Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 20

When I woke up the next morning Bert was holding Dakota and standing next to Tyson's crib, looking at them both. I smiled and grabbed my camera that was next to my bed. Bert had his back towards me so he didnt know I was awake or that I just took a picture of him. He started softly singing to them while slowly rocking back and forth. When he was done singing I guess Dakota went to sleep so Bert put her back in her crib. He turned around and looked surprised when he saw me smiling at him.

"Papa, you're too cute."

He came over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips, "How are you feeling Mama?"

"I'm still a little tired but I'm good. You looked so sweet with the twins just a minute ago Baby."

"Well it's all them, not me. They're the cute, sweet, innocent looking once." I just smiled and Bert crawled into my bed with me.

A couple days passed and the twins and I were finally allowed to go home. Bert had gone home to get clothes for me and the babies and to put the car-seats in the car. One of the nurses wheeled me out to the front of the hospital where Bert was waiting for us with the 4-Runner. I stood up from the wheel chair and helped Bert put Dakota and Tyson into the car-seats.

"YES! We're free! Let's get the fuck out of this place." I said getting into the passenger seat.

"Ok, let's go." Bert started the car and we left for home.

When we got home everyone was there. Gerard, Mikey, Mom, Dad, Frankie, Lauren, Ray, Bob, Quinn, Kallie, Jepha, Branden, Pete, Patrick, Andy, Joe and my other best friend Amelia. There was a huge banner that said, "Welcome to the World Dakota and Tyson, Congratulations Bert and Melissa!" and everyone signed it at the bottom. There was also a table full of food and on the floor there was a big pile of gifts.

"You guys! You didnt have to do all of this!" I said smiling at everyone. I looked over at Amelia, "And you, Mimi, did you skip school just to be here when we came home?"

"Of course I did! I wouldnt miss it. I'm so happy for you Issa Bear."

"You're not happy for me?!" Bert fake cried on my shoulder.

"Oh well of course I am Robert." She said smiling sweetly.

"Melio I thought we talked about that already. It's not ROBERT!"

"Oh you're no fun."

"So let's get this party started!" I said taking Tyson out of his car-seat and Bert had Dakota.
We opened presents and got so much stuff. I couldnt even figure some of the stuff out. After we opened gifts and put the bed sets on the cribs we put the twins down for a nap. Me, my mom, Amelia, Lauren, and Kallie went and sat on the back porch with the baby monitor while all 13 guys played football.

"So Mama Way, do you feel old?" Amelia asked looking at my mom.

"Well yes and no, because Missy is only 18." Mom answered smiling.

"Donna, were you mad when Mels told you she was pregnant? Since she is only 18?" asked Lauren.

"Not really, because it's her life and I know that Bert and her really love each other and Bert will take care of her and the babies."

"Aw Mom, thank you so much. I love you." I said hugging her.

"Oh sweetie you're welcome. I love you too." She said hugging me back.

We talked for a little while longer until we heard one of the babies start to cry.

"I better go check on them." I stood up and Amelia stood up too.

"I'll help."

"Ok thank you." We went back in the house and up to the twins' room. I opened the door and saw that Dakota was crying and Tyson was wide awake in his crib. I picked Dakota up to calm her down.

"Shh it's ok Kota, Mommy's here. I've got you. Look Auntie Melia is here too." I cooed to her. She stopped crying almost instantly. I changed her diaper and handed her to Amelia so I could change Tyson's diaper too. When I was done, Dakota started whining again so I handed Tyson back to Amelia and picked up Dakota. She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up.

"Silly girl, she just wants mommy to hold her."

We took the twins back downstairs and rejoined everyone on the back porch.

"Kota needed her diaper changed." I told them sitting back down in my original sear. Us girls talked for a little while longer until the guys finished their game. When they were done they joined us on the porch. Bert decided he didnt want to sit on the ground so he sat on my lap, being careful to not sit on Dakota. He wasn't really heavy so it was ok with him on my lap.

"Dad, are you gonna start the grill?" I asked my dad.

"Yea, Gerard, go get me the hamburgers." He said to me then to Gerard.

"And veggie burgers!" Jeph yelled.

"How are my babies doing?" Bert asked kissing my lips, Dakota's forehead and got up, took Tyson from Amelia and kissed his forehead, too.

"Hey Miss, I'll be right back. Jonathan wanted me to watch Matt tonight." Amelia said standing up and getting her keys.

"Ok, see you in a bit. Tell Jon I said hi."

"Will do, be back."

"Who are Jonathan and Matt?" Kallie asked clueless.

"Jonathan is Amelia's older brother and Matt is his son." I explained.

"Oh ok."

A few minutes passes and we heard Amelia pull up and soon we heard a little voice, "Aunt Issa! Aunt Issa!" Matt ran as fast as his two and a half year old legs would take him.

"Matty!" I exclaimed when he appeared on the porch.

"Aunt Issa, you have babies?" that was always the first thing he asked me whenever he came over or whenever he sees me.

"Yea, Matty, looky. This is Dakota and Tyson."

"Me sees. Uncy Bee, I wan see!"

"Ok come here Mattio and you can see." Bert said handing me Tyson. He lifted Matt on to his lap so he could see.

"Aunt Mela look! Babies!" he said looking at Amelia but pointing at the twins.

"I see them Matty."

"Hi babies, I Matty." He said to the twins, "Who are day?"

"Well this is Dakota and her little brother Tyson." Bert introduced.

"Yay! Tan I pay wiff Tota and Tys?" he asked in his toddler voice.

"Not yet. They're too young right now." I said.

"Otay." He looked around at everyone and waved. "Hi people."

Amelia watches Matt all the time and she brings him over to our house to hang out because Jonathan's house is just a few blocks away. So he knows who pretty much everyone is.