Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 16

The holidays went by really fast and I had to go back to school tomorrow. I got a lot of really cool presents for Christmas. I mean A LOT. Everyone was close to going overboard on the gifts. Bert got us matching rings that said 'B & M Forever and Always ♥'. It was so cute, I even cried, though I think it could have been because of my hormones for being pregnant, but oh well.

Right now Bert and I are all snuggled up together in our bed, under the new big, fluffy covers we received from my parents. I have my head on Bert's chest with my arms around him and his arms around me.

"Ah Papa, Christmas break is over and I dont want to go back to school just yet." I whined wrapping my arms tighter around him.

"I know Mama, but there's only a few months left." Bert reassured kissing the top of my head.

~Fast Forward~ February 14

"Ah, Berty, how cute, we have a baby appointment on Valentines Day." I said getting out of the car and walking up to the doctors office with Bert's fingers laced with mine.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the receptionist at the front desk greeted.

"Hi, we're here for a pregnancy check up."

"Ok, name please?"

"Melissa Way."

"Ok Miss Way, the doctor will be out shortly."

"Thank you."

As soon as we sat down the doctor came out and called my name, "Melissa Way?" We followed her to the exam room and started asking the normal questions. Soon she pulled out the sonogram machine and put some cold blue goop on my belly. She moved the thing around on my stomach and on the monitor you could see two little babies.

"Ah you're now almost 7 months arent you?"


"Then the babies are doing wonderful and they're healthy. They should come about the right time and everything looks good for you too. Keep up the good work." The doctor said before she left the room.

"Mama, our babies look so good. I love you soo much." Bert said kissing me.

"I love you too Papa."

Soon the doctor returned and pulled something out of her folder. She handed Bert and I each one. They were the sonograms from each appointment we've had.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?"

"Bert and I talked about it and we decided to wait and be surprised."

"Alright, that's fine." She wiped the gel off my belly, "Okay you're good to go. See you in a month."

"Berty! Only two more months! I can't wait." I said rubbing my tummy.

"I know Ma, I'm so excited! I love you so much. NOW that we're done with the appointment and our babies are perfect I have a surprise for you!" Bert said getting excited.

We got in the 4-runner and Bert drove us back home. He put a blind fold over my eyes and led me into the house. He went behind me and placed his hands around my waist and guided me upstairs. We walked down the hallway and stopped at the end. Bert opened a door and pulled me into the room. He took off the blind fold to reveal the most beautiful think I'd ever seen. The room was used as an unfinished storage room, but now it was a baby room. It had two white cribs, there wasn't any bed sets yet since we dont know what we are having. There was also a matching dresser and changing table along with a rocking chair.

"Oh Papa, it's beautiful." I said hugging him.

"I thought you'd like it. The guys did a lot of the work so I could keep you away and we did most of it when you were at school."

"Aw you're so sweet. I love it. I love you."

"I love you too. I only give you the best." Bert said kissing me softly.

"WE'RE HOME!" we suddenly heard Gerard yell.

"K, we'll be done in a minute." I yelled back, "Come on Papa, let's go see everyone."

I grabbed Bert's hand and pulled him downstairs with me. We followed the sounds of voices to try and find where everyone was. We finally found them in the family room. What I was surprised to see was for good friends of mine that I hadn't seen for a while.