Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 14

I went and took my shower, got dressed in one of my fitted Clandestine shirts, FOB hoodie and jeans that I could still fit in even with my extra belly. I put on my chucks and did my make up. I walked out of the bathroom at 11:10 and walked downstairs with everyone else.

"Mama, the guys just called. They just landed and are gonna get their luggage so they should be here in about 15 minutes or so." Bert informed me when I entered the room. There wasn't any room on the couches or chairs so I started to sit down in front of Bert, but he pulled me up on his lap instead, "You don't have to sit on the floor baby."

"Papa, its fine, I dont mind. I'd rather sit on the floor than sit on you and crush you."

"You won't crush me, you dont weigh that much. I think my lap will be fine." Bert argued.

"Ok fine you win." I sighed defeated.

"Thank you. I love you Mama"

"I love you too Papa." I said and was about to kiss Bert but I heard the door open and many voices yell, "We're home!"

Everyone in the living room (me, Bert, Gerard, Mikey, Lauren and Frankie) all jumped up and ran to greet the guys. We gave everyone hugs and I hugged Jepha first. "I missed you guys so much." I said.

"We missed you guys too." Jeph said hugging me back, "Jeez Squirt, add a little weight over the past two months?" he asked noticing my extra pounds.

"Maybe just a little." I said the I unzipped my hoodie to show them my stomach.

"Holy shit, that's not fat, she's fucking pregnant!" Quinn yelled out.

"Yup, four months." Bert said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Are you sure she's only four months? She looks a lot bigger than four months." Bob enquired, looking at my belly.

"Well what do you expect when I have two times more babies growing in me?"

"You're having 4 babies?!" exclaimed Ray.

"No fucktart she's having twins." Bert said smacking Ray on the head.

For the next couple of hours we all just talked. We talked about the babies, about the guys' trip and just everything else. We were all watching a movie when the phone rang. No body went to answer it so I sighed and stood up.

"Jeez make the pregnant girl do everything... Hello?"