To Love Again

Pre Talk

Looking at Edward in that moment, I wanted to be so mad at him. I wanted to act out and tell him I hated him for keeping me here. Could he not see that I was leaving to make his life better? He was so stupid and I wanted to be angry at him for it.

But I couldn't. I couldn't even speak looking at him. And even though, I wanted to hate him and scream at him, I needed something totally different. I needed his arms around me, to tell me that everything was ok and that we would get through this together.

"So we are staying?" Suzie's small voice interrupted the painful silence that was killing me. I looked down at her tiny frame. Her blue eyes' lit up like a Christmas tree and I couldn't disappoint her.

I swallowed hard and nodded my head. "Yes, we are staying but only for tonight. We are going home in the morning."

She smiled widely and turned to Emmett who looked like a giant next to her. "Guess what?" She whispered. He bent down and took her in his arms as if it was like lifting a feather. "I get to stay for one more night."

Everyone chuckled at her attempt to stay quiet. "Isn't that great?" He winked and carried her off somewhere with Rosalie.

The rest of the family must have noticed the intensity between Edward and I and they soon cleared out of the room.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." I whispered as I brushed past him. I didn't get very far though, a gentle tug at my hand took me a back a few steps. His cold touch sent shivers down my spine.

"Why are you trying to run away from people who are only trying to help you?"

I bit down on my lip and took a deep breath to gather my thoughts but also to buy time on my answer. I didn't even know the answer to that myself so how was I supposed to tell him.

"I don't know." I admitted truthfully looking at everything apart from him.

“I think you do know. You are just too scared to admit it.” He stated, staring straight at me.

“I’m not scared. I’m cautious. There is a big difference Edward. And don’t try to tell me how I feel. Because you don’t know anything about me.”

“Then tell me Eleni. I can’t help you if I don’t know what is wrong.” His eyes were pleading with me to confide in him, but I couldn’t. What was it with me? I trusted him so fast and I didn’t even know him. That was my problem with guys. I relied on them too much. I was always independent. I still am but it is like they give me extra security. Not that Joe gave me security. He gave me the total opposite.

“Stop trying to help me, Edward. I was doing just fine before you came along. I am sure I will survive for another while on my own.” I took a deep breath, trying my best to keep the tears away from eyes.

“You shouldn’t have to fight on your own Eleni. You’re strong, I can see that. But when someone wants to help you, you should let them.”

I didn’t even know how to respond to him. I knew he was making sense; I just didn’t want to take his advice.

“We will finish this off later.” He promised. “George will be here in minute?” His eyes were fixed on the door.

“How do you know?”

“I can hear the car.” He explained. How the hell could he hear the car?

“You got super hearing or something?”

“Something like that.” He blinked a few times and turned his gaze to the front door.

“What are you looking at?” I questioned, turning just in time when the door bell rang to life.

“I already told you, it’s George.” He repeated to me. “Don’t try and make up some story. I don’t think he will believe that you fell down the stairs.”

“I can’t just tell him. He will go nuts.” My voice raised in pitch.

“Let him. He has a right to know. He will know by looking at you, Eleni. He’s not stupid.”

I was about to open my mouth to defend myself in some way but he just walked away to open the door. Oh he really got my blood boiling sometimes.

“George, how are you?” Edward greeted him with a firm handshake.

“I’m good Edward, thank you.” George smiled, and I knew he was grateful to Edward for much more than just asking how he was.

I wonder would he be so grateful if he found out that Little Mr Perfect himself was holding me here against my own will?

Ok, a little dramatic, I know. But I just wanted to slap that man.

Then George turned to me. A loving smile spread across his worried face. “Eleni you’re...” He trailed off as he stared at me. Yep, he’d definitely kill Joe now. “Better.” He finished.

“What the hell happened to you?” I could hear his voice getting louder as he rushed to my side, taking my face in his hand, his eyes fixed on the purple bruise surrounding my eye. “El?” He pleaded when I didn’t answer.

A single tear escaped, stinging the cut underneath my swollen eye.

“Sweetheart, did he hurt you?” George whispered. I blinked a few times, until I finally realized he was talking about Edward and not Joe.

“God no.” I blurted. “George, Edward wouldn’t hurt me.” I half smiled, looking over his shoulder to where Edward was standing.

“Then what happened to your face?” He looked away from me for a moment and then the entire colour drained from his face. “Christ, I’m going to kill him.” He raged.

“No you’re not.” I shook my head in protest. “Don’t you dare, George. I have enough to deal without worrying about what you are going to do to Joe.” I said sounding more firm than what I felt.

I could see the anger in his brown eyes as he stood there looking at me. “I should have protected you.” He breathed.

“Oh for God’s Sake.” I screamed feeling the frustration boil inside me. “What is it with you people and always thinking that you have to protect me? You can’t protect me and either can Edward so just stop it!” I swallowed hard to get rid of the lump that was threatening to choke me. “I don’t want to put that responsibility on anybody. Especially, you two.”

I watched as the anger in George’s face turned to sympathy. I hated that part. I hated other peoples’ pity but I wasn’t about to argue because of it.

“Why don’t you take a seat and talk about it?” Edward suggested, leading us into the living room. I happily obliged. My ribs were killing me.

“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” Edward winked before he walked away.

Once I sat down I looked up at George who was just staring at me.


I could see his jaw tighten. “Why were you walking like that?”

“Like what?”

“He didn’t just hit you, did he?”

I knew the look in my eyes gave him the answer he didn’t want to hear.

“How long has this being going on, El?” George asked his eyes full of regret and sorrow as he sat down beside me.

“Not long.” I lied.

“Don’t ever murder someone, Eleni, you will never get away with it. Just be honest with me. I need to know.” He grabbed my hands tightly.

I bit down on my lip, feeling the blood pulse beneath it. “About two months.” I finally answered. The look on his face was hurting me more than my bruises.

“I’m sorry.” I cried, letting the tears flow freely down my cheeks.

“Oh sweetheart.” I could feel his warm hands wrap tightly around me. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. Don’t even think it. Some people go through things the hard way. Are you sure you don’t want me to snap his neck in half though?”

“No.” I smiled, through my tears. “But you can’t.”

“Pity. I would have enjoyed that part.” He shrugged. “You are going to get through this, El.” He wiped my tears away with his thumb.

“I know.” In truth, it felt like it would never end. It felt like I would never come out of it.

“It looks like the Cullens have been good to you and Suzie?”

“Yeah they have been amazing. And Suzie adores them. But I’m going home tomorrow. Suzie needs to be home.” I

“That’s a coincidence.” He breathed, looking away from me. “Because Uncle George is moving in tomorrow.”

I thought I could feel my jaw hit the floor. “You are moving into our house. Bye bye freedom.” I mocked waving.

“Very funny but yes I am moving in.”

“I can’t believe you are moving in. Since when has this come about?”

Actually I was more excited about George moving in than I have been about anything in awhile.

“This morning, I was talking to your Mom. And we both decided that it isn’t fair on you to have to watch out for her all of the time. But she is getting help so it is best for me to be there with her. That way, we can all help her through it. And I can keep an eye on you at the same time.”

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” I smiled. And he didn’t. It felt like a weight had been suddenly lifted from me. Whether he knew it or not, he was giving me more freedom by moving in.

“How is Mom? I didn’t want to go and see her because.... Well you know.”

“She is doing well. She is already speaking to the doctors about what she can do to help herself. I think she is determined this time. She doesn’t want to put you through it again. You don’t deserve it.”

I took a deep breath, feeling the tears sting my eyes again.

“I’m glad she wants to help herself because lord knows she won’t accept mine. Anyway,” I said standing up, “you better go and talk to Suzie. I think she is in the kitchen with the rest of them. I’m going to step outside and get some air.”

“Ok sweetheart.” He kissed my cheek and left the room.

Edward’s P.O.V

“Renesmee, can I speak to you for a moment? Please.” I gritted my teeth.

Oh crap! He only calls me Renesmee when I am in trouble. I heard her thoughts.

“You’re right. I do only call you that when you are in trouble.” I could feel the whole families’ eyes on me. But now was the right time to talk to her, when Eleni was distracted,
“What’s wrong Edward?” Alice interrupted. “What did Ness do?”

Trust Alice to interfere in something that had nothing to do with her. I could tell she was trying to protect her but it wasn’t going to happen. Not this time.

This is between Edward and Nessie, Alice.” Carlisle told her. I smiled at him gratefully. Alice seemed to step back a bit but I knew she didn’t want to.

“Outside.” I pointed towards the door that led to the back garden. A garden that Suzie called magical when she had first seen it yesterday. A winded pathway snaked through the garden and the colourful flowers that my mother had planted, decorated around it. She had different garden ornaments scattered around too. Esme always took pride in her gardening.

“What’s wrong, Dad?” She asked with those innocent brown eyes of hers as she stepped onto the pathway of the garden. Those eyes had gotten her out of so much trouble before.

Not this time.

“I can read your mind remember, Renesmee?”

She rolled her eyes and grunted, “as if I could forget.”

“You told her about your mother?” I snapped.

I watched she bit down on her lip, buying time for her answer.

“She has a right to know Dad.”

“Yes I agree. But is something I should have told her. Not you.”

“She is my friend. And believe it or not as much as she is hurting right now, she was worried about you. She wanted to know why you were so distant and why the hell you weren’t there when she needed you most.” She shouted. “I get it, Dad, I do. Watching you bring her here in my arms killed me to watch. You don’t want to lose her, I understand that. But history doesn’t always repeat itself. Do you honestly think Mom would have wanted you to have sulked everyday for eternity? I don’t think so. She would have wanted to see you happy. And right now what makes you happy is Eleni.”

“Renesmee.” I said sternly.

“Sorry Dad but shut up!” She demanded and I could feel my eyes widen with shock. “I know I don’t do it often but right now I am talking sense and you know it. You are just too damn stubborn to admit it. Get over yourself, man. There is a damsel in distress that needs your help. Go rescue her.”

“That’s not the point, Ness.”

Well at least he isn’t calling me Renesmee anymore, she thought to herself.

“You told her about your mother.” I reminded her.
“No dad, I told her about Bella. I’m guessing she would have ran a mile if I told her the real story. Besides you are going to have to start telling her things. She is a smart girl. It won’t take her long to start wondering why we don’t eat and sleep. You know the rest. Mom figured it out, I’m sure she will too.” She smiled that “please, I’m a good girl,” smile that always got her out of trouble. And I couldn’t help it.

“I’m sorry love. I know it’s not your fault. I need to have a talk with her anyway.”

“A talk with whom?” A soft voice interrupted. I turned to see Eleni staring at us both.

How did we not hear her coming around? Maybe we were just too caught up in the conversation.

She was standing with her arms crossed, protecting herself from the cold. The bruise on her pale skin reminded me every time I looked at it of what he could have done to her if I didn’t get there in time. It wasn’t even worth thinking about.

“You.” I answered, swallowing hard.

“I better go inside.” Nessie spoke, smiling at Eleni. “We’ll talk later.” She promised her.

“Ok.” Eleni breathed.

“It’s beautiful out here.” She whispered mainly to herself as she walked towards me, her eyes roaming the trees surrounding us. “It’s quiet.” She inhaled deeply.

I could smell her sweet scent as she stood tall beside me. And I couldn’t help but notice the way she bit down on her full bottom lip.

Finally I forced myself to look away knowing that I could not have thoughts like that.

“You loved her didn’t you?”

I could feel my body freeze in one place. I knew a question like that was going to be asked I just didn’t know it was going to be this soon.

“Yes I did.” I answered honestly. I was never ashamed to say I was in love with Bella.

“And by the sounds of she loved you too.”

“I hope so.” I nodded, but I sounded nervous. The last I wanted was to hurt Eleni and I had no idea where this conversation was going.

“Eleni, I’m so sorry. I should have told you.” I turned to look at her.

“No you shouldn’t.” She smiled. “You hardly know me. And I haven’t told you much either. It’s not a crime to love someone Edward. And it’s also not a crime to be scared when someone knew comes along. Believe me, we are both in the same position. But I can’t hate Bella because she loved you.” Her dark ocean blue eyes were filling with tears.

“Truth is. I can’t say I blame her.”