Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 31

Sitting on the bus, on our way to the next town, is always different from day to day. Some days everyone is jumping around and playing video games and being hyper. Then there are some days where everyone is out of it, bored and/or sleeping. Today was one of those days.
I was sitting on the couch holding a half-asleep Dakota, lazily flipping through the channels. Bert was lying next to me with Tyson on his chest. Both of them were sleeping. Finally I gave up searching for something that is either interesting looking or something that I haven't seen before and stopped at a re-run of Steven's Untitled Rock Show.

"Well hello everyone out there. I'm Steven and this is my untitled rock show. Today we have My Chemical Romance joining us. Welcome guys. This the what, 100th time we've talked to you."

Frank laughed, "Yea, it seems like it-"

All of a sudden Frank was cut off by someone turning off the TV.

"Hey, I was watching that!" I said, quietly trying not to wake anyone, as I turned around to see Frank with the remote.

"I'm trying to sleep and I really don't want to hear myself while I'm trying to do so."

I laughed, "Ok, go back to bed."

"Mhmm." He mumbled before turning around and going back to his bunk. The rest of the day went by really slowly. And uneventful.

When we got to the next town finally, I was giving trying to give the twins a bath but when you have a tiny sink and two babies, it's really hard to do. I was already having a moody day and this just kinda pushed me over the edge. Not to mention Bert wasn't even attempting to help me.

"Robert McCracken! You better get your skinny white ass in here right now and help me with our, yes our not only mine but our children for once instead of fucking around with the guys!" I yelled.

I heard a few 'ohhs' and 'now you done it'. Bert walked over to me trying to look innocent.

"I love you Missy." He said sweetly.

"Yea whatever, if you loved me so much why am I taking care of our twins and you're not even attempting to try and help me? Hmm? You know what, I don't even care. You better just help me out now or all hell will break loose." I warned.

"Ok. Ok. Here let me wash Dakota." He took Dakota then we both tried bathing the babies.

"Bert! I can't do this!" I yelled, frustrated.

"Do what baby?"

"This! Trying to keep my children clean in this bus. This sink isn't even big to bathe one baby, let alone two!"

"It'll be ok Baby." Bert tried to calm me down.

"No! No it won't Bert. How will it be ok if I can't even bathe my own babies? I need to get to a hotel or something and I need to get to one soon." I said calming down a little.

"Ok, we'll figure something out. Don't worry baby, everything will work out." Bert said kissing my temple.

"How long are we going to be here?"

"Um, from now until a couple hours after the show I think."

"Ok, well while you guys are at sound check and maybe during some of the show, I'm going to find a hotel and give the twins a bath and take a shower. And maybe stop by a laundry mat to wash some clothes. Do you mind if I miss the show?" I asked, coming up with a plan.

"No, I guess not. Just be careful when you do this. Maybe take the girls with you."

"Ok, I'll ask them." I said picking up Tyson as Bert picked up Dakota and we went to the back to put new diapers on them and put clothes on them as well.

After dressing Tyson I picked him up and went in search of my cell phone. After I found it between the couch cushions I dialed Kallie's number. It rang a couple times before she finally picked up.

"Ello, love." she answered.

"Hiiiii. How are you doing over there with the other guys?"

"Oh, just peachy." She said sarcastically. I could just picture her rolling her eyes.

I laughed, "Well the reason I called was I can't wash the twins in this little sink on the bus, so while the guys are at sound check and maybe during the show, I was gonna find a hotel to take a shower and give the babies a bath and maybe find a laundry mat. Wanna come with? I'm gonna ask Lauren if she wants to come too."

"Sure. I need to get cleaned up and wash clothes. Staying on a bus with three guys makes you feel reallllly dirty." She whined.

"Oh yea, believe me. I've done it. When I went on tour with My Chem we only had one bus so it was 5 guys plus me. But you get used to it."

"Yea, you kinda have to really." She agreed.

"Yea. Ok so once we stop, you wanna meet over here and then we can go?"

"Sounds good."

"Alrighty. See ya in a bit my love!"

"Bye darling!"

I hung up then went to the bunk area in search of Lauren.

"Oh Lauren-pooh." I sang as I walked towards her bunk.

"Yes?" she asked from the back room.

"Oh, I thought you were in your bunk. Anyways while the guys are at sound check and doing the show, Kallie and I are going to take the twins to a hotel so I can give them a bath and we can take showers. Then find a laundry mat to wash clothes. Coming with?"

"Sure. Why not." She shrugged.

"Ok, then we'll leave after we stop. Which is in like 5 minutes."

I rounded up clothes that I need to wash and then grabbed shower/bath stuff. Then I put the twins in their car seats and waited for Lauren and Kallie to be ready. Once everything was together, we put everything in the Explorer (The managers drive it from place to place) then headed off to find a hotel and laundry mat.