Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 19

"Oh my god! BERT!" I yelled. I heard running footsteps from upstairs and soon Lauren, Mikey, and Gerard were at the bathroom door.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked.


"Oh my god. Ok let's get you to the car. Just breathe." Lauren took me out to the car where Bert was waiting, he saw me and quickly jumped out of the car over to me.

"Mama, what's wrong?"

"It's time!"

"Ok let's go."

We got to the hospital and quickly got a room. The doctor came to check on me and said, "Well Melissa, it's looking pretty good. Right now you're around 4 centimeters and progressing very quickly. These babies will be out in no time."

The doctor was right, about an hour and half after she said I was at 4 cm she came back and said I was fully dilated and ready to deliver. "Let's go have us some babies. Daddy you need to go get your scrubs on."

Bert left to do what the doctor told him to do while they wheeled me to the delivery room. The contractions were getting closer and closer. I wanted to push but they told me not to. Bert rushed back in wearing scrubs. Although I was laying there in pain waiting to deliver twins, I still thought Bert looked hot.

"Ok Melissa, I'm going to need you to start pushing when you have the urge to, ok?" the doctor explained.


"Ok here it comes, big push. Bert you count to 10 like the nurse is doing." The doctor instructed.

"Ok, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." Bert counted.

"Alright, you're doing great so far, Melissa. This is all going to go quickly. Ready and push."

"1, 2, 3, 9, 10."

"Good job, we've got the first ones head breaching. Just on more big push. Go."

"1, 2, 3, 9, 10."

Next thing I knew I heard a baby cry. The doctor held it up to show me, "It's a girl! Would you like to cut the cord Dad?"

"Yea!" Bert cut the cord and came back over to me, "She's beautiful, I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"Ok, here comes the next one!" the doctor called to everyone. "Big push Melissa."

I squeezed Bert's hand and pushed as hard as I could.

"Ok good one, just one more big push and it'll all be over."

I again pushed as hard as I could until I heard another baby cry. "It's a boy!"

Bert cut the cord again then came back over to me. "Mama you did wonderful, both babies are perfect." He kissed me on the lips.

"Where are they now?"

"The nurses took them to get cleaned up then weighed and measured and all that good stuff."

Just as he said that, two nurses came up to us. One was holding a baby in a pink blanket and the other one had a baby in a blue blanket. "Congratulations Mom and Dad! The girl was born first at 8:27 a.m., today, Monday April 10, 2006, and she weighs 6 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches. The boy was born 5 minutes after. He weighs 6 lbs 11 oz and is also 21 inches." The first nurse gave me our daughter and the second nurse gave Bert our son. "What are their names?"

"Well we decided Dakota Rae for her and Tyson Robert for him." I said looking at my twins.

"Wonderful! So Dakota Rae and Tyson Robert Way." The first one said.

"McCracken." I said.

"Excuse me?" she asked sweetly. She looked at me confuse as to what I said.

"Dakota Rae and Tyson Robert McCracken." Bert looked at me with a huge smile then kissed my lips.

"Oh alright. I'll make sure that's what's on the birth certificates." The nurses left and it was only me and Bert left in the room with our new born son and daughter.

"Papa, do you want to hold Kota?"

"Haha you already gave her a nickname and she's not even 20 minutes old." He said laughing.

"I know, now let me hold Ty." We switched babies and I looked down at Tyson, "Papa they're so beautiful and perfect."

"Just like their Mama." Bert kissed me and right as he did the door opened and my family came in.

"Hey guys!" Gerard said coming over to us, with my mom, dad, and Mikey behind him/

"Hi Uncle Gerard, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Mikey." I smiled at all of them.

"Oh sweetie, they're so beautiful!" My mom gushed.

"Yea, what are my niece and nephew's name?" Mikey asked looking down at the twins.

"Well this is Tyson Robert." I started, motioning to Tyson in my arms.

"And this is Dakota Rae." Bert finished, motioning to Dakota in his arms.

"Oh I like the names." My dad said.

"Thank you, would you guys like to hold them?"

They all nodded so I handed Tyson to Gerard and Bert handed Dakota to my mom. After playing 'pass the babies' they all left to let the others come in. the next people that came in were Bob, Frankie, Lauren and Ray. We did the same thing as when the others were in here then they left to let the 3rd group of people in. So soon after they left Branden, Jeph, Quinn and an unfamiliar face came in.

"Hey guys, Congratulations!" Branden said walking over to my bed.

"Hey you guys are now Uncle Branden, Uncle Jeph, Uncle Quinn and I'm sorry I dont know you." I said looking at the guys and stopping at the unknown face.

"Yea, Melissa, Bert, this is Kallie my girlfriend. Kallie this is Melissa and Bert and obviously their new born babies." Quinn said introducing us.

"Hi, its nice to have another girl around, because right now its only me and Lauren."

"Haha yea that's what Lauren said."

We talked and they held the babies and soon they all left. They sent in Pete, Patrick, Joe and Andy.

"Guys! Where's my niece and nephew?" Pete said walking over to us on the bed. He saw the babies and his face lit up. "They look just like me! Yay!"

"Pete, they look nothing like you." I said stating a fact.

"What do you know? You're delusional from just having twins and all the drugs they gave you."

We played pass the babies one last time and everyone left.

"Papa, I'm exhausted. All of you make me tired."

"I'm sorry Mama, why don't you go to sleep?"

"Ok I'll do tha-" I got cut off by a nurse coming in.

"Feeding time." She picked up Dakota and brought her over to me. "Now I'll show you how to do this with her then you can do it with the other baby."

"Ok" I said tiredly.

"Ok so you're going to need to lift your shirt up so the baby can suck from the nipple." I did as told and she handed me Dakota. She told me how to hold her and all that stuff. I started feeding Dakota and when she was done the nurse took her before handing me Tyson. She told me that I just do the same thing with him as I did with Dakota then left the room. As I was feeding Tyson, Bert just watched and waited patiently. Tyson was taking longer then Dakota did and I was slowly falling asleep. I was asleep when Tyson finally finished so Bert took him from me then cleaned up my chest and put my shirt back down.