Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 4

"So are we going to tell the others or what?" I asked as I saw that we were about three blocks from my house.

"How 'bout we not tell them and let them figure it out themselves?"

"Ok, I like that idea." I said smiling at him.

"Let's just act the way we would if they knew, just toned down a bit. Deal?"


We continued walking/skating hand-in-hand to my house, up the walk and through the front door.

"Hey guys, we're back." I said walking into the house with mine and Bert's fingers still locked together.

"Hey, I wondered when you'd decide to show up. I about thought you two were fucking each other while you were at the park." Mikey said laughing.

Bert and I just smiled as each other and walked over to the couch, still holding hands. I wasn't really surprised that the guys didn't catch on because this isn't really that unusual for Bert and me to do together.

"So what are the sleeping arrangements while the guys are here?" I asked looking at everyone in the room. Of course I was the only girl with nine guys.

"Well since we only have one extra bedroom, someone will have to share a room with you Miss and someone will have the couch."

"I call the room!" Quinn and Jeph hollered at the same time.

"I guess Ill take the couch then." Offered Branden.

"And that leaves me with sharing your room." Bert said looking over at me with seductive eyes. I laughed then said,

"Alright, now that that's settled I'm going to bed because unlike you guys I have school in the morning."

"Yea I think I'm going to bed also." Frankie said and the guys all nodded in agreement.

"Night everyone." I said walking to my room. Once I got into my room I heard someone shut
the door then two strong arms engulfed me in a backwards hug.

"Hey babe, it sucks that you've got school in the morning. I mean I just got here and I want to spend all day with you." Bert said with a pouty face and puppy dog eyes.

"I know, tomorrow's Friday so you can borrow Gee's car and pick me up again after school and we can hang out for the rest of the weekend. We can do whatever floats your boat."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do. But I don't know what we'll do since the guys don't know about us."

"We'll think of something." I said giving him a kiss on the lips. When I was about to pull away, Bert put his hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. Slowly I slipped my tongue into Bert's slightly opened mouth and began messaging my tongue with his. We were so caught up in the kiss we never realized that Gerard, Frankie, Quinn and Jeph came into my room. We finally pulled away when we heard Gerard speak.

"Oh. My. God."
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Thanks guys! Be sure to comment. =)