Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 30

"Mama." someone whispered in my ear, "Mama, wake up. We have to get up and get ready to go."

"Hmgh." I mumbled incoherently.

The person waking me up laughed. Just then I realized it was Bert. "Come on Mama, we have to leave soon."

"Hmm, kay. I'm up, I'm up." I said rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I locked at the clock and saw the green lights glaring back at me, '5:45' . "Bertums, why are we waking up at 5:45 in the morning? We never wake up until at least 7 when we leave for tour."

"I know, but the buses are coming at 7 for some reason that I don't know."

"Ugh, fine." I sighed as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I yawned and stretched, causing my shirt to come up and show my stomach. Bert giggled softly before walking over to me and putting his hands on my exposed sides. I put my arms back down and tried pulling my shirt down, but Bert just kept pulling it back up. "Bertttt. What are you doing?" I whined.

He laughed before saying, "Just admiring your gorgeous body."

I smiled, and jokingly said, "What are you sucking up for? What do you want?"

He fake gasped, "What makes you think something like that? I love your body and find you
absolutely beautiful. I love you baby." He smiled at me.

"Aw, you're too sweet. I love you too." He leaned down to kiss me, but I put my hand over his mouth and gently pushed his head away from mine. "Wait until after I brush my teeth and get rid of my morning breathe."

He groaned and whined, "Fiiiinnnne."

I rolled my eyes and laughed before walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I did that, I walked back into the bedroom to see Bert in the exact same place I left him in. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms immediately found my waist and he leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back and it turned into a little make-out session.

"Bert, as much as I would love to stay here and kiss you all day, we have other things that we have to do." I said and gave him one last quick peck then walked into the bathroom to take a shower. After about 10 minutes, I emerged from the bathroom and walked to my dresser in just my towel. I grabbed my clothes, and some pink flip-flops. I put on my makeup, and left the bathroom in search for everyone else. I walked into the baby room and both twins were still asleep. They usually don't wake up until around 6:30 or 7, so I decided to leave them alone. I went back out the door and downstairs into the kitchen. Mikey was sitting at the table looking tired with a cup of coffee and Bob was standing in front of the fridge in just his boxers and tee-shirt, scratching himself.

"Ew Bob, don't do that around food. That's nasty." I said looking at him with a disgusted look.
He looked at me, his eyes only half open, "What? Oh, sorry." He closed the fridge and walked back upstairs.

"Morning Mikey." I greeted to my older brother.


"Ready for tour?" I asked, sitting down in the chair next to him.

"Yea, I love touring. And it'll be fun having you and the twins with us."

"Yea, I know. I just hope that I'm not doing the wrong thing bringing the twins with us. I don't want anything to happen to them, you know?"

"Yea, but I'm sure they'll be fine. We're all going to be there. Nothing will happen and you know that no of us will let them out of our sight."

"True, I guess you're right. Well, I better go find Bert and get the twins ready." I said as I stood up.

"I think he and Gerard are loading things into the trailer."

"Oh, alright. I'll go out and see then." I gave Mikey a hug and made my way out the front door.
Bert and Gerard were both out there standing next to an empty trailer, smoking cigarettes. "I thought you two were loading stuff into the trailer." I laughed.

Gerard gave me a weird look, "Who gave you that kind of idea?"

Bert held one of his up for me so I walked over to him and wrapped arms around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulder. "I have my sources." I smirked.

"Well, your sources are wrong. We just came out here to have a smoke." Bert said as he turned his head to blow out smoke because he knows I hate cigarette smoke.

"Oh, I see. Well the bus should be getting here soon, right?" they both nodded, "Ok, then I'll go get the twins dressed."

"Ok, I might be in in a minute." Bert told me.

"Ok, take your time." I smiled. He smiled back and kissed me sweetly on the lips.

I walked back into the house and up to the baby room. I walked over to Tyson's crib, because he usually wakes up first. Sure enough, he had his eyes open and was looking around the room. I picked him up out of his crib and walked him over to the changing table. "Good morning, baby boy. Let's get you changed and dressed so we can go on tour today!"

I changed Tyson's diaper and dressed him. After getting him dressed, I put him back in his crib for the time being and picked up the now awake Dakota. I changed her diaper too and got her dressed.

I picked both Tyson and Dakota back up and walked downstairs. Everyone else was now in the living room and Mikey was walking from the kitchen to the living room and grabbed Tyson when he passed me. "Is the bus here ye-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing and Ray opened the door to reveal Sam aka the bus driver. Well he's My Chem's bus driver and always has been. I looked out the door and saw three buses lined up in front of our house.

"Why three buses?" I questioned.

"Well, The Used always has two buses, you know that." Branden said in a duh voice.

"Oh yea."

"But this time, we don't have a 'sober' and 'drinking' bus. One bus is more for the extra people we have coming with us. The extras being the twins, Lauren and Kallie."

"Ah, I see."

"Yea, and come on, we have a surprise for you." Gerard said as he and Bert, who took Dakota from me and handed her to Lauren, walked over to me and pulled me outside towards the first bus in the line.

Gerard opened the door and pulled me up the stairs and to the back of the bus. The door to the back room was closed and when Gerard put his hand on the knob to open the door, Bert put his hands over my eyes. I heard Gerard open the door and Bert slowly removed his hands from my eyes and whispered, "Open."

I did as told and saw that they had taken the back lounge/game room and turned it into a baby room. There were so many different things in there for the twins and they also had a closet full of blankets and what nots.

"Aw, you guys. That is so sweet. Thanks so much. I love you all." I gave Bert and Gerard a hug and kissed Gerard's cheek and Bert's lips.

"You're welcome Mama; we just figured that since the twins are coming with us, they should have a place for themselves." I smiled at Bert and kissed him again.

"Let's load 'em up." I heard Sam say from the front of the bus. He sat down in the driver's seat and got all situated.

"You're driving this bus?" I asked confused. He was MCR's bus driver, what was he doing on this bus?

"Gerard and everyone decided to let me drive your bus because they wanted someone you trusted to drive you." He smiled warmly at me.

"Oh, sweet, ok." I said excitedly.

Everyone put all of their stuff onto their buses and we headed on out to our first location. The bus arrangements were; Bert, Me, Tyson, Dakota, Lauren, and Frankie on bus 1. Jeph, Branden, Quinn and Kallie on bus 2, and Mikey, Gerard, Ray and Bob on bus 3. I was so excited to finally be on tour again. At the last minute, the tour managers cancelled My Chem and The Used's tour and they were added to the '06 Warped tour.

That night, we arrived at the first location. The guys didnt have a show until the next day, so we just decided to hang out and explore the venue. "Berty, are we going to walk around and see everyone?"

"Yea, if you want to. Do you want to take the twins?"

"Sure. We did bring a stroller or something right?" I asked.

"Yea, it's in the trailer. I'll go get it." Bert answered and walked over to the trailer. I walked back onto the back and retrieved Tyson and Dakota from Lauren and Kallie.

"We're going to walk around." I told them.

"Ok, have fun. Bye." They both said back.

"Bye." I walked back outside to see Bert unfolding the stroller.

I put the twins in the stroller and buckled them in. "Ready?" I asked Bert.

"One second." He ran back onto the bus and came back out a second later with the baby bag, and put it under the stroller, "Now I'm ready."

I laughed and started pushing the stroller in a random direction. We were just walking around, talking about nothing and everything all at once, when I heard a familiar voice call out, "Lil' Melissa Way!"

I quickly spun around to see Sonny Moore and Matt Good from From First To Last. "Sonnykins! Mattyface!" I ran over to their open arms. "I missed you guys!" I said as Sonny hugged me tightly.

"Aw, did wittle Sonnykins miss me?" I joked. I always teased him because I was just about a half inch taller than him and 6 months older.

"Yes, I did." He pouted. I laughed. Ever since My Chemical Romance first met From First To Last, Sonny and I had been best friends and almost inseparable when we were together. Since we are only 6 months apart, and everyone else is at least a couple years older, we just sort of adopted each other as best friends.

Bert was laughing as he walked over, pushing the stroller. "Bert!" Sonny yelled.

Bert giggled and walked over to Sonny and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Matt noticed the stroller and twins and looked at us weird, "Who the fuck brings babies on the warped tour, and why the fuck do you two have them?"

"What's so wrong about bringing babies on the warped tour?" I questioned back.

"Its the Warped tour. It gets crazy here. You'd be insane to bring babies."

"Well, I guess you can call us insane then, because we brought babies on the warped tour." I laughed.

"How do you have babies to even bring on tour?"

"Well you see Mattyface, when two people love each other, they express that love by-"

"I know how babies are made Melissa, but whose babies are they?"

"Well they're mine silly." I laughed.

"And mine!" Bert added with a smile.

"Are. You. Kidding me?!" Matt asked with wide eyes.

"Nope, can't you tell? They look like both of us."

"Hey! They do!" Sonny exclaimed.

"You guys are weird." I said shaking my head, jokingly.

"Yea, yea, you still love us though." Matt smiled big at me.

"This is gonna be a loooooong tour." I joked.