The Best Summer Ever The Summer Of 09'

Jonas Jealousy

Waking up that morning was painless saying I had something to wake up to. The Jonas Brothers more than likely eating breakfast I couldn’t help but to laugh, this was going to be a crazy three months.

“Wakey wakey Ashley” I laughed shaking her shoulder. She groaned and flipped over to glare at me.

“There better be a good reason your waking me up right now”

I nodded and giggled.

“I hear pans, which means breakfast” I jumped out of bed looking in the vanity and jumping back. Jesus Christ! what the hell did I do? Get myself thrown into a dryer?

“Whoa you look like crap” Ashley snickered making me glance at her and stick out my tongue.

“Not for long” I quickly grabbed a brush combing my hair and removing any smeared makeup. I then curled my eyelashes and adjusted the tank top and shorts.

“What now” I smirked looking in the mirror, I looked good for the morning and that’s all I needed.

“I hate you” She frowned combing her hair and fixing her makeup.

“Since when do we care what we look like in the morning?”

“Since the three hottest guys in the world are staying at my house this summer” I flashed a wide grin making her smile.

“I forgot about that tiny little piece of information? So what are we waiting here for!? You need to cook me up some French toast I’m starving” She rubbed her stomach frowning at me.

“Why do I have to cook you food?”

“Because you do” She smiled opening the door.

“Let’s go!” She grabbed my arm throwing me out of the room and pushing me down the steps. I finally made it to the first floor and sighed in relief, I didn’t trip this time. We then both walked into the kitchen to see Joe attempting to cook, Kevin yelling at him, and Nick starring at both of the groggily.

“You’re an idiot! You’re what 18 Joseph and you can’t even cook?” Kevin hissed grabbing the pan from his hand.

“I got it” I spoke up walking up to them grabbing the pan and adjusting the fire.

“Oho Mrs. Know It All has it under control” Joe smiled sarcastically.

“Shut up I like to cook” I smiled grabbing a carton of eggs.

“Thank God cause I’m starving” Nick sighed in relief he walked over to me smiling. I smiled blushing a little to hear Joe coo.

“Just so cute” Joe whispered in my ear making me elbow him in the stomach causing him to grunt. He then turned to look at Ashley and widen his eyes and protectively cross his legs.

“Should I be wearing a cup?” He questioned raising his eyebrows. She stuck out her tongue and crossed her arms.

“You tempted me, I thought you were some burglar or something and there was no need to call me sweetheart” She rolled her eyes walking over to me.

“And there was no need to take the power of kids away from me” He smirked at her.

“I didn’t kick you that hard, you baby” She frowned making him laugh.

“I always like them a little feisty” He smirked walking past her and sitting at one of the high chairs. Nick starred at Joe like he was crazy.

“What are you talking about?” He questioned sighing.

“Nothing” Joe smiled a bit starring at Ashley who turned to look at me and show a hint of happiness.

“Twenty bucks says I can get you to kiss me by the end of the week” Joe called out; Kevin snapped his head to glare at him.

“Joe! Dude that is no way to talk to a girl”

“Excuse me?” Ashley turned around putting her hand on her waist.

“Are you saying I’m easy?” He shook his head no and smirked.

“I’m saying you have something for me and you can’t deny it”

“Oh God you’ve known me for what an hour? And you think I have something for you?” She frowned making him lean back in the chair and nod, I had to admit he did look pretty cute all cocky.

“Oh I know you have something for me”

“Joe drop it” Nick frowned rubbing his forehead.

“Oh and twenty more bucks says Nick will kiss her by the end of the week” He pointed at me making my mouth drop open.

“Oh I’ll bet along with that one” Ashley giggled rubbing the back of her head and smiling at me.

“Shut up” Me and Nick hissed in unison.

We then glared at everyone and then both sighed getting back to what we were doing.

“So bet me” Joe continued making Ashley growl.

“Fine I bet you I won’t kiss you by the end of the week, I guess I’ll be twenty bucks richer” She smirked extending her hand, he shook it smiling.

“We’ll just see about that”

Ashley then pulled away looking at me, and walking up.

“What was that about?” I whispered she smirked and licked her lips.

“If he wants to play like that then ok, Sunday night at 12 midnight I’ll kiss him and it’s going to make him mad” She smiled and giggled.

“Sure it will” I laughed making her smack my arm.

“Shut up, you know it’s a marvelous plan” She laughed darkly while I scrambled the eggs in the pan starring cautiously at her.

“Did you take your meds this morning?” She stopped laughing and glared at me making me smirk.

“Just saying” I shrugged adding some salt into the eggs and grabbing a large deep bowl.

“I’m going to make him want me so bad he can’t stand it” She smirked rubbing her chin, Joe stood arguing with Kevin, and Nick stood and watched so they were all too occupied to listen to our conversation.

“You should do the same with Nick” She raised her eyebrows smiling a big wide grin.

“Ok sure what the hell I have nothing better to do with my life” I shrugged grabbing several plates.

“Joseph if you don’t set the table I’m not feeding you” I threatened which made Joe scurry beside me grab the plates and set the table faster then I ever had in my seventeen years of living.

Ashley grabbed the bowl of eggs making Joe smirk.

“How much do you want Joe” She glared at him which made him smirk.

“As much as you want to give me” He raised his eyebrows making her laugh and grab the large spoon dipping it into the eggs and gathering a reasonable amount. She then smiled and slapped the eggs onto his face. They slid down and fell onto his plate, he then raised his hand holding a napkin and cleaning the splattered eggs from his face.

“Is that enough?” Ashley smirked sarcastically rolling her eyes and moving on. Kevin covered his mouth trying to withstand laughter and Nick had to look away to let a small giggle escape.

“What are you laughing about?” Joe hissed making Nick take in a sharp breath.


“Trust me babe I want you” She spoke sarcastically rolling her eyes again and setting the bowl in the middle of the table. She then turned around to give me a thumbs up and blush a cherry red. I laughed opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. I then heard the phone ring so I quickly jogged over and answered it.

“Hello?” The conversation going on at the table silenced and everyone listened to the call.

“Hey what’s up Rashel?” I smirked, so what the guy I had given my number to at the mall called me.

“Nothing, what’s up with you” I smirked looking at Ashley who raised her eyebrows.

“Well, me and my best friend were wondering if you wanted to double date, if you could bring a long a friend” I grinned widely leaning back on the counter.

“That would be cool, when?”

“Tonight at eight-thirty? I’ll pick you up, oh and wear a cocktail dress if that’s fine, we are going to a nice restaurant” I felt slightly excited the guy was cute, and this was a great way to see if Nick had feelings for me, because if he did he would be tossing and turning with jealousy.

“Perfect, I’ll see you then” He said goodbye and I hung up the phone sighing dramatically and hanging the phone on the hook.

“Oh Ashley, I hope you can look hot and sexy tonight” I smiled walking over by the table and sitting down into the chair,

“Why” Joe looked alarmed and all of his comical side seemed to melt away and now he seemed territorial, defensive, and protective.

“We just got invited to a double date” I smirked in success.

“Oh and who is the guy?” Nick’s tiredness also faded and he now sat up alarmed and ready for anything. He didn’t smile or show any sign of happiness.

“This really cute guy we met at the mall” Ashley squealed and stood up from the table.

“What time is he coming?” She grinned widely while Joe glared at her.

“You’re going?” He stated trying to hide his jealousy, I smiled on the inside, this was perfect.

“Yea, why? Does it mean anything to you?” She questioned raising her eyebrows; he laughed and looked at Kevin.

“It means nothing” He stated forcing a smile.

“Good” She smiled glancing back at me.

“Oho and he said wear cocktail dresses” Joe and Nick both shot up and starred at us while Kevin smirked at both of them.

“You can’t be serious the guy already sounds like a creep” Nick stated getting Joe to nod.

“Exactly, you know he only wants one thing” Ashley starred at him raising her eyebrows.

“Of course you would know” She stood up grabbing her plate and smiling at me.

“I am not that type of guy” Joe hissed, Ashley completely ignored him turning around smiling at me.

“Alright I’m going to need to borrow a dress if that’s fine” She then starred back at Joe who looked like he was going to blow a fuse.

“Alright come on let’s look in my closet, guys can you please clean up since I cooked?” Kevin nodded still starring at his brothers and me and Ashley ran up the stairs into my room and we closed the door.

“This is perfect!” Ashley stated jumping in the air.

“Did you see how jealous Joe and Nick were?” I smirked opening my closet. I then pulled out the two dresses I knew would be perfect and set them on the bed.

“These are perfect” Ashley backed up and stopped talking admiring the dresses.

“This one is perfect for you” I handed her the best dress I had and she held it up to her body starring in the mirror.

“Don’t you want to wear this though?” She looked at me concerned and I smiled lightly.

“No it didn’t look good on me, but on you, it’ll look great” I smiled grabbing the dress I wanted to wear.

“Do you think so?” She smiled into the mirror while I nodded.

“For sure” I then grabbed my underclothing and my towel.

“I’ll shower in my parent’s bathroom go a head and use the hall bathroom ok?” Ashley nodded still looking at the dress and deciding how she would do her makeup and what accessories to wear with it. I walked out taking a deep breath in, this is going to be a long night.
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Hey guys new chapter!! :) Hope you enjoy enough to subscribe, more updates will be out soon! Thanks for reading Enjoy! Feedback and messages are always wanted so feel free to comment or message to tell me what you think.