To Love Again


After staring at each other for what seemed forever the teacher came with the key as he muttered his apologies, he distracted me for a moment and I looked away. I shook my head a little to get rid of the image of his golden eye's. He was obviously one of the new people Melissa was talking about, he had to have been because I had never seen him before and nobody in this entire school was so beautiful, I think beautiful is even putting it mildly.

I could tell he was still staring at me, I could see him from the corner of my eye. I walked in behind my class group just to make sure I did not get any odd stares from the way I was walking. I tried my best to walk as normal as possible but it was difficult. I hadn't noticed while he was staring at me but there was two other girls with him. What was it with these people, they all looked so alike but so different from everyone else? The two girls were also beautiful. There was a small brown haired girl with big golden eye's just like him and short brown hair that spiked up in all different directions. Then, there was the other girl who had to have been his sister. They were probably all a family but she looked most like him. She had the same shade of light brown golden hair. Her eye's were different though, they were a deep chocolate colour.

I took my normal seat at the back of the class as they spoke to our teacher, Mr. Frost, who ironically had a face like a snowman. I was hoping they would keep him as long as possible, I hated math class.

"Class-" Mr. Frost began, "-these are the Cullens, they are new here so be nice." He warned. "Alice and Edward you can both take the seats at the empty desk at the back on the left and Renesmee," He said hesitating as he said her name encase he had not said it correctly, she nodded in agreement, "you can take a seat next to Ms. Ryans." She flashed a grin at me and I smiled weakly as she took her seat next to mine. I never knew anyone could move so gracefully.

"Hey, I am Renesmee, but you can call me Nessie." She said extending her hand.

"Hi I'm Eleni." I responded shaking her hand. I flinched, she was freezing. The teacher had already gone off on a rant about something, I think it was trigonometry, I really hated maths.

"Does he always look like that?" She whispered to me. I laughed under my breath.

"Yeah, unfortunately." I smiled.

"Ugh." She grunted and laughed. I already liked her, she was very friendly.

"Excuse me Miss Cullen, I am not sure what the rules were in your last school but here you are not allowed talk during class time." She looked at me and rolled her eye's. I knew how she felt he was always bickering at me for not doing my work in class but it wasn't my fault I was hopeless when it came to the subject. I gazed over at the guy who was called Edward only to see him give Renesmee a look of warning. She sighed and nodded her head.

"Brothers." She muttered as she started taking down notes. I was guessing they were twins, they were so alike and in the same class.

He was staring at me again, I could feel it. I glanced over and I was right he was staring at me. I gazed into his golden eye's, there was something enchanting about them. I blinked, in fear I might get lost in his stare. He really was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I decided to actually take down notes for once, if it didn't distract the pain it might stop me from looking at him again.