Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 22

I woke up at about 8:30 and untangled myself from Bert's arms and got ready for the day. I took a quick shower while the twins were sleeping. When I got out I got dressed and did my make-up and walked into the bedroom to see Bert rocking the twins on the rocker.

"Here Papa, I'll feed one of them." I said walking closer to the rocker.

"Ok Tyson seems crankier than Dakota so I'll give him to you." Bert said passing me our son.

I started breast feeding Tyson and just watched him. He's so precious and beautiful. So is Dakota. I sometimes can't believe I ever had them. The whole time I could feel Bert's eyes lovingly watching me. I dont know why he likes watching me feed them, but he does. He says it's just a beautiful site. After Tyson was done I traded Bert twins and started feeding Dakota. Bert was burping Tyson.

"Papa, I'm gonna take the twins with me to go get my school work later. But first I gotta call the school."

"Ok I have to go to a meeting with our manager anyways so thats fine."

"Alright." Dakota was done so I started burping her, "Papa, you wanna go ahead nad change him and put different clothes on him?"

"Sure baby."

"Thank you."

I got up after Dakota burped and changed her diaper also. After I changed her I went over to the dresser to pick out clothes. I landed on a onsie that said 'I'm with the Bands' on the front and 'MCR & The Used' on the back. I grabbed a pair of jeans and socks and went back to the changing table. I dressed Dakota and grabbed her pink baby Chuck Taylors and put them on her. When I was all done, I picked her up and turned to see Bert holding Tyson. He put Tyson in a onsie that said 'Hardcore Punk Rocker', a pair of jeans, and all black baby Chuck Taylors.

"Nice choice." I said approvingly.

"You too."

"Thanks, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go call school." I said walking downstairs to get the phone and phone book. I opened the book with Dakota still in my arms and looked for the number. Once I found it, I dialed the number.

"(insert name here) High School, Carol speaking."

"Hi this is Melissa Way."

"Oh hi Melissa! How are you and the babies?"

"We're fine, but I was wondering if you could tell my teachers that I'm going to come and pick up my work if that's alright."

"Of course. I'll send them emails to tell them that you will be stopping by."

"Great, thank you so much."

"No problem."



"Well Kota, you ready to go with mommy to school while daddy goes to his meeting? I bet you are. Yeah. Let's go get Tyson, say bye bye to Daddy then we'll go to school." I said talking baby to her. I went back upstairs to my room to see Bert lying on the bed playing with Tyson. "Papa, you always do stuff that makes me want to take pictures."

"Well it's not my fault you're such a picture junkie."

"And it's not my fault you're so cute all the time." I said setting Dakota on the bed next to her dad and brother. "Be right back."

I went downstairs and grabbed my camera and the car seats. When I got back upstairs I heard Bert softly singing. I quickly took pictures before walking over to the bed when I got closer I could tell what he was singing.
"when masturbations lost its fun, you're fucking breaking"


"What?" he asked looking at me.

"Why are you singing that to our week old children?"

"For one they're only 5 days old, Babe," he smiled at me, "And its Green Day Duh."

"I know its Green Day. But sometimes they're not most appropriate thing to sing to kids." I tried defending.

"You know they're gonna hear it sooner or later from everyone here anyways."

"Fine, whatever, you win. I dont wanna argue."

"Ok, I love you Mama."

"I love you too Papa. What time do you have to be at your meeting?" I asked tickling Tyson and Dakota.

"About 12:30-ish." Bert replied.

"Oh ok it's about 9:30 now so come her and give me some lovin's before we leave."

"Ok hold on," he picked up the twins and laid them down in their cribs them crawled over to me on the bed, "Ok I'm here."

"Good, now kiss me." Bert crawled on top of me and our lips met in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we made out for a few minutes. We finally pulled away and I sighed happily, looking into Bert's blue eyes.

"I should probably go now. Will you help me with the twins?" I asked giving him a sweet peck on the lips.

"Sure baby." He gave me one more kiss before going and picking Dakota up. I picked Tyson up and we put them into their car seats. After we buckled them in Bert grabbed the baby bag and took Dakota out to the 4-Runner. I followed close behind with Tyson. We put them in the car and made sure they were strapped in right. I met Bert on the driver's side and he opened the door for me.

"I guess I'll see you later. Have a good meeting. We shouldnt be gone too long. But I'll see you when you get home later today. I love you." I said getting into the car and starting it.

"Ok, I'll try to have a good meeting. I have no idea what it's for though. Have fun with the twins. I love you too." He gave me a kiss before I closed the door. "Drive careful."

"Ok, I will. Love you, Bye."

"Love you too, bye babies, bye Mama." he kissed me again and I pulled out of the driveway. I drove the short distance to the school and parked the car. I got out and went to the door right behind me and got Dakota's car seat out. I grabbed the baby bag also before shutting the door. Then I went over and got Tyson out of the car. I locked the doors, grabbed both carriers, and made my way to the doors of the high school. When I got inside I made my way over to the office. The secretary that I talked to on the phone, Carol, saw me and came over to help me get the twins inside.

"Melissa, its so good to see you. You look great after just having twins." She gushed.

"Thank you."

"May I hold one of them?"

"Sure, this is Dakota and this is Tyson."

"They're gorgeous! Who's older?"

"Dakota by five minutes, though youd never know because Tyson sure does eat a lot." I said, rubbing my sore breasts.

"Oh of course, boys always do. I have two sons and a daughter."

We talked for a little bit longer, and the other workers that knew me stopped and looked at the babies. After I said good bye to all of them I put the twins back in the carriers and made my way to my math class, Mrs. Martinie. ((Me: that really is my math teacher and when my brother was in her class she had a student teacher named Mr. Olive)) I walked into the class room and was immediately greeted by people.


"Hey guys." I said setting the carriers down.

"Ok I guess we can take a break to see how Melissa and the babies are doing." Mrs. Martinie said walking over to me, "How are you doing, sweetie?"

"I'm doing wonderful." I said smiling.

When I got to this class, 2nd block had just started, and this was my 2nd block class.

"What are the baby's names?" one of my friends, Jessi, asked.

"The boy is Tyson Robert and the girl is Dakota Rae."

"I like the names." Lyndsey said.


"Which one is older?" Chelby asked. ((Me: some people say Chelby wrong so it's the same as Shelby just with a 'Ch' instead of 'Sh'))

"Dakota, by 5 minutes."

"They're so cute!" gushed Mrs. Martinie.

We talked for longer than I thought and 2nd block was already over. I decided to say back a little longer before heading up to the 3rd floor (math is on the 1st floor) and not get caught in the crowd of everyone going to 3rd block or lunch. Carrying two car seats with babies in them wouldnt be good with everyone else in the halls. Once 3rd block started, I went up to the third floor to my world geography class. Personally my world geo class is the most fun class I have. When I finally made it to the 3rd floor I went down the hallway to the second to last door. I walked in and again I was immediately greeted by everyone.

"Melissa!" everyone but Amelia greeted.

"My niece and nephew!" was how Amelia greeted. She jumped out of her chair and ran over to the carrier closest to her and took it from me. She took the baby out and started playing with it.

"Kota Rae!" then she started baby talking to her.

"Glad to see you're more excited to see them than you are to see me." I said fake pouting.

"They're new, you're old." Was Amelia's reply. I just stuck my tongue out at her as everyone crowded around her and Dakota.

"You know there is more than one baby with me." I said laughing and taking Tyson out of his car seat.

"So Kota Rae? What's his name?" Naomi asked coming over to me.

"Actually it's Dakota Rae, Amelia and I just call her Kota. And this is Tyson Robert."

"Aww so cute! Can I hold him?" Naomi asked getting excited.

"Sure." I handed Tyson over to her and talked to everyone and Mr. Hemphill until they had to go to lunch and I decided to go to my other classes. When I finally got all of my work, I had a folder full of stuff. I took my now sleepy twins out to the 4-runner and went home. We got home and I put the twins to sleep for a nap and went back downstairs to watch TV on the couch. I was slowly falling asleep until I finally was out. I woke up to Bert crawling on top of me and kissing me on my nose, cheeks and lips.

"Hi Papa." I said still sleepy.

"Hey Mama, have a good nap?" he asked kissing my cheek, still straddling me.

"Mhmm, until somebody came and woke me up."

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's ok, just sleep with me."

"Ok, night Mama."

"Night Papa." We kissed then I fell asleep with Bert's arms wrapped around me on the couch.