Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 21

Matt was looking over everyone and stopped at Kallie. He got off of Bert's lap and went over to Lauren's lap who was in the chair next to Kallie, "Hi! I Matty, who you?"

"Hi Matty, I'm Kallie, Quinn's girlfriend." She answered sweetly to him.

"Winn you have a girfend now?"

"Yes I do, and from what Aunt Melia says, you do too." Quinn said teasing him.

"*gasp* Mattio you have a girlfriend?" Bert teased him also.

"Yup she dis many." He said holding up 3 fingers.

"Oh he's going for the older women." Pete laughed.

"Matty, what's your girlfriend's name?" Amelia asked, trying to get him to tell us more.

"Mel'nie." He said with a smile.

"You'll have to bring Melanie over sometime then Matty. When the twins are older you guys can come over and play with them." I suggested.

"Otay." He got off of Lauren's lap and walked around to great everyone else. "Hi G-Mama Way, G-Papa Way, Uncy Gee, Uncy Mickey, Uncy Fankie, Uncy Way, Uncy Bobby, Uncy Jweph, Uncy Banden, Uncy Pete, Uncy Patwick, Uncy Jwoe, and Uncy Andwy."

Matt obviously isnt any of our kids but he still insists to call everyone Uncle or Aunt. Even G-Mama and G-Papa to my parents. It's so cute how he says everyone's name. He's such a cutie patutie. We all love him like he was our nephew though and everyone spoils him.
Matt saw Gerard get up from his chair to go to the bathroom and made a mad dash for the seat. He stood up; standing close to the back of the chair so there was still a lot of room on the seat. Gerard came back and saw on the extra space of the chair.

"Hey guys, where'd Matty go? I dont see him anywhere." Gerard said playing.

Matt giggled but didnt say anything.

"I dont know Gee, but is it just me or did you hear him giggle?" Quinn played along.

Matt giggled again and Bert said, "I heard it too."

Amelia decided to play along also, "Oh no guys, if we don't find him, Jonathan is going to kill me!"

Matt giggled one last time before putting his hands over Gerard's eyes, "Oh my god, I'm blind!"

Matt removed his hands and said, "Siwy Uncy Gee, its jwust me, Matty! I'm right behind yous."

"Whoa Matty you scared me, I thought we lost you!"

"Nope I is here."

"Ok thats good." Gerard the grabbed him and started tickling him.

"*giggles* Uncy Gee *giggles* stwop! *giggles* Aunty Issa *giggles* help me!!!*giggles*"

Gerard stopped tickling him and sat him on his lap. Matt started to fall asleep and so did the twins, "Amelia we can take him and lay him down on my bed and put the twins in they're cribs in my room." I suggested looking at the sleeping children.

"Ok that sounds good." She picked Matt up.

"Alright, here Papa, you can take one of the twins and help, please." I said/asked Bert.

"Sure Mama." He grabbed Dakota and got off my lap. We took the three of them upstairs and Amelia laid Matt on my huge bed and he woke up a little.

"I go night night?"

"Yea Matty, you and the twins are going to stay up here and go to sleep. But here's the baby monitor if you need it, ok?"

"Otay, nighty night."

"Nighty night." Amelia gave him a kiss on the forehead.

I sat Tyson down in his crib and put his blanket over him and Bert did the same for Dakota. I turned the baby monitor that stayed in the room on and grabbed the one so I could listen for them. Bert grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. He turned off the light and closed the door before facing me.

"I couldn't be happier right now." He said before kissing me.

"I know, I'm on cloud nine. I've got the things I've always wanted. Lots of family and friends around constantly, the man of my dreams, and two beautiful, healthy babies."

"I love you Mama, so fucking much."

"I love you too Papa. More than you'll ever know."

We headed back down stairs with everyone else and just talked and had fun the rest of the evening. But after a while everyone wanted to either go home or go to sleep. We said our goodnights and headed to our different destinations. Amelia had taken Matt home when everyone else was leaving. I got ready for bed and checked on the twins. They were still sleeping peacefully, so I crawled into bed with the love of my life.

"Goodnight, I love you Robert Edward McCracken."

"Goodnight, I love you too Melissa Jean Way."

The next morning was Monday and I decided to take the twins with me to go get my school work that I'd be missing while I was gone from school.