Status: I'm now in college and it's hard to update stories, so I might update or I might not. I don't even know. Just don't hate me please! Love, Melissa

I Gotta Feeling That Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night

Chapter 9

The weekend went by fast. Bert took me to a really nice, expensive, romantic hotel and we had some fun *wink, wink*. No really we got massages, facials, manicures and pedicures. It was really fun, but that was only 3/5 of the first day. The rest of that day (Saturday), and then Sunday we went shopping and had soo much fun. When we were at Hot Topic I got some new Chucks that say 'Peace' on them in different languages. I also got some jeans, band tees and accessories. Bert and I got matching pairs of sunglasses and goofed around for what seemed like ever. But unfortunately we had to go back home and I had to go to school.

For the past three weeks nothing eventful happened. Just the same thing I always do. Today is Thursday and I have my first cross country meet. We had time trials last week and I made third girl on the varsity team. I was pretty excited and so was everyone else, especially Gerard and Mikey because they were never really active in sports in high school. I wasn't really expecting Bert, Gerard, Mikey and everyone else to come to my meet so I was pretty shocked and happy to see them. I was warming up with Amelia, one of my best friends, and the rest of the varsity team when I heard a loud shriek and someone yell,


I looked to where the voice came from and followed her gaze to see that sure enough my brothers and my boyfriend plus the others from their bands were standing there looking around, probably looking for me. Since everyone from my school knows the two bands and my connections with them, we decided to have a little fun. First I yelled,


Second, our varsity and junior varsity team all ran up to one of the guys. I, of course, ran to Bert. I jumped on him and started making out with him. He knew what I was doing so he played along. And we made sure that mostly everyone was watching. After a little while I pulled away from Bert, the girl that first noticed them came over,

"Hey! I noticed he was here first! You shouldn't get to make out with him. I should!" she huffed. She looked like she was probably only in middle school.

I laughed at her, "Ok, let's get this straight. 1.) You look like you're not even 13, I'm 18 2.) My name is Melissa Way, Gerard and Mikey's little sister, so don't yell all your bull shit in my face about making out with them when they are at least 10 years older then you. 3.) I can do whatever I please with Bert because he is MY boyfriend. Oh and 4.) Your race just started." I smirked when I said the last part, and she looked wide eyed over to the starting line as she saw that she had just missed the gun go off, then ran off. After she left I turned to Bert and the guys plus my team who were busting a gut laughing.

"Well that was interesting." I said to them.

"Holy shit Baby, you really told her. I think you scared the poor girl." Bert said after he got done laughing.

"Well she was trying to tell me I couldn't do any thing with my boyfriend."

So my team and I went to finish warming up before our race. Our race was 2 miles, the guys' race is 3.1 miles and middle school runs 1 mile. The girls ended up getting 1st place, the guys got 2nd place and middle school got 1st place too. When I was running I had someone cheering me on the whole time the guys (MCR and The Used) all spread out along the course so Id have at least one person cheering me on.

The next month went by so fast. At least three of the guys from either MCR or The Used came to my meets to cheer me on. Of course one of the three was always Bert. He was such a sweetheart to come to watch me even after I told him he didn't have to. In his words I 'look hot when I run because I'm all sweaty and tired looking.' He can be such a dork. But that's why I love him.