talk to you in the other room?"

"Sure." We all got up and went to the dining room.

"Ok... umm... well, have you noticed me acting different lately?"

"Yea you've been kinda bitchy but I just thought it was PMS. And you eat a lot now." Mikey said still confused.

"Yea you're kinda getting a stomach on ya too." Gerard added lifting up my shirt a little bit to see my stomach, and then sorta jokingly he added, "You never let yourself look like that. You need to work out it looks like, Sis."

"Hey I'm not fat... yet." I muttered the last part so only Bert could hear me.

"Yea well no matter what she does it's not gonna go away for a few months." Bert said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Why's that? And what does it have to do with only having 6 months left of sex?" Mikey asked getting more and more confused by the minute. Bert moved his hands to my belly and started rubbing it. I put my hands on Bert's and looked at my brothers.

"Ok, don't be mad, because we both love you...-"

"Just tell us what the hell you're talking about." Gerard yelled anxiously.

"Ok chill, Bert and I just found out today that" I started saying.

"We're gonna have a baby! We're gonna be Mama and Papa!!" Bert finished for me.

"You're wha- what??" Mikey stuttered out.

"She's pregnant. OH MY GOD!! MIKEY SHE'S PREGNANT SHE'S GONNA HAVE A BABY AND WERE GONNA BE THE UNCLES!!!" Gerard yelled jumping up and down with joy.

I ran to the door of the dining room to make sure no one heard. Luckily Lauren and Frankie were the only ones in the living room. So not everyone heard Gerard, but Im pretty sure Frankie and Lauren did. "Gerard, be quiet we don't want everyone to find out yet. You're just lucky that only Frankie and Lauren are in the living room still and that everyone else left."

"Sorry Sis."

"It's ok. Hey Lauren, Frankie come in here for a second please." I called into the living room. They came in and Lauren ran up to me and hugged.

"Melissa! I'm so happy for you!!"

"Thanks Lauren, but will you two promise to not tell any of the other guys? We kinda wanna keep it a secret and see how long it'll take them to find out about the baby. Oh and when Bert woke up and said he was thinking of names for the 'baby dog' yea he was really about to say the baby.

"Oh ok I understand. Don't worry, Jepha, Quinn and Branden all went to Utah to see their family and Ray and Bob went with them. So they won't be back for like 2 months."


"So how far along are you MJ?" I laughed at how Mikey used the nickname that him Gerard, and I all came up with together. I was MJ, for Melissa Jean, Mikey was M-Dawg, and Gerard was Gee Baby, we got Gerards name from the movie Hard Ball ((Me: I <3 that movie. Its so saaaaad!))

"Well 'M-Dawg' the doctor said that I was about 2 months along.

"Yea so that means we only have 6 months to have sex, because when she's eight months pregnant she can't have sex anymore." Bert pouted.

"Oh ok I understand now." Mikey says kinda laughing.

"You fruit." Gerard said and wacked him up side the head.

"So now I'm out of sports and all that." I said kinda sad about not being able to do sports.

"Yea, but Mama, you can come home after schoo 'n be wit da Papa." Bert said trying to be all cool then gave me a kiss, still behind me with my hands on his rubbing my tummy.

"Yea I know Papa. But I'm just still a little said that I won't be able to do sports my senior year."

"So anywho, when's the baby due?" Lauren asked excitedly.

"Umm... About mid-April. Look I'm already starting to get a bump." I said lifting up my shirt to show them my stomach.

"Where is this bump? I don't see anything there."

"Whatever Im getting fat." I whined.

"You're getting moody too." Frankie said, earning a smack from Lauren.

"Mama we already had this talk. You won't get fat you'll just have a bump. Once you have the baby you'll be back to normal." Bert said kissing my forehead.

"Ok, fine you win because I don't feel like arguing." I said kissing Bert on the lips.