The Best Summer Ever The Summer Of 09'

Unknown Family Friends

I sank comfortably into the bed not taking my eyes off of the TV. No matter how many The Hills re-runs you watch, it never gets old. It’s like Spencer cheating on Heidi is new news every time. It was sometime in the late afternoon on a hot summer day. My window was wide open allowing the sound of screeching car tires to enter the atmosphere once in a while along with a few annoying bugs trying to escape the heat. This was summer, away from drama, and out of school. During a commercial break I sat up in my bed hearing the front door open and a few voices. My parents had invited some close friends to spend the summer here along with their fours sons; this was going to be a crazy three months. Thankfully we had plenty of room, three guest rooms, my room, and my parents room, this might actually work out wonderfully if we aren’t all fighting to the death for the bathroom which I know won’t be a problem saying they are guys.

“Rashel! Come down here and say hello” My mom yelled. I sighed flipping off the TV, these sons better be cute, my parents still refuse to say who they are, which makes me anxious thinking that my parents were playing some mean prank on me. I couldn’t stop it now, the hole had been dug, and I found myself looking one last time in the mirror and jogging down the stairs. I reached the bottom step to see a nice looking woman and a man, obviously husband and wife saying they were holding each other sweetly. Then I heard more fumbling and yelling. Three boys entered through the front door and I could have sworn my heart had dropped to the floor and been kicked across the room by a professional soccer player. I didn’t know how to react or what to say, my first reaction was to drop to my knees put my hands together and thank my lucky stars, the other half just wanted to bust out crying and laughing from pure delight. I stood their with some goofy look on my face like a little five year old starring at a big ice cream cup. And I felt my body shake a little, I could have probably collapsed to the floor and died happily in front of these three God like figures. I couldn’t even conclude my thoughts or even stop to actually say the words that, The Jonas Brothers stood at my doorway holding luggage in their hands, prepared to spend the summer in my house. I didn’t know if I had died in my sleep, or if I did something in a past life to have this happen to me, for the first time something has gone right. I smiled with the most confidence I’ve ever had and I stepped my foot down grinning and preparing to introduce myself. But of course if I was going to have The Jonas Brothers live in my house hold for three months, I can’t have the best of all the worlds, and before I even placed my foot on the solid ground, I slipped and stumbled down the floor falling to the ground my face at Nick’s, Joe’s, and Kevin’s feet. I couldn’t believe I was such a dumbass, so I stood up quickly blushing and extending my hand cursing quietly.

“Hello” I smiled still blushing a cherry red, I was such a moron I was on the last step, what did I trip on air? I couldn’t believe that out of all the times of being so coordinated I had that ability taken away from me because the three hottest guys stood in front of me.

“Hi!” Joe smiled widely pulling me into a really tight hug.

“Just because you tripped down those steps I can tell me and you are going to get along” He laughed ruffling my hair. My eyes widened, had Joe Jonas just ruffled my hair and said were going to get along? I wanted to cry I was so happy.

“What’s up?” Kevin pulled me into a hug ruffling my hair as well. I smirked, I couldn’t help it, having these guys stay with me could be used to my advantage.

“Ignore Joe, he’s a little excited” Kevin whispered getting hit by Joe.

“Shut up man, of course I’m excited three months of vacation can you believe it?” Joe yelled and whistled patting Kevin’s head.

“Aren’t you happy Paul?” Joe cooed, Kevin growled moving his hand away from his head.

“Hey” I turned my head to see Nick, my JB crush smile at me, I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks turn rosy. I didn’t know to hug him or just say hi, but he answered that question by pulling me tightly in his arms. I sighed silently and closed my eyes, at this point it felt like I was walking on cloud 9. This completely beats seeing that jackass Spencer on TV.

“Hey show the boys to their rooms” My dad motioned pointing up the stairs. I laughed walking up the first step.

“Don’t trip” Joe smiled sweetly, I turned around sticking out my tongue, boy did Joe know how to bring you out of your shy shell, I would have never done that.

“Ok well we have three rooms, I’m guessing your parents will want one to themselves, so you have two rooms to yourselves” I smiled at the top of the steps while they climbed up the stairs.

“What the hell did you pack Joe?” Kevin growled pulling the suitcase behind him his eyes widening.

“Bricks just to make your life miserable” Joe smiled making Kevin glare at him.

“I can take you out of this life just as fast as mom and dad brought you in” Kevin warned, I laughed pointing out the two guest rooms.

“Where is your room?” Joe raised his eyebrows curiously looking around the hall.

“Right down the hall” I walked over to my room opening the door and looking at the walls, my eyes widened, I had completely forgotten about all the posters. I screamed and slammed the door.

“I’ll be out in a sec guys” I yelled through the door jumping on the bed jumping trying to peel all the posters off the walls. At first I tried taking them off carefully but then I just thought screw it, I had the real thing across the hall and I just began to tear them off. Within two minutes they were stored away in one of my drawers securely under all of my shirts. I sighed in relief fixing my hair which had gotten tangled with all the movement and eased my way toward the door. I opened the door having Joe push in along with his brothers. Nick smiled at me and walked in sitting on the desk chair and glancing around.

“Nice zone” Joe stated, I laughed rubbing the back of my head.

“I try my best” Kevin nodded looking at my photos and cocking up his eyebrows a smirk rising on his lips.

“How old are your friends?” Kevin grinned foolishly, I laughed walking over to the pictures smiling.

“I was waiting for you to ask that” I laughed pointing at my friends.

“This is Ashley she’s 17, and this is Ellie she’s 19” Kevin smiled grabbing the picture showing Joe. Joe raised his eyebrows and smirked.

“Hellooo Ashley” He nudged Kevin’s shoulder who hit him playfully upside the head. I laughed grabbing the picture and putting it back on the tack board.

“So how old are you?” Nick asked coming out from his silence, I turned around smiling.

“16 going on 17, me and Ashley are both going to be seniors, and Ellie is going to college the new year” I smiled, Nick blushed and Joe cooed.

“Adorable, adolescent love” Joe winked causing Nick to glare at him.

“You are an adolescent you deusche bag” Nick laughed while Joe stuck his tongue out.

“Kevin!! Make him stop” Joe whined, Kevin laughed rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

“He’s got a point” Kevin smiled, Joe sighed and I started to laugh.

“You guys are a lot sillier than on TV and at concerts” I walked over sitting down on a small foot rest.

“Concerts? You’ve been to our shows?” Nick asked raising his eyebrows.

“Yea, three” I smiled Joe looked taken back.

“You’re a fan? And you aren’t acting all fan girly” He pointed at me covering his mouth dramatically. I laughed shaking my head.

“Nope, don’t want to smother all of you” Kevin smiled leaning back.

“After all you’re all just teenagers’ right?” I smiled, very hot teenagers, who have the voices of angels singing for God. I sighed causing all three of them too look up at me oddly. I blushed nervously and my parents began to call us for dinner, saved by the rentals. We left the room running down the stairs to see the table set. I sat beside Denise (Their mom), and Nick. Joe sat across from me and my parents on the other side of the table with Kevin and his dad. We served dinner, and the conversations began. We began to laugh about family tales while I chewed my food smiling. They were just such a sweet family. Then something in my peripheral caught my eye. When I glanced up Ellie was at the large window signaling me to open the front door. My eyes widened and I shook my head running my finger across my neck telling her to cut it. She glared at me but then her eye caught Kevin, and like any teenage girl who has just seen their biggest crush she opened her mouth and a loud scream erupted. The room silenced and before anyone saw Ellie she had dropped to the floor so her body disappeared from the window. I sighed in relief but my heart continued to beat fast within my chest.

“What was that?” My mother questioned cleaning her mouth with a napkin and rising to her feet.

“Ex-“I cut my mom off by standing up and smiling politely.

“No problem mom, I got it, excuse me” I got out of my chair and pushed it in.

“Oh sweetie you can’t go out there by yourself let Kevin go with you” Denise offered, I smiled and shook my head.

“No worries Mrs. Jonas I’m a big girl I’ll be right back” I laughed walking to the front door and closing it.

“Ellie!?” I whispered loudly.

“Where the hell are you!?”

I led out following to the side of the house. I glanced around and then I looked up to see Ellie climbing up the tree.

“What are you doing?!” I hissed, Ellie starred down at me widening her eyes.
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