Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 23

It was about 4 o'clock when I woke back up. I looked around and noticed that I was upstairs in my bedroom. Bert wasnt with me anymore so I decided to go look for him. I went to the baby room first to check if they were still there or if Bert was in there. Bert was sitting on the rocking chair with both twins in his arms. He saw me, put the twins back, turned the lights off and pulled me out of the room.

"Hi Mama, have a good sleep?" Bert asked, kissing me.

"Yea, much needed sleep."

"That's good. I'm sure it was much needed." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"How was your meeting?" I asked wrapping my arms around him also and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Let's go downstairs and talk. Everyone else is at Ray's house. They won't be home til late."

"Ok." I said, Bert picked me up and started walking to the stairs, "Baby, you dont have to carry me. I can walk on my own."

"But I wanna."

"Fine." I said wrapping my legs around his waist and rewrapping my arms around his neck.

We got downstairs and went to the living room. Bert sat down on the couch with me still wrapped around him.

"Our manager said that The Used and MCR have a tour starting May 16th." He started, and I frowned. I'd have to stay alone with the twins and they would most likely miss my graduation. "But all of us told him that we couldnt start that early. Gerard stood up and shouted, 'What the fuck?! We can't start that early! My baby sister graduates May 20th! We can't leave without her. She can't go to school and take care of her and Bert's babies all by herself! We have to be at her graduation, too!' It was actually pretty funny seeing him all worked up, but I was pissed too. So our managers talked and decided that they'll move the date back to May 26th instead. We asked if we were allowed to have our girlfriends and of course the twins come with us and they said that you could come." He finished.

"Papa, thats great! It would have been weird not going on tour with you guys. I love going on tour and I've always gone with My Chem when they went on tour."

"That's what Gerard said and thats why he fought the managers about the tour date."

"We'll all be together, your first tour with us as a couple and as parents and it's the twins' first tour. I can't wait!" I looked up at Bert, since I was on his lap and kissed his lips and pulled away to look into his eyes, "I love you baby."

He kissed me and said, "I love you too sugar."

Two weeks have gone by and today is Monday, April 24th. The twins are now 2 weeks old and I decided to go back to school so I would still be able to graduate in a month.

I woke up at 6:30, and started doing my morning routine. I took a shower, put moose (or mouse as my mom's friend likes to call it) in my hair so it was curly and walked out of the bathroom with my towel on. I pulled out a pair of jeans, socks, underwear, bra and a 'Paramore' band t-shirt. I dropped the towel and put my clothes on. I turned around to sit on the bed to put my socks on and saw Bert awake with a grin on his face.

"I see you liked what you saw." I said with my eyebrows raised and patted Bert's 'happy self'.

"Well yea, what do you expect?" he asked.

"I dont know, but you're on your own with this one. I can't do anything for another month and I have finish getting ready."

Bert got out of bed and took a quick shower while I grabbed my chucks and put them on. After I put my shoes on, I grabbed my back pack and put the books I would need today in it. Bert came back out before I was done, walked over to me, kissed my temple and walked out of the room. I walked back into the bathroom and did my make up. I was almost done when Bert came in with the twins in his arms.

"Look babies, its mommy getting ready to go to school. Its just gonna be me, you and your uncles today." Bert said kissing the slide of their heads.

"Hi babycakes, I won't be gone too long. I'll come home right after school. I'll feed you when I get home while daddy gets me something to eat." I said taking Dakota from Bert and kissing her head before kissing Tyson's head too.

"Oh yea, and who said I would do that, Miss Way?"

"Well I did of course, because I'll be feeding your twins." I joked, "I'm just kidding Papa. I can do it myself."

"I know, I was joking too. Of course I'd get you something to eat. But they're not just my twins. It takes two to tango."

"Yea but you're the one with sperm and I couldnt have gotten pregnant without your help." I said giving Bert a kiss on the lips, "I still love you and the twins with all my heart and soul, but, now I gotta finish getting ready so get outta here." I laughed.

"Oh feisty." Bert joked, "Come on Dakota, Mommy doesnt want us with her anymore. Let's go and watch cartoons." Bert took the twins downstairs and I finished getting ready. When I was done I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. Bert was sure enough on the floor in front of the TV with the twins watching cartoons.

"My babies, I gotta go." I went over and kissed all 3 of my babies on the head. Bert stood up and hugged then kissed me passionately.

"Bye Mama, have a good day." He said giving me a peck on the lips.

"Bye Papa, I will and I'll see you when I get home." I gave him peck.

"Ok, I love you." He gave me another peck.

"I love you too." I said kissing him a little longer this time, "Bye Dakota, bye Tyson. I love you."

I went to the front door, grabbed my back pack, purse and keys. I went out to the four-runner. Threw my stuff in the back and got into the driver's sear. I started it up and made my way to school. I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed my stuff before making my way over to Amelia at our usual hang out.

"Hey Mimi." I said sitting down by her.

"Hey Iss, welcome back."

"Thanks, glad to be back, but I miss my 3 babies."

"Hey Melissa, good to have you back, but I thought you have twins not triplets." My friend Blaine said.

I laughed and said, "Hey Blaine, hey Tanner. I did have twins, Dakota and Tyson, but I was talking about the twins and Bert."

"Oh! Duh." He laughed.

We talked a little longer then the bell rand. We all went to our separate classes.

Lunch time came around and I walked with Amelia to grab our usual. Me: hamburger, chips, cookie and juice. Amelia: chicken sandwich, chips, cookie and juice. We've pretty much gotten the same thing everyday since freshman year, unless we leave for lunch. As I was sitting down I noticed a familiar car pull up. I smiled and acted like I hadnt noticed them show up. I just kept talking to Amelia until I felt someone plant a kiss on my neck. I laughed because it tickled and turned around, "Give me one of my babies." I said kissing Bert's lips and taking Tyson, "Hi baby boy. What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Bert sat down in the chair next to me with Dakota in his arms, "We got bored and decided to come see you."

"Aw, my babies came to see me. How sweet." I smiled. A few seconds later we were joined by Blaine and Tanner, "Blaine, these are my three babies, Dakota Rae, Tyson Robert and Berty." I said laughing.

"Hey Bert." Blaine and Tanner said, then did the whole guy hand shake thing.

"Hey guys, you ready for graduation?" Bert asked.

"Hell yea. Stephanie's coming up for it. then I'm going back with them to Arizona." Tanner said excitedly.

"Yay! I can't wait to see her." I said getting excited too.

"Have you told her about the twins yet?"

"No, she'll just see them at graduation."

"You haven't told her yet?!" Chelsea said coming out and joining us.

"No, I didnt want to tell her over the phone."

We talked for a little longer until I finished my lunch, "Hey guys, I'll see you in a little while since we have an hour lunch today I'm gonna help Bert with the twins."

"Alright, see you in a little while."

"Come on Papa, let's go back to the car." I winked and smiled. I took my free hand and laced my fingers with Bert's free hand. We got to the car and put the twins in the car seats. Bert and I climbed into the back truck area and sat down, seeing as it was Gerard's Range Rover, there was room to sit. I kissed Bert's lips then cuddled up to his side, "Another month, then I'll be all done with school and we can do this whenever we want." I sighed.

"Yup, you'll be all mine." Bert said lacing both my hands with his and kissing me. We laid down and started making out but not a heavy make out session. He pulled away and put his hand on my stomach, lifting my shirt up and kissed my belly.

"Baby, there's nothing there anymore." I said laughing, it kinda tickled.

"Well that could be changed." He stated simply.

"Oh no, not for a while. Let's wait until these two are a little older." I said quickly.

"Fine" Bert pouted.

"Aw, baby, come here. Stop pouting." I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him up to kiss me.
Bert and I hung out for a while longer until I only had 15 minutes left of lunch and we decided to hang out with my friends. We got the twins out of their car seats and walked back, hand-in-hand.

"Hey again." Amelia greeted.

"Hiya." I said sitting down on the bench with Dakota in my arms and Bert sat next to me with Tyson.

"Hey Mels, can I hold one of them?" Chelsea asked.

"Yea, which one do you wanna hold?"

"It doesnt matter."

"Ok" I said getting ready to hand her Dakota but Amelia grabbed her first. I laughed and took Tyson and handed him to Chelsea instead.

"Aw, you're so cute!" Chelsea gushed.

"Thanks." I said smiling up at Bert.