Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 17

"Pete! Joe! Andy! Patrick!" I yelled excitedly at my friends from Fall Out Boy, "Holy shit! What the fuck are you doing here?"

"This is the last concert we have on this tour then we have a break so we decided to come visit friends." Andy informed us.

"You being the friends, of course." Joe added.

"That's great!"

"Yea so what's new? I heard you and Bert are dating now. Thats good to hear." Joe said then he got up and left the room.

"Yea, it's great. I'm doing great too. It's hot in here." I said taking off my hoodie and sitting down next to Bert on the couch.

"Whoa, wait a minute, stand back up." Pete said suddenly.

"Ah why? I just sat down." I whined.

"You'll get to sit back down just stand up for a minute."

"Fine." Bert helped me up off of the couch so now I was standing and Pete walked over to me and was standing in front of me.

"How come you never told us?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned back, confused.

"I'm talking about that." He said pointing to my belly, "Lil' Way isnt so little anymore. You look ready to pop."

"Oh yea haha I guess I forgot-" I started but got cut off by Joe walking back into the family room from the bathroom.

"Holy shit, she's pregnant!"

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Patrick said sarcastically.

"Hey shut the fuck up. She had a hoodie on earlier." Joe defended.

"Anyways yes I'm pregnant. 7 months to be exact."

"You look like you're about to explode though."

"That's because we're having twins." Bert said entering the conversation.

"Wow! That's great you guys!" Pete exclaimed

"Yea, what are you having?" Patrick asked.

"Twins you idiot. She just said that. You need to learn to LISTEN." Joe inquired.

"You fucking retard he meant if they were boys or girls." Pete said hitting Joe in the head. Everyone laughed.

"We dont know yet. We wanted to be surprised." I answered, "How long are you guys staying?"

"Wow randomness." Andy laughed.

"Hehe yea ADD." I stated, "But anyways, when are you guys- hey I've got a graduation invitation to give you guys." I said then got up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Ok wow that was weird. She was saying something about how long we were going to be here then she starts talking about graduation but she got up and went to find something to eat." Pete said informing everyone.

"Oh yea, I guess we just got used to it. Her ADD has been like that ever since she got pregnant because the meds she was taking for it she can't take being pregnant and the only thing she can take while she's pregnant she can't take because she's allergic to it." Bert explained.


"You guys, I want ice cream." I whined walking into the living room with a pickle. When the guys from FOB saw me they laughed while a couple other guys put their shoes on.

"You have a pickle in your hand and you say you want ice cream?" Joe laughed.

"Ha-ha, you try being 7 months pregnant with twin." I replied.

"Oh yea."

"Haha you fucking retard. I swear sometimes you can be the dumbest person here." I said laughing.

"Hey someone's gotta do it." He defended.

"Yea ok. Who's all going to get ice cream?" I asked looking around at everyone. Bert, Quinn, Gerard and Joe stood up. "Ok let's go!"

Joe, Quinn and Gerard all took off to Gerard's Range Rover while Bert and I slowly made our way to the car.

"Took you long enough." They whined.

"Hello! I'm fat I can't run!" I said pointing at my belly. "So just quit your bitching and moaning and go to Maggie Moo's!" ((Me: that place has the best ice cream.)) We got to Maggie Moo's and ordered our ice cream and ice cream for the people who didnt want to come. When we got all the ice cream we got back in the car then drove back home.

"We're back!" I hollered when I stepped through the door.

"Yea come get your damn ice cream." Gerard added behind me. Everyone got the ice cream they asked for and went back into the living room. I went into the kitchen to eat my ice cream and finish homework.

"Hey Mama, whatcha doin'?" Bert asked sitting in a chair next to me.

"Hey Papa. I'm just doing some homework. Do you need anything?" I asked looking at him. He smiled an evil grin before putting his arms around me and kissing me on the lips.

"Yea, you." He whispered making me smile as he kissed my ear. I stood up, put mine and his ice creams in the freezer, grabbed Bert's hand and pulled him upstairs with me. We went into our room and locked the door. I turned around from the door and was met with Bert's lips.

We made our way to the bed and Bert laid me down before he crawled on top of me. Our clothes slowly started flying until we were both naked. For a while we just laid on the bed making out.

"I love you Mama." Bert said making a trail of kissed from my lips to my neck.

"I love you too Papa.

Bert's kisses made their way back to my lips. He kissed me passionately as I felt him slowly start to enter me. I moaned as he started thrusting into me. Bert and I kept thrusting into each other for another hour or so. We were breathing heavily and sweaty. Bert put his head on my chest with his arms around my waist. I started softly stroking his hair because I know how much he likes it.

"I'm sorry Berty." I all of a sudden said.

"What? Why Baby?" Bert asked lifting up his head to look at me. He looked worried and I couldnt help but giggle.

"Oh Papa, nothing's wrong. I'm just saying sorry because that's probably the last time you'll get any action for a while." I said sadly.

Bert laughed and kissed my shoulder, "Mama, dont worry about that, I've gone longer without having sex, I can wait. You're worth it. Besides I dont want anything to happen to you or the babies." He said sincerely.

"Thank you Papa."

"No prob bob." He said kissing me on the lips. Bert laid his head back down on my chest. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. He lifted them up into the air, looking at them together.

"Mama, what do you think the twins will be like?"

"Well let's see. I want a boy and a girl. I think they will be the most beautiful babies in the world because they have a gorgeous daddy. I also think they will be two of the most hyper children ever. But thats ok because I know we'll be able to handle them. Oh and I swear they will most likely have ADHD." I laughed at the last thing I said.

"You forgot to mention that their mommy is the hottest. Most beautiful women I've ever seen." He really knows how to make a girl blush, "Do you think I will be a good dad and they will like me?"

"Aw baby, don't worry about that. They'll love you. I know I do."

"Ok Mama. I love you too." Bert said then again we had another make out session. When we broke apart for a breathe I looked at the clock and saw that we're been up stairs longer than I thought. It was about 1 when we went upstairs and now it's about 6:30.