Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 25

Frank walked by when I screamed and took Dakota from my arms. After I wasnt holding her anymore, I squealed, "STEPHANIE! You're here early!"

She laughed and came to my open arms, hugging me just as tight as I hugged her, "I know. I decided to surprise you and come early. Tanner helped me plan it all out." She grinned.

"That booger." I laughed.

"Aw it's ok. Who was the baby?"

"That was Dakota Rae."

"She's so adorable. Hmm let me think Frank and his girlfriend that you told me about?" she asked, following me into the living room. Bert now had Tyson in his arms and came over to us when he saw Steph.

"Steph!" He hugged her with Tyson in his arms.

"Bert!" she laughed, "There's two of them?" she asked looking at Tyson, "He's cute though too."

"Thanks, yea, they're twins. His name is Tyson Robert."

"You never answered me though, are they Frank's?"




"Then whose?!"

I went over to Frank and took Dakota from him before going back over to Steph, Bert and Tyson, "Umm well when you left, I was almost two months pregnant and didnt know until a week after you left. I'm sorry I didnt tell you before, I just didnt want to tell you over the phone." I explained.

"Whoa you and Bert had a baby? Babies! Twins! I can't believe it." she smiled, "Congratulations!"

"Thanks, I thought you'd be mad"

"No, it's cool. Now who's older?"

"Dakota, by 5 minutes."

"Aw, I wanna hold one."

"Ok." She took Dakota from my arms and started gushing over her.

We talked for a while, played with the babies, and did other stuff before Steph had to leave. Bert and I put the twins to sleep and watched TV until 11 when we decided to go to bed. The next day was going to be a long day and we had to wake up kinda early to get everything ready.

I climbed into bed, soon followed by Bert. Once I was situated, Bert wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Night Melissa, I love you."

"Night Bert, I love you too, forever and a day."

The next morning I woke up sorta early so I could get everything ready for the party. I slowly got out of bed, trying to not wake Bert up just yet. I checked on the twins but since they were still asleep, I left them alone. Walking downstairs I noticed my mom, dad and grandma already getting things ready.

"Well hello, it's nice to see everyone here so early."

"Good morning Melissa, we just thought that since you're the one graduating, that we would get everything ready for the party. Also, you have twins to take care of instead of this." My mom said.

"But I was planning to do all of this, you guys shouldnt have to." I said as I started towards the garage to set up the tables. "Besides, the others said that they'd watch the twins. And Bert is with them too."

"They'll need their mommy soon, so you should just let us worry about the party and you take care of your children."

As if right on cue, Bert came out with a crying Dakota in his arms, "Mama, she won't stop crying, she's hungry." He said as he brought her to me.

I sighed then mumbled, "I need a breast pump." Then I looked to the others, "Fine you guys win for a little while, but I will be back." I told them before walking inside with Bert and Dakota. After feeding and changing both twins, I walked back to the garage to see how everything was going, with Tyson in my arms.

"Wow you guys, it looks great out here." I said approvingly, "Oh wow, Mom did you do this?" I asked looking at a collage of pictures of me from the day I was born, to present time. There were pictures of Gerard, Mikey and me from every one of my birthdays, pictures of just me, of me with friends, me with Bert, me with family, and me with the twins.

"Yea, I did that on my days off. I had to though because both Mikey and Gerard got one too."

"Well it looks great. Lookie Ty, there's you."

I was looking at the other stuff my mom had out on display when my dad walked in, "Ohh there's Papa's little man."

Then Bert walked out with Dakota, I laughed, "Sorry Bertums, you're no longer Papa, my dad took it from you. I think you're gonna have to be Daddy now."

"What? But uh grr ugh fine." He whined.

"Aww dont worry. At least you're the hottest daddy there ever will be."

"I am pretty hot, aren't I?" he said posing.

"And conceited." I laughed, "Ok now let's get this party started, people are starting to show up."