To Love Again

That smile

I jumped as the bell rang. I heard Renesmee laugh lightly beside me. I was surprised I hadn't fallen asleep. I picked up my bag and winced as I threw it over my back. I saw Renesmee stare at her schedule.

"Where is the gym?" She asked. It was then I remembered I had gym class next, how was going to get out of that one?

"Yeah, come with me it is my next class, too." I smiled.

"Oh sorry, this is my brother Edward and my sister Alice." She said waving her hands towards the two beautiful creatures behind me. I shook their hand, they were freezing too.

"Oh," I breathed. "Do you have gym too?" I asked them.

"No, we have," The small pixie looking girl called Alice scrunched her eye's looking at her time table. "Art." She sighed.

"Well we better get going." I said walking out of the room with Renesmee. Edward and Alice went in a different direction.

"I am glad I met you." Renesmee stated as she turned to me and smiled. "I was scared people wouldn't be friendly. You know how it is with a new school." I smiled back at her and nodded in agreement. I did know how it felt, I had moved myself just four years ago when my father's job was relocated.

There must have been someone watching over me because when I walked into gym and a substitute stood watching over the different groups talking amongst themselves.

"Your coach is out today girls. You can chat." The tall woman informed us as we walked in. I sighed deeply out of relief.

"Let me introduce you to my friends." I guided her over to where both Jodie and Melissa sat. "Hey, this is Nessie." They both introduced themselves as we sat down. Jodie and Melissa looked as if they were already in deep conversation so Renesmee and I started our own.

"Have you lived here all your life?" She asked.

"Am, no I moved down here about four years ago when my dad's job relocated." I was scared that she might ask about my parents so I continued without giving her a chance to ask something else. "Do you have many brothers and sisters?" It was the first thing that popped into my head.

"Well yeah. You have met Edward and Alice. Then there is also Rose, Emmett and Jasper." Wow, her parent's really liked to adopt.

"Oh," I breathed, overwhelmed.

"Well, sometimes it can be kind of weird to some people because, Rose and Emmet are together and Jasper and Alice are together." My eye's narrowed in confusion. Her family were seriously messed up. "We are not related. Rose and Jasper and biological brother and sister and Emmett is my brother. Alice is just a loner." She laughed sarcastically. I had not met the rest of them yet but if they were like Renesmee and Alice they were sure to be nice. I had not spoken to Edward yet, all he seemed to do was stare at me which was really weird.

"Are you and Edward twins or something?" I asked.

"Yeah.... We are." She said hesitantly, turning her head to the floor. I didn't know why but she looked uncomfortable saying it, maybe they did not get on. "Have you brothers and sisters?" She asked returning her gaze to mine.

"I have a younger sister called Suzie." I smiled saying her name. That kid was the only thing I looked forward to going home to.

"Oh how cute. I always wanted a younger sister. What age is she?" She questioned sounding very enthusiastic.

"Eight. Yeah younger sisters are great, especially when you have one you get along with." She smiled at me probably noticing the way I spoke about my sister with so much love. She was the only thing that kept me sane. The only thing that was worth doing something for. I was practically raring her at this stage.

The bell rang as we were in deep discussion. I sighed, I really enjoyed talking to Renesmee or Nessie as she liked to be called. I had just one more class before lunch. I grunted at the thoughts of it. I usually enjoyed lunch, but now it just meant spending time with Joe. It felt like acid was running through my veins even thinking of it.

I stood up feeling the blood throb as it rushed through my legs. "I have biology next, what about you?" Nessie asked.

"Looks like you are on your own for this one, I have English." She sighed as she walked out of the gym. We both said her goodbyes and she said she would see me at lunch. I just nodded my head in agreement.

I walked into my English class and almost stopped as I saw his topaz eye's bore through me. He was sitting in the seat next to mine. I could not object it had been free all year. I walked to my seat and smiled gently as I sat down. "Hey, Edward, right?" I greeted him.

"Hi, yeah it's Edward." He simply said without looking at me. Fine, if he wanted to be like that I wasn't stopping him. Now I understood why Renesmee did not get on with him. He was like someone with a pole stuck up his ass. I turned my head to concentrate on the lesson. I loved English, it was my favorite class of the day. I turned my head noticing his perfect hand writing caress the blank sheet with notes. His free hand was gripping the side of the table, it looked like it was going to snap with the amount of pressure he was putting on it but I knew that was physically impossible.

"Edward are you ok?" I whispered in a polite tone. He just stared at me for what seemed forever and I kept his gaze. I could not look away, it was so intense, so beautiful. It was like he was searching my eye's for something. The pained look in his eye's slowly disappeared. I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

"Ms. Ryans." I heard someone yell. I jumped, realizing it was Ms. Crimmons, my English teacher. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I looked at her. She was obviously calling me and I had not even noticed. "Well." She prompted. Well what? I had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

"Hamlet." I heard him whisper beside me. What was he talking about. He whispered it again until I finally copped that he was telling me the answer.

"Hamlet." I blurted, trusting his answer. Her eye's narrowed as she stared at me. She shrugged and nodded her head and went back to talking about something, I had no idea what. For the first time ever I was not paying attention to English. I glanced over at him. His grip was still placed firmly on the edge of the table but it had eased a bit.

"I am fine now, thank you." He said nodding his head and flashing me a crooked grin as he turned his head to the front of the room. The smile was still playing on his lips every time I looked at him. I could have sworn my heart stopped.