Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 26

Soon, there were probably about 75 to 100 people in the backyard. A lot of which are people from bands I know, which is pretty much the same bands that my brothers know. There are guys from Senses Fail, Underoath, Fall Out Boy and Green Day. The other people were just friends and family. Everyone was having a good time, from what I could tell.

I was walking around looking for the twins. People would just take them and pass them around like birthday cards at a birthday party. Once you've looked at it, you pass it to someone else. I finally spotted them and thankfully they were with Bert and Gerard. I looked around to see how everything was going and saw Lauren and Kallie talking with Amelia and Steph. So I walked over to talk to them too.

"Heyyyy lovers, how are you guys?" I asked as I approached them.

"Hi, good, you?"

"I'm great." I said cheerfully.

"Your party's doing great. Lots of good food, music and I love your friends." Said Kallie.

I laughed, "Thanks Kal, I love 'em too. Hey, you guys have more fun, I'm going to check on my babies."

"Ok see ya."

I made my way over to the deck where Bert and Gerard were holding the twins and talking.

"Hey guys, having fun being loners by the deck?" I joked.

"Hey, it's what all the cool kids are doing these days." Bert said.

"Mmhmm, I believe it." I laughed, "Are the twins doing ok?"

"Just fine." Gerard answered as I wrapped my arms around Bert from the side and he wrapped his right arm around me, while holding Tyson with his left.

Bert kissed my cheek and said, "You're not supposed to worry about anything right now. It's your grad party. Go mingle with your friends and have fun."

"Bert McCracken, are you trying to get rid of me?" I teased.

"Never, I just want you to have fun."

"Ok well I guess I'll go 'mingle' then. Come find me if you need something."

"Alright, I love you."

I kissed him softly on the lips, "I love you too."

I walked around aimlessly trying to find someone that I hadnt talked to yet when I was suddenly tackled. I screamed and looked at my attacker.