Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 5

I pulled away quickly and looked at the four of them starring in shock and awe at Bert and me.
"Umm H-hey guys." I said kinda nervous about what Gerard would do.

"Dude, did you finally ask her out?!" exclaimed Quinn and Jeph at the same time. Bert just smiled and nodded shyly, probably afraid of what Gerard would do too.

"Wait, finally? What do you mean by 'finally'?"

"Well Berty Pooh here has bee wanting to ask you out for quite a while now." answered Quinn.

"Oh really now?" I smirked as Bert and he just smiled shyly.

"Man all I can say is I'm not surprised and was wondering if you would ever make a move. Just don't hurt my baby sister. She's fragile." Gerard said.

"Whoa, wait, you're not mad?" Bert asked with a shocked expression.

"I mean she's 18 and a senior in high school, when I'm 25 and out of school."

"Nah man. I'm happy."

"Sa-weet!" After Bert spoke he grabbed me and pulled me into a sweet but passionate kiss.

"Ok just 'cause I said I don't mind doesn't mean you can make out and dry hump right in front of me." Said a grossed out Gerard.

"Hehe sorry Gee I couldn't control myself."

"S'alright I suppose."

"Well now that we know what's going on with everyone, I'm going to bed. Night y'all." Quinn said walking out of the room with Jeph, Gerard, and Frankie following shortly after him.

"Wow they cleared out fast." I said laughing. Bert just nodded while laughing too and stripping down to his boxers before crawling into bed. I went over to my dresser and got out a pair of shorts and a shirt and went into my bathroom to take out my contacts, brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. I put my glasses on and left the bathroom to find Bert already all tangled up in my blankets.

"Wow, you're wearing glasses. Sexy." Bert said when he saw me. I just laughed and crawled under the covers with him. Bert put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and I put my head on his chest. Just as I was almost asleep I heard Bert whisper in my ear, "I love you, Missy."

After that I just smiled to myself. Of course Bert and I have told each other we love each other, but now I know that he really loves me and not just as a sister.