Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 28

The next day, we all woke up and started getting ready. I took a shower and did my makeup before getting dressed.

After getting dressed, I went to check on Bert and the twins. I walked into the twins' room and saw Bert dressed in his red polo shirt and a nice pair of jeans with his black Nike Shox. Bert was just getting done dressing Tyson.

I smiled when I walked in the room, "Hey Berty." I walked over and picked up Dakota. I turned back around and saw Bert now holding Tyson up so I could see him. "Ah, aren't you two cute? Baby boy matches Daddy." I laughed.

"Hey, don't make fun of us. We are studly guys." Bert said proudly.

"Yes, you two are. I just think it's cute that you match. I like it." I said as I made my way over to Bert and kissed his lips softly. "Now, I'm going to get Dakota dressed."

I got Dakota dressed,

"Now I'm thinking Kota and I are looking pretty good ourselves." I said holding Dakota up to show Bert.

"Oh yea, very good. You look hot baby." Bert smiled.

"Thank you Bertums." I kissed him again on the lips. "Now, lets go downstairs to see everyone else."

"Ok." He kissed me one more time and then we both headed downstairs.

Getting downstairs, I saw that almost everyone from The Used and My Chem were already there and my parents were there too. When everyone arrived, we climbed into our cars and headed off to the high school, were the graduation was being held. Bert and I put the twins in their car seats before climbing into the front seats with Bert driving. Within a couple of minutes, we made it to the high school.

"Wow, look at all the people here." Bert commented.

"Yea, they're all here to see me." I said conceitedly and flipped my hair back, "No, I'm just kidding. But there are a lot of people, considering I have a small class."

"Yea, well are you ready?"

"Yup." I said getting out of the 4-Runner and going to the back door to get Dakota. "Come on baby girl, Mommy's gotta go graduate." I kissed her forehead. Bert got Tyson out and walked over to me.

"Ready to finally be done with high school, baby?" He asked and took my free hand and laced our fingers together.

"Oh yea, so ready. Because then, I can spend more time with my love, my babies, my family and friends." I smiled at him.

"I love you Melissa."

"I love you too Bert." Bert then leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. As we pulled apart and kept walking, I heard the older people who don't know me, whispering to the graduate they were with, asking if these were my babies and saying how they can't believe I had kids at a young age.

I just rolled my eyes and listened to the response they got. A lot of people were defending me and saying how I never missed school unless I had to and that I'm still happy that I had twins. It made me smile. I'm so glad that I get along with most people, otherwise they wouldnt stick up for me to their relatives and I would be deemed as a slut.

It really didnt bother me that people were talking about me though. I know that I got pregnant when I was only 18 and still in high school, but I don't regret it one bit. I'm happy with my life. I have the love of my life, my friends, my family and my kids. What more do I need?

I looked at my watch and noticed that I had to go with the rest of my class to get all lined up and what not. "Berty, I've got to go for line up, and if I knew where someone else was, I'd give Kota to them so you wouldn't have to hold them both."

"It's ok, sugar, I've got her. Don't worry. You just go do whatever you have to do and we'll go find good seats so we can watch Mommy walk across stage." He said smiling down at me.

"Ok, well I'll be looking for you. I hope one of them doesn't start crying or something during the ceremony."

"It'll be fine. Stop worrying. Nothing will happen, and if something does, I'm right here and you're mom and everyone will be there too."

"Ok. I love you three." I kissed both the twins on their heads then kissed Bert lightly on the lips.

"We love you too. Have fun."

"I will, bye." I kissed him again quickly.

"Bye baby."

I walked away and went in the school and upstairs to the upper/newer gym (we have two gyms, the lower/older gym, is where the graduation is taking place). As soon as I walked in the gym, Amelia grabbed me and pulled me over to our 'group'. Although we don't really have a group. I put my cap and gown on and started taking pictures with everyone. Soon enough, the principle came in and told us that we were going to start the ceremony.

We walked down the stairs to the lower gym and walked in order through both doors. When it finally got to the W's I started getting more excited. I was this much closer to being done with school. I smiled as I walked in and saw all my family in the front row. Bert had Dakota on his lap and my mom sat to his right with Tyson while Gerard was to his left. They all had the perfect view to take pictures and all that good stuff.

The ceremony soon started and we had the principle, the valedictorian and other people talk before they finally started saying names. For all my friends that Gerard, Mikey and the guys knew, they'd cheer loud for them. I thought it was sweet. After a little while, they finally got to the W's. I was in the last row, and there were only 5 kids behind me. My row stood up and walked to the side of the stage as the principle called names. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I heard my name.

"Melissa Jean Way."

All of my family, the bands (My Chem, The Used, and FOB), and Lauren and Kallie went nuts. I even heard someone (I think it was Pete) do a cat call and yell out 'Sexy Mama' and the others yelled 'Lil' Way'. I laughed quietly to myself and walked on stage to get my diploma. I couldve danced right then and there, but I didn't want to make a huge fool of myself just yet. After everyone was called, the principle said,

"Now, without further ado, I'm glad to present to you, the class of 2006!"

The whole graduating class stood up and threw our caps in the air. We did it; we were finally done with high school. Everyone soon started running around to hug the graduates and what not. I was about to start walking over to my family, when I was attacked with a hug. I turned around and saw Stephanie. And she had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy!" we hugged for a couple more minutes until I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and saw Gerard, Mikey, Mom and Dad all standing there with their arms open. Bert was patiently standing behind them with Tyson and the rest of the bands, Lauren and Kallie next to him, Lauren holding Dakota. I smiled and walked into their arms, making one big family group hug.

After being released from my family hug, I made my way over to the others. They too all gave me a group hug. When everyone was pulling away from the hug, and I was finally able to move, I went and gave Bert a hug. I walked into his open arms (he handed Tyson to Pete) and he gave me a big hug.

"I'm so happy Baby, now you can be with us all the time. And I won't have to leave you and miss you like crazy because you have school." Bert said with a huge smile. I looked up at him and he kissed me on the lips.

"I'm so happy too. I get to spend time with everyone that I love." Bert kissed me again on the lips except this time it was more tenderly. We kissed for a little while until I heard,
"Mommy." And "Daddy."

I turned around and saw Lauren and Pete were behind me, holding the twins up so you couldn't see their (Pete and Lauren) heads. And they made it look like Dakota and Tyson said Mommy and Daddy.

"Aw, come here my babies. These two dont want you. But Daddy and I do." I smiled and took Dakota from Lauren then took Tyson from Pete.

"Bert, are you ready to go home?" I asked turning back around and he took Tyson from me.
He was about to answer me, but was interrupted by Chelsea (if you don't remember, she's one of my good friends too) walking over and start talking to us. "Aw, how cute, Tyson matches Bert." She laughed.

"That's what I said!" I laughed too. I gave her a hug and told her I'd email her while I was gone and said bye and all that stuff before she walked away. "Ok, now Berty, are you ready to go home?"

He laughed, "Sure baby, let's go."

We walked over to were my parents were talking to some people they knew. "Hey Mom, Bert and I are gonna head home."

"Ok, we'll see you in a little bit."

"Ok." We then went over to Gerard and everyone else to see what they were going to do. As we were walking, Tyson started getting cranky.

"Babe, he's getting cranky."

"Ok, you take him to the car, and I'll tell everyone that we're leaving, and then we can go home." I suggested.

"Ok, do you want me to take Dakota too?"

"No, it's ok. You go ahead and take him. I think he's either got a pacifier or a bottle in the baby bag."

"Ok, I'll go do that then."

"Kay." He kissed me again then walked off towards the 4-Runner. I walked over to the others and told them that Bert and I were taking the twins home. They said they were all going to Ray's house and just hang out over there. I went back over to the 4-Runner and saw Bert had put Tyson in the car seat and gave him a pacifier. I put Dakota in her car seat and then climbed into the passenger seat. Bert turned on the car, and took off towards my house.