Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 18

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I said unwinding myself from Bert and the blankets.

"Mind if I join you?" Bert asked still all tangled up in the blankets. I was in the bathroom already and stuck my head out the door.

"I think that can be arranged." I walked back in and climbed into the shower. Seconds later I heard the bathroom door open and the Bert opened the shower curtain. He smiled at me before climbing in with me. He stood behind me and grabbed my sponge and Ivory body wash. Bert was still behind me and put some Zest on the sponge and started rubbing the soap on my back. He washed my back then wrapped his arms around my waist, still behind me, and started washing my torso area. He started slowly kissing my back, then my shoulder, and then he kissed me right behind my ear. I giggled and I could feel him smile against my ear.

"Baby, I think my belly is clean by now." I whispered turning my head to meet Bert's lips. Again I could feel Bert smile against my lips.

"Ha maybe you're right." He said kissing my lips again. He turned me around so I was now facing him. He started slowly washing the whole front side of my body. He picked one of my legs up and slowly washed it, admiring my legs.

"Bert McCracken, are you trying to feel me up?" I asked laughing when he was washing my thigh and working upward.

"Maybe" he said slyly, and then started giggling. I laughed, I mean come on, after hearing him giggle, it's so cute. It just makes him that much hotter. I felt Bert put his hands on my hips then he kissed up my thigh until he got to my hips, he kissed over to just above my cooch. He started kissing up. He stopped at my belly button and started kissing and licking it. He then started working his way up my stomach to my breasts. He kissed both my breasts then in between them before kissing up to my collar bone. He started slowly kissing and sucking my collar bone then went to my throat. He kissed my jaw line to my ear then my cheek bone to my nose. Finally he brought his kisses to my lips. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked looking into Bert's eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied staring back into my eyes.

"I love you so much Berty." I said kissing him again.

"I love you to Missy. I don't know how I ever lived without you."

We finished washing each other and finally decided to get out of the shower. We got dressed and went downstairs, hand-in-hand.

"Damn 'bout time you guys came back down." Jeph said, being the first to notice us.

"Yeah you're already pregnant what else do you want?" questioned Branden.

"Hey shut up, she's almost 8 months pregnant. We won't be able to do anything any more 'til the twins are probably a couple months old." Bert defended.

"Ahaha, Bert won't get laid for like 4-5 months." Joe laughed at Bert.

"Joe, you havent been laid for like 7 months." Andy retaliated. Everyone burst into laughter.

"Fuck you guys. I don't have a girlfriend like him though."

"Yea but do you realize that she's PREGNANT?" everyone laughed again.

"Did anyone get the mail today?" I asked from my spot next to Bert on the couch.

"Yeah, it's on the kitchen table." Gerard said.

"Ok." I went to the kitchen to see if I got anything. I was looking though it, Mikey, Gerard, Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Frank, Me, Me, Mikey, Me. I took all my mail and went back to the living room. I looked at my mail, my grades from school was first. I'm not the smartest person ever but I do my homework and still get good grades. I made it on honor role too. "Here Gee." I handed the envelope that school sent me. The second thing to me was an Eastbay Sports catalogue. I got to the third thing and "Yes!" everyone looked over at my because of my sudden out burst.

"Yes what?" asked Ray.

"My senior pictures are here!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Well let's see 'em." Gerard said.

"Hold your horses I want to look at them first. Then you can look at them." I said pulling my pictures out of the folder.

I started looking at them. They actually turned out pretty good. I was surprised to see that the photographer actually printed the ones she took of me with Bert. He came with me to get my pictures done and the photographer insisted to have Bert in some pictures with me. I smiled at how good the pictures were. I was happy about the turn out.

Some of the pictures of us included me on Bert's lap, me on Bert's back, us sitting on the ground with me between Bert's legs and out fingers laced together, and Bert and me walking, both looking at each other with big smiles on our faces, fingers laced together. I came to the last picture. It was an 8x10 picture of me standing with Bert right next to me, his hands on my belly and my hands on his, again our fingers laced and we were kissing. I never knew she took that picture.

On the back of the picture that was a stinky note that said 'Melissa, best wishes with Bert and the baby. If you have anything wrong with the pictures feel free to all me. Good luck!  Kami.' I smiled at how sweet she was. At the time we rushed to get my pictures down because I had just found out I was pregnant and I didnt have much time until I was going to majorly start showing.

"Aw Papa, look at this one." I said showing the last picture of us together to him.

"Mama, that's so cool. When did she take it?"

"I don't know." I answered laughing. "We need to frame it though."

"Of course."

I looked through the pictures more closely. "Haha look, you can tell I was getting a stomach." I said showing Bert the picture.

"Mels, these are really good." Lauren said.

"Thanks, I thought that they- ow." I put my hand on my belly. Then I felt it again. "Ow"

"Mama what's wrong? Are you okay?" Bert asked worriedly. I smiled and took Bert's hand and placed it on my belly where I left the pain. The pain came again and I smiled at Bert, "You feel that?"

"Yea is something wrong?" he asked still worried.

"Papa, the babies are kicking!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh my god! My babies are kicking!!"

"I wanna feel!" Gerard yelled coming over to us.

"Ok give me your hand." He game me his hand and I placed it on the spot that I was getting kicked at. Soon everyone wanted to feel them kick. The last person was Frankie, but when he put his hand on my belly nothing happened.

"Oh come on!" Frankie whined, "When it gets to my turn they stop kicking."

"Aw I'm sorry baby." Lauren sympathized Frankie, then gave him a hug.

"Don't worry Frankie, when they start kicking again I'll tell you first so you can feel." I said.

"Ok!" he said perking up. The next day he got to feel them kick and the rest of the day he came up to me to see if he could feel them kick again.

Two months has passed and I'm almost to my due date. Everyone is getting excited that they're all going to be 'Uncles' and Lauren is going to be and 'Aunt'. We had a baby shower a couple weeks again and Bert and I got a lot of cute baby accessories.

This morning I woke up to my alarm. I looked at my massive belly and sighed. 'Any day now.' I got out of bed and started doing my morning routine. It was about 7:45 a.m. when I was all done. I went downstairs to get my shoes and book bag. Bert was ready and waiting for me.

"You ready, Babe?"

"Yea Papa, lets roll." I started walking to the car when I got an urge to pee again. "God damn, I just went pee and now I have to go again." I made my way back into the house and to the bathroom. I went pee and started walking outside when the urge came again. "You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled. I made it back to the bathroom and right when I stepped in I felt something run down my leg. I looked down to see a puddle of clear liquid.