Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 13

~Fast Forward 2 Months~

December 20th

Over the past 2 months Lauren and I became best friends. She's taking shopping for maternity clothes so I'll have them when I can't fit in my clothes I have now anymore.

Yesterday we went last minute Christmas shopping. And let me tell you, I was tired when I got home. Bert and I had been talking about names for the babies for lately. Yes you heard me right babies, plural. We just found out 3 days ago that we're gonna have twins. But we still don't know the gender of the babies.

When my parents got back from their trip I told them that I was pregnant, I thought that they'd be upset but surprisingly they were... excited. They didn't even say anything about still being in high school. I was so happy and relieved, as was Bert.

Today is the day that Jepha, Quinn, Branden, Ray and Bob are coming home. Boy are they in for a surprise because not only am I now 4 months pregnant, but since I'm having twins my stomach is bigger than it would if I was only having one baby.

I woke up this morning to my stomach cold and Bert's head on my chest. Turns out he lifted up my shirt and was rubbing my belly while talking to our twins. I softly started to stroke his hair as he talked to the babies. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Morning Mama." Bert said then kissed my nose.

"Hi lovely. What were you telling the twins? "

"Oh just that they have the greatest mommy in the world and that I love all three of you." He said before he kissed my tummy then my lips.

"Aw Papa, we love you too. Did you also tell them that they have the bestest daddy in the world?"

"It might have come up in the conversation." He replied thoughtfully.

"You're such a dork Berty."

"I know but you love me."

"Yesh I do I do I dooooo."

"Alright Kel, the guys come home today." Bert said changing the subject. ((Me: If you've never heard 'I do I do I dooooo.' It's from the show 'Kenan and Kel.'))

"I know, I'm excited. Are we picking them up from the airport or are they coming here?"

"They're coming here at about 11:30ish. And it's..." Bert looked at the clock, "10:45 now."

"Ok, I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready." I said getting out of bed. I stretched and my shirt went up showing my belly. Bert took this as an invitation and kissed my bump. As I was walking to my bathroom, Bert slapped my ass. "Watch it McCracken." I warned.

"Oh I'm watching and I have to say, I LOVE the view Miss Way." Bert smirked.


"Hey I can look at my girlfriend's butt not like I haven't already seen every other part of your body."


"What?! It's the truth!" Bert defended laughing.