Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 27

"FRANK EDWIN WRIGHT THE THIRD!" I yelled, "That wasn't Tre Cool."

"Of course it was. Because I'm the Tre Cool and everything I do is very cool."

"Ok, yea, whatever, you're name should be Tre Conceited." I joked.

"Haha, you're so funny. Now give me a hug." He got off of me seeing as we fell when he tackled me and helped me up too. As soon as I was on my feet, he pulled me into a hug.

You see, My Chem went on tour with Green Day once, so me being 'Little Way', got to go, just like every other tour. Anyways, I hung out with Tre a lot, and before you freaks think something, nothing happened romantically between us. That would be weird since I'm like half his age. But I got this bond with him. He was my biggest brother and best friend on tour. We were attached at the hip. He even got his kids to call me 'Aunt Mella'. See, he's my biggest brother. If anyone asks, I say that Ramona (10) and Frankito (5) are my niece and nephew.

"So where are little niece and nephew?"

"They're running around here somewhere." Tre answered looking around slightly.

"Oh well then I guess I'll just have to find them now, won't I?"

"Well yea, if you want to see them." He laughed.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go look for them then. I'll see you later Tre." I said giving him another hug.

"Alright, I'll be at the food table."

I laughed and walked off to find Ramona and Frankito. I figured where would two little kids be at? The play set of course. So I headed over to the play set and sure enough, Ramona and Frankito were playing on the swings.

"Well if it isn't Miss Mona and Frankie." I said catching their attention.

"Aunt Mella!" they yelled in unison.

"Hey kiddies. How are you two doing?" I kneeled down to their level.

"Good. Aunt Mella, daddy said you had a baby. Is that true?" Ramona asked with wondering eyes.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Yea!" they said getting excited.

"Ok." I got close to their eyes and whispered, "I had two babies."

Ramona looked at me with her mouth in 'o' shape and wide eyes, Frankito with a similar look. "Aunt Mella! I wanna see! Please?"

"Of course! Come on you two." I grabbed their hands and took them in the direction of Bert, Gerard, and the twins.

"Aunt Mella, is that your boyyyyfriend?" Ramona teased.

I laughed, "You little booger, I supposed to tease you. Not you tease me. But, yes, Bert is my boyfriend. He's my baby's daddy too."

We walked up to Bert, Gerard and my babies. "Hey guys, these two lovelies," I pointed to Ramona and Frankito, "wanted to see these two lovelies." I pointed at Tyson and Dakota.

"Hey Mona and Frankie," Bert greeted before kneeling down so he could show Tyson to them, "This is Tyson, and Gerard is holding Dakota."

"Aww.... Aunt Mella, they're so cute!" Ramona said.

"Hey, they're not just her babies, their mine too." Bert whined.

"I don't think they're cute." Frankito stated.

"That's because you're a boy, Frankie." Ramona said rolling her eyes at her little brother.

After playing with the twins for a little while longer, Tre made his way over to get his kids and say that they had to get going.

"Ok, thanks for coming you guys."

"You're welcome. Congratulations."

"Thanks, see you later." I gave them hugs and kisses on the cheeks before they left.

Soon after, everyone else was gone to. Leaving only My Chem, The Used, and the other people that lived in the house with us.

"Well everyone, it's late and I have to go to some parties tomorrow so I'm gonna put the twins to bed and then go to sleep myself. Night." I announced, and took the sleeping Dakota upstairs to the baby room with Bert and a sleeping Tyson not far behind.

We put the twins in their cribs and left the room, "I'm gonna go to bed with you too."

"Berty you don't have to. You can stay up with everyone else."

"Nope, I'm going now. I'm kinda tired too."

"Ok," we went into our bedroom and changed into PJ's and crawled into bed. "Night Bertums, I love you."

He gave me a passionate yet sweet kiss and whispered back to me, "Night Missy, I love you too."

Bert wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest. Within a matter of minutes, sleep had taken over the both of us.