Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 29

It's now May 25th, only 5 days after I graduated. Since The Used and My Chemical Romance were going on tour tomorrow, I was getting everything ready today. I had just finished packing all of my stuff into two bags and went to the twins' room to pack their stuff. I made sure I packed pjs, diapers, outfits, jackets, socks, shoes, and other stuff they'd need into one big bag. When I was finished, I went downstairs to where Bert was supposed to be with the twins.

I went into the living room, and saw Bert laying on the floor, with Dakota on his chest and he had his arm around Tyson next to him, all sleeping. I quietly got my camera and took pictures. After I took pictures, I went over and kissed Bert on his forehead and moved his hair behind his ears. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Hey." He said quietly.

"Hi." I said quietly also and smiled back, "Did you have a nice nap?"

"Kinda, this isn't the comfiest position."

I laughed and picked Tyson up. Once Bert had his arm back, he put his arms around Dakota and sat up, trying not to wake her up. "I packed all on my stuff and all of their stuff. Now it's your turn to pack. I would have done it but I didnt know what you wanted to take."

"That's ok, I can do it. Do you want me to take her up to her crib?" he asked as he stood up.

"No, that's ok; I'll lay down here with them."

"Ok." I got comfy on the floor, and got Tyson all situated, then he handed me Dakota. "I'm going to go pack now. I'll be done in a little while." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Ok." He left the room and I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. I turned it to Fuse but turned the volume down so it wouldn't wake the twins up. I was lying on the floor with pillows under my head and Dakota asleep on her stomach next to me. I moved my arm softly started to rub her back. Tyson was laying on his stomach asleep on my chest/stomach. I stopped rubbing Dakota's back and softly ran my fingers threw Tyson's soft dirty blonde hair. I smiled a little when I heard him softly sigh. I guess he liked me running my fingers through his hair. I know Bert always likes me doing that. Soon, I stopped running my fingers through his hair and my eyes started getting heavy. I slowly fell asleep with the twins.

I woke up when I felt Tyson being lifted off of me. I opened my eyes to see Dakota wasnt by me anymore and Bert was putting Tyson in the playpen next to Dakota. I closed my eyes again and started falling back asleep. Bert came over to me and laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my temple then laid his head down and closed his eyes.

A couple hours later, I woke back up to hear a baby crying. I looked at Bert and saw that he was awake too. I quickly kissed him on the lips.

"I guess I should get up and take care of my child, huh?" I said.

"Well, since they're mine to, maybe I should help." Bert said, but didn't move.

"No, I got it. You can just lay here. You took care of them this morning."

"I could still help though."

Just then, I noticed that they weren't crying anymore. "Listen, they're not crying anymore." I looked over and saw that they weren't crying anymore because they werent even in the playpen. "Oh my god Bert! They're not there!"

He quickly shot up too, "What?!"

I nodded and pointed to the playpen that once had our son and daughter in it. "I don't know who too-" I cut myself off when I heard laughing in the next room. I quickly got up and ran into the computer/extra TV room to see Lauren and Frank sitting on the couch, holding Tyson and Dakota. "It's ok Bert, they're in here. Lauren and Frank have them."
Bert came into the room and sighed, "Jeez, don't scare me like that."

"Well Tyson was crying, and you two were asleep so we brought them in here so they wouldn't bother you two." Lauren explained.

"Yea, Melissa, I think Tyson wants a boob." Frank added.

"Frankie! Do you have to say it like that? Can't you just say 'he's hungry'?" Lauren mock scolded.

"No, it's funny this way."

I rolled my eyes and took my hungry son off of Lauren's lap. "I'm gonna go feed him. I'll take Kota with me too. Then I'll give them baths after they eat."

"Kay," Bert said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I took both my children up to the nursery and put Dakota in her crib. I put a toy in there to keep her entertained while I fed her brother. I sat down in the rocker, and 'gave Tyson a boob' as Frank would have put it. After about 10 minutes, I felt Tyson stop sucking and he was just looking up at me with his little blue eyes. I kissed his forehead then stood up. I put him in his crib and gave him a toy also so I could feed Dakota. After about 15 minutes of feeding her, she was done, so I sat her back down in her crib and went into mine and Bert's bathroom and started the water in the tub. After it was full, I put the two baby bather's thing in the tub, and went back into the nursery to get the twins.

Our tub is pretty good size, so I put Tyson in one baby bather and put Dakota in the other. I was about to start bathing them, when I decided that I could kill three birds with one stone, if I took a bath with them. So I quickly stripped of my clothes, and got into the tub with them. It was kinda cramped with both baby bathers, so I put Dakota in my lap, and took her baby bather out of the tub. As I was about to start bathing Dakota, I heard a knock on the door.

"Mama, you in here?" I heard Bert question from the other side of the door.

"Yea, Daddy, we're in here." I said back.

He came in and smiled. "What are you doing?"

I looked up at him, "Killing three birds with one stone. I needed a bath too so I decided to take a bath with them."

"Can I join the club?"

"Of course. You'll just have to hold Tyson and take the baby bather out of the tub."

"Ok." Bert then stripped down and picked Tyson up, took the baby bather out, and then sat down facing me in the tub, with Tyson on his lap.

"Aw, how cute, it's just one big family bath." I laughed.

"You're too cute Mama."

"Thank you Daddy."

"So now you're starting to call me Daddy?"

"Well, since you're not Papa, you're gonna be Daddy. And I like calling you Daddy." I grinned.

"Ok, whatever floats your boat."

Bert and I bathed the twins, and then we washed our own bodies. "Here Daddy, hold Kota and I'll get towels." I handed Dakota to Bert and got out of the bath.

I went over to the cabinet and got out two normal towels for me and Bert, and then I grabbed two baby towels for Tyson and Dakota. I wrapped my towel around me and sat the other towels on the floor except Dakota's. "Come here baby girl." I said as I took Dakota back from Bert and wrapped her in this towel. After wrapping her in her towel, I laid her down on the floor for a second so Bert could get his towel. I handed Bert's towel to him. "Here Daddy." I took Tyson from Bert and wrapped him in his towel. . I handed Tyson back to Bert once he had his towel on and then picked up Dakota. "Well aren't they cute?" I laughed.

"Where the fuck did we get those?" Bert asked.

I laughed again, "I think Lauren and Kallie got them for us."

"Ok, whatever. Those are weird."

"I think they're cute."

"Well, I think you Miss Way, are cute."

"You're not too bad yourself Mr. McCracken." I grinned at him. He growled playfully and kissed me on the lips. "Let's get these two in their PJ's now."

"Ok." I walked out before him, and as I walked past him, he slapped my ass.

I turned around, "Bert McCracken."

"Melissa Way." He mocked.

I just laughed and kept walking, "I love you Daddy."

He laughed also, "I love you too Mama."

We took the twins into the nursery and put a diaper on both of them then put them in their pjs.

"I think it's about time we put them to bed. We have to wake up pretty early for the bus tomorrow." Bert suggested.

"Ok." I sat down in one of the rockers and Bert sat down in the one next to me. He started softly singing to the twins to get them to go to sleep. I smiled as I watched Dakota's eyes slowly closing. Not long after, both of them were asleep; I kissed Dakota's head and put her in her crib. I turned back around and took Tyson from Bert's arms, kissed his head, and then put him in his crib too. I grabbed Bert's hand and pulled him out of the room, shutting of the light and closing the door.

I pulled Bert into our room and kissed him deeply. "What was that for?" Bert asked as I pulled away.

"Just 'cause I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." He kissed me again passionately.

When we pulled away, I went over to my dresser and got out some pjs. I came back out and Bert had already stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed.

"'Eat Your Heart Out' huh? Why don't I just eat you out instead." Bert said as I crawled into bed and he read my shirt.


"What?" he laughed.

I laughed too, "Go to sleep."

He giggled, "I love you Mama."

I smiled at him, "I love you too Daddy." I kissed him on the lips and settled down into the pillows and fell asleep.