Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 24

Another month has gone by and it is now Friday, May 18th. My last day of school! I got up and started getting ready as Bert went and checked on the twins, like we do every morning. I walked into the twins' room and jumped into Bert's arms excitedly.

"Baby! This is my last day of high school!" I said, my legs around his waist, arms around his neck and his arms around my butt holding me up, "I can't believe Sunday I will walk across stage and get my diploma. Tomorrow's my party. OH MY GOD! Stephanie's gonna be here tomorrow too!" I kissed his lips then jumped out of his arms and ran to my room to finish getting ready. I had on my black class t-shirt that the girls had made. They said 'Kiss My Class' on the front and a big '06 that had a kiss mark on it and above it it said 'Goodbye'. I put on a pair of semi-tight jeans. Well they were tight on me since I still had some baby weight. I put my make-up on then walked back into my room. I grabbed a pair of socks and put my shoes on. When I got downstairs I saw everyone, Mom, Dad, Gerard, Mikey, My Chem, The Used, and FOB. I got to the bottom step and they all threw the paper circles from whole punchers at me, then they all yelled, "Congratulations Melissa!"

Bert came down with the twins and gave me a kiss. I grabbed Tyson and went into the kitchen. Just as I got some pop-tarts out, Tyson started getting fussy. So I took him upstairs to the baby room and sat in the rocker to fee him. He started eating, so I opened my pop-tarts and started eating them. About 10 minutes later, Tyson had stopped sucking and fell asleep. Just as I was putting Tyson in his crib, Bert came in with Dakota.

"Was she starting to get cranky too?"

"Yea, she's ready to eat."

"Ok, come here baby girl." I took her from Bert and sat on the rocker. I kissed her head and looked at Bert. He was leaning against the foot of the bed, arms crossed over his chest. He saw me look up and smiled. I smiled back. He came and kissed the top of my head before whispering in my ear,

"I love you, Beautiful."

"I love you, too, Bertums."

Soom Dakota was done eating, so I burped her and put her in her crib. After both the twins were asleep, I left the room with Bert. I looked at the clock and noticed that I only had about 20 minutes until school started.

"Ok, I'm going to head to school. But I get out around 12, so I'll see you then." I explained to Bert.

"Alright, I'll probably be here. I have nothing else to do."

"Sounds good. I love you." I kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too. Bye."


I grabbed my video camera and purse before going out to my 4-runner. I got to school and quickly got out and locked the doors. I made my way into school and went over to my group of friends.

"Hey guys." I greeted and received various greetings back. I pulled my video camera out of my bag and turned it on. I pointed it to Amelia first.

Me: Who are you?

Amelia: Amelia!

Me: Ok Amelia, what's today?

Amelia: Hmm The last day of school of course. Then we're done with high school!

Me: Ok, Thanks Meams.

I then turned to Tanner.

Me: Tanner, you look anxious why?

Tanner: Stephanie's coming back!

Me:Yay! I know, I can't wait!

I kept asking questions to other people until the bell rand. All the seniors went into the gym for rehearsal. We practiced what we were going to do at graduation and before I knew it, we were done and it was noon. I said bye to my friends and made sure they were still coming to my party tomorrow. They are. I went out to my car. When I got home, everyone was still there. I was greeted by Bert right when I stepped through the door.

"Hey there sexy Mama." He said before kissing me.

"Well hello to you too." I kissed him again. "What's with this special welcome?"

"I dont know, I'm just happy and I love you."

"Aw, I love you too."

We walked into the living room to hang out with everyone else. I sat down next to Pete, with Dakota in his arms, on the couch. I gave her a kiss on the head and looked for Tyson. Bob had him. Once I knew both my babies were ok, I leaned back on the couch and started talking to Pete. About thirty minutes later, Bob came over and handed Tyson to me.

"He's cranky." He stated simply.

"Ok." I got up and took Tyson to the nursery. I fed and changed him before taking him back downstairs. I handed him to the very first person that came into sight. Ray. I laughed at his surprised expression and took Dakota from Pete's arms. I took her upstairs and fed and changed her. I was making my way back downstairs and just as I hit the bottom step, the doorbell rand. Since I was the closest, I decided I should get it. I opened the door and screamed. I swear that if I wasnt careful, I probably would have dropped Dakota right then and there.