The Best Summer Ever The Summer Of 09'

Late Night Conversation


“What are you doing?” I growled seeing Ashley and Joe. Ashley was standing up and Joe was on his knees and complaining.

“You told me to come here” She reminded me while I nodded.

“What did you do?” I asked starring at Joe; she shrugged and crossed her arms.

“I kicked him in the balls” She smiled successfully.

“You kicked Joe Jonas where the sun don’t shine?!” I screamed while she laughed and then stopped looking at me shocked her eyes widening and gasping.

“What do you mean Joe Jonas?!” She answered flipping on the lights and screaming when she saw him.

“Oh God I’m so sorry you want me to get you ice?”

He starred at her sarcastically and angrily.

“No it’s fine” He stood up a little awkwardly but then straightened out looking normal.

“I’m Ashley” Ashley extended her hand and he smiled shaking it.


“Oh I know” She laughed looking around my room awkwardly.

“Where are all your pos-” I cut her off quickly, last thing I need is Joe snooping trying to find what posters I had up.

“Off, stored, gone” I laughed nervously looking at Joe who raised his eyebrows.

“I get it, you don’t want me to see, no problem”

My room door opened revealing a very tired looking Kevin rubbing his eyes.

“What is everyone doing, it’s late and I’m exhausted”

“It’s Kevin Jonas” Ashley’s eyes widened she looked awed and she lifted a very shaky finger.

“I called you to tell you, that these awesome guys were staying at my house for the summer” I smirked making Ashley turn red in the face.

“Really?” She questioned, I nodded patting her shoulder.

“Que bueno” Ashley smirked cocking up her eyebrows.

“No esta pero perfecto” I laughed causing Kevin to look confusedly at us because he didn’t understand and he was too tired to even try.

“Subtitles please” Joe smiled.

“Goodnight you two and I’m locking my door Joseph” I patted Kevin on the back and shoved Joe out the door closing it and locking it.

“The Jonas Brothers are staying at your house!? How?! Why?! What?! and When!?” Ashley whispered loudly jumping around the room and flying onto my bed kicking a little.

“This is going to be the best summer ever, dish! What’s happened so far?” Ashley sat up straight folding her legs and patting the bed for me to sit down next to her. I laughed sitting down and crossing my legs and smiling excitedly.

“Well!” I spoke happily grabbing a pillow to put on my lap to lean on for support.

I told her everything, from me tripping down the stairs, from the dinner, and Ellie climbing up the tree and flirting with Kevin.

“My God!” Ashley had turned hyper and she was laughing and smiling.

“I can’t believe this is happening right now, anything else, something really deep?” She questioned, I forgot to tell about Nick so I smiled and blushed.

“You’re blushing! What happened?!” She squealed shaking my arm a little.

“Well me and Nick were putting away dishes and we almost kissed” I blushed feeling a bit light headed making my heart beat faster.

“Oh my God! Who leaned in?” She asked widening her eyes.

“He did”

She squealed almost falling off the bed from her excitement.

“Anything else?” I smiled rubbing the back of my head.

“I kissed his cheek when he said goodnight” I grinned, she laughed and gave me a thumbs up.

“Way to go Rashel” She allowed a small giggle to slip from her lips.

“So what’s up with Ellie and Kevin?” She asked lifting her eyebrows.

“You know her, he’s like her crack addiction and well when she walked in they were already hitting it off, they look cute together hopefully all goes well” I smiled; she nodded and leaned back smirking.

“Along with you and Mr. Studdmuffin huh” She giggled making me smack her off the bed; she tumbled to the floor laughing.

“Oh come on Mica” I laughed calling her by her nickname which meant monkey in Spanish.

She shrugged standing up and laughing.

“Just stating the obvious, he’s adorable, your shy, he’s sweet, your nice, it’s like a match meant in heaven” She sighed dramatically falling onto the be. I laughed playfully hitting her arm.

“What about you and Joe hm?” I asked while she laughed sarcastically.

“I screwed it up when I kicked him in the” She raised her eyebrows and hit her forehead.

“You know!” She stated widening her eyes.

“How stupid am I?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“You’re the stupid girl he thinks is cute” I raised my eyebrows making her shoot up and widen her eyes.

“Did he tell you that?” She asked smiling a goofy grin.


“When?” She asked happily crossing her arms.

“Today when Kevin saw the picture of us” I laughed making her squeal and fall back onto the pillows.

“I think I’m dreaming, do you think I’ll wake up? Because I don’t want to” She rambled quickly starring seriously at the ceiling.

“Do you know how long we’ve waited for an opportunity like this?” She asked, I nodded remembering everything that’s happened in the past few years. All the concerts, CD’S, staying up late to buy tickets.

“And then it comes knocking at your door” She laughed sitting up smiling.

“I know it’s perfect” I laughed while she nodded.

“Got that right, God, just to think Joe Jonas is across the hall, my celebrity crush since I was like 14” She laughed rubbing her head.

“I can’t believe this right now”

“Neither can I, I still think I’m dreaming and that I have to wake up sooner or later”

“But you don’t” She looked away from the ceiling and smiled.

“This is happening to all three of us, this is destiny” She laughed wildly sitting up straight.

“Thank you fortune cookie you and Ellie, she’s freaking Dr. Phil’s long lost cousin” I grinned making her smile.

“Just stating the obvious, hey mind if I crash here, if I go back home and my parents catch me, I’ll be grounded for the whole summer” She laughed grabbing a few pillows.

“No problem, just turn off the lights” I smiled scooting over so she could lie down. She flipped off the lights and we closed our eyes sighing, we knew what we would be dreaming about that night.
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