To Love Again


"You are really good, Suz. Well done. Before you know it you will be on the big stage." I encouraged her. Her dance class had just ended and her feet were still making rhythms on the wooden floor with her tap shoes.

"I'm going to be famous." She stated, knowing exactly what she wanted.

"Of course you are. Now come on, lets get you changed." I tugged her along to the changing rooms, where I dressed her into her clothes.

"We have to stop off somewhere on the way home, ok?" I told her as I strapped her into the back seat.

"Where?" She asked, curiously.

"I have to stop off at a friends house."

"Jodie's?" She asked, a smile gracing her lips.

"No sweetie. Some new friends." I told her, hopping into the front seat and starting the car.

"What kind of friends? Are they nice?" She questioned.

Six year olds and their questions. They never knew when to stop.

"Oh Suzie what are you like?" I laughed. "Yes they are nice. So be good. I'm only stopping off for a minute."

"Ok, I don't mind. I like your friends." She chimed, gazing out on the passing trees.

In the distance, I could see the darkness covering over the clouds in the sky.

The Cullens' house was a ten minute drive from where Suzie had her dance classes so it wasn't too bad. And I knew it like the back of my hand.

"Where do they live?" Suzie asked, after a few minutes silence.

"Near St. Peter's Lake."

"That is where you bring me." She exclaimed.

She was right, I brought her there any time I could. I didn't want her missing out on the experience that my father would have given her.

I felt sorry for my sister. She was so young when my father died, she was only four and whatever memories she had of him were vague. She still talked about him alot, though. She kept his picture in her bedroom.

"Yep, that's the place." I agreed, turning into the narrow road leading up into their house.

"Your friends are lucky. I would love to live near that lake."

"Me too." I dreamed. As if that was ever going to happen. The only chance I would get of living in that house was if millions of dollars fell from the sky.

Yeah, not going to happen. My dream house was only a dream.

As we got closer, the big bright house came into clear view. It was beautiful, as always. Just this time is looked a lot more homely. Any time I saw it, it was in darkness. But now the lamps from inside shone through the big windows and glowed in the night.

"Wow." Suzie breathed, pressing open her safety belt.

I picked up the pile of notes I had for Nessie and guided Suzie up the steps to the beautiful house. I knocked softly on the door and waited for an answer.

Actually, there was no waiting, the door opened almost immediately.

"Eleni." Nessie said, sounding excited as she hugged me gently.

"Hey, I have the notes for you."

"Oh thank you so much." She took the papers from my hand. "Come in!" She gestured.

"Thanks, but I really should be getting off." I smiled.

"Seriously, Eleni, get your ass in the house." She joked.

I stared at her for a moment, contemplating if I should go in or not. "Ok." I sighed, giving in.

She smiled widely in response.

"And who is this?" She turned to Suzie as she guided us down the large hall. The house was more beautiful than I had thought.

"I'm Suzie." Suzie introduced herself happily, holding my hand tightly. She always got a bit shy around new people.

The house was amazing. The hall was white and apple green.

But the living room felt so warm. It was decorated in browns, golds and creams with a large fire place.

"You want something to drink Suzie?" Nessie asked, still smiling.

Suzie looked up at me, waiting for my approval. "She asked you not me, Suz." I laughed.

"No thank you." Suzie chimed, loosening the grip of my hand.

"I am going to introduce you to my parents."

"Ok." I agreed, following her towards the kitchen. "This is my father." She pointed.

"Eleni. How are you?" I already knew this face.

"Hi Doctor Cullen. I'm good." I smiled.

"Please, call me Carlisle."

"And this is my beautiful mother." I could see how much love was in this family.

A pale women with soft topaz eyes and caramel wavy hair walked gracefully towards me. A welcoming smile placed on her full lips. She was beautiful.

"I am Esme. It is lovely to meet you." She said as she wrapped her arms tightly around me.

What was it with the family? They were all so loving.

"That is where your name comes from." I said, finally realizing. "Lovely to meet you too. You have a beautiful home." Her smile became suddenly wider.

"Oh thank you, dear. How lovely of you to say so. And this much be your little sister." She said, kneeling down to look at Suzie. "Hello you. Aren't you just a beautiful little girl."

"Thank you." Suzie's high pitched voice filled the room.

"Oh there is the smart ass from today." Emmett said walking into the kitchen, smirking. Jasper followed close behind.

"Emmett." Esme warned.

"That's ok." I smiled, calming her down. "He just doesn't like losing." I joked and he stuck out his tongue childishly.

"You can say that again." Jasper laughed, but I had a feeling he was talking about something else.

"That your little sister?" Staring at Suzie as if he had never seen a child before.

"Yes it is." My eye's narrowed.

"Hey kid." He smiled, walking towards her. I thought she would huddle close to me but she didn't, instead she let go of my hand. He bent down to her height. "I'm Emmett."

"I'm Suzie." She stepped closer to him.

"Say, who is that?" He asked, pointing at the picture on her top.

She rolled her eye's and stared at him. "I can't believe you don't know who that is." She folded her arms and Emmett chuckled loudly.

"No but I was hoping you would tell me."

"That is Hannah Montana. Silly." She stated.

"Oh. How could I be so stupid? Of course it is." It looked weird watching Emmett, the big guy that you would expect to beat you up, be good with kids. He had a knack. "Do you like make-up and stuff like that?"

"Uh huh." She nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Tell you what, I've got a girlfriend and she had lots and lots of dress up stuff. You want to go mess with her favorite make-up?" He asked, mischief shining in his eye's.

"Oh no!" I demanded but I wasn't the only voice. Rosalie came storming into the kitchen, her long blonde hair flowing down her back.

"Emmett, who are you planning to mess up my stuff with?" She growled, her eye's raging.

"Well, see, this little woman here loves girlie stuff." He smiled at Rosalie and nodded his head towards Suzie. The minute she set her eye's on her, her hard expression melted into a loving smile.

"Hello." I could see her swallow hard. Somehow, she looked nervous or excited, I didn't know which. "I was just joking, I don't mind you playing with my stuff. Emmett just doesn't know how to play dress up. You know the way boys are." Rosalie smiled. She too, looked like she loved kids and in her eye's I could see a longing.

This couple was going to have one hell of a big family.

"Now I don't think Eleni would appreciate us putting make-up on your face but we will find something else. Is it ok if we take her upstairs?" Rosalie asked, almost pleaded.

"Of course it is but we are heading away shortly so don't be making too much of a fuss up there Suzie. And be good." I warned her. She clapped her hands excitingly and gripped Rosalie's hand. Emmett followed them close behind.

The rest of us chatted for a while. They asked me basic questions about school and some things about my family.

Then, the back door opened and laughing voice of both Edward and Alice filled the room.

"Eleni." Alice screamed running towards me.

"You know you are going to give yourself a heart attack. You get way too over-excited. It's only me, you saw me a few hours ago." I laughed.

"I know. It's sad really." She smiled, making her nose wrinkle.

"Hello again." Edward smiled, standing beside me. I could feel his body against mine. "You ok?" He whispered.

"Hey." I smiled. "Yeah, I'm doing alright." I nodded, and smiled back at him. This time I appreciated that he was looking out for me and not trying to smother me.

"Where's your little sister?" He asked. "Wasn't she coming with you?"

"Uh but Rosalie and Emmett kidnapped her." I laughed.

Just then I heard her squeal my name and running into the kitchen. Her hair was done in an up style with small pieces sticking out. "I love it." She giggled spinning around. "Rose said she would do it for me when I have my next show."

"Wow, wouldn't that be great." I smiled. I knew she wouldn't shut up about Rosalie and Emmett for the next week, now that she likes them.

"Oh and guess what?"

"What?" I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"They have a really big piano. Like the one you used to play in your shows." She blurted.

"Suzie." I warned.

"You play?" Edward asked, a smile tugging at his mouth.

"No." I answered. His eye's narrowed in confusion. "Well, yes. Sort of. I used to play. You could say I retired." I laughed nervously.

"Edward plays too." Alice chimed, her musical voice filling my ears.

I was about to open my mouth to say something but I phone interrupted me, buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and flipped it open.

"Hello." I answered.

"Eleni, I'm so sorry." My mother's voice cried down the phone.

"Excuse me a minute." I told the rest of them. I walked a few steps away. "Mom, what's wrong? What are you talking about?"

"I'm so sorry." She sobbed. "I didn't mean to."

"Mom calm down, I can't understand a word you are saying." I begged. I could tell that she was drunk, just this time she sounded a lot worse than the night before.

"I didn't mean to swallow them all. I swear." She stuttered. "I'm started to get dizzy, please Eleni, you have to be with me."

"Mom, what the hell did you do?" My mouth suddenly went dry. She swallowed something, I just didn't want to think what.

"For a few minutes I hated my life and I swallowed all of them but then I thought of you and Suzie and oh God. I love you so much. Please come home." She begged.

Then the line went dead.

"Eleni are you alright." Edward spun me around holding onto my shoulders. "Eleni." He pressed.

"My mother." I began, I felt like no words would flow from my mouth.

"What about her? Eleni please love you have to speak."

"I have to go home. She swallowed them all." A single tear fell from my eye's.

"Eleni." Suzie's small voice squealed. It was her voice that woke me from my trance. "What is wrong with Mommy?" Her small face was holding too much worry.

"Nothing sweetie but we have to go home."

"Doctor Cullen, would you mind coming with me?" I asked.

"Of course, no worries." He said already getting his coat.

"We can keep her here." Rosalie assured me as she hugged Suzie close to her side.

"You want to stay here Suzie?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. She didn't need to see my mother now.

"Yeah, I don't mind." She agreed.

I walked swiftly to her side and hugged her close. "Everything is going to be ok." I kissed her forehead. "I will come and get you as soon as I can." I promised.

"Ready?" Carlisle asked, holding a leather case.

"Yeah." I nodded standing up. I walked quickly to the door but before I could get there, Edward pulled me back.

"I'm coming with you. You need to tell me everything, Eleni. I'll drive. Remember, I'm here for you." He kissed my forehead softly.

If it was any other time, I would have been in shock or my heart would have skipped a beat but right now I couldn't feel anything, just the urge to get to my mother.

"Now, come on." He said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the car.

Then, I suddenly realized, I had no other choice but to trust this man because I was just about to tell him everything.