To Love Again


Eleni's P.O.V.

Lunch, finally. This day was going all too slow. I just wanted it to end so I could go home and face whatever drama waited for me there.

I had never in my life seen anyone jump so fast from their seat when the bell rang. No not me, the new Edward guy. Their was something seriously wrong with him. I had a strange feeling I was his problem but I had no idea why. I managed maybe three sentences out of him in English class and then nothing. But he was the least of my worries today. If he kept it up though, I did not know how long my patience could last.

"Okay!" I breathed to myself as he swept past me. Someone was in a rush somewhere. "Ow." I moaned as I stretched for my bag.

"Are you ok, Eleni?" Ms. Crimmons asked me, a true concern in her voice. I had always got on with my English teacher, probably because I was so interested in the subject.

I swallowed hard trying to drown away the pain before I answered her. "I am fine, thanks." I smiled and headed towards the door.

"Are you sure?" She persisted. I hated when people did that. I knew she was only concerned but could she not just accept my answer. "You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"Honestly, I'm fine."

She shrugged and dropped the topic of conversation. I took that as a chance to escape the class.

The lunch room was full, like always. It seems that every group had their own table and God forbid you might go near their space. I thought it was stupid.

I smiled as I saw my friend Jodie wave enthusiastically in my direction, her wide grin almost lighting up the dull lunch room.

"Hey." I greeted her as I slumped my bag on the floor. The weight of the thing would bring down a ship. I placed my body into the seat across from her. "Where is everyone?" I noticed it was only the two of us sitting at the table, nobody else was there.

"Some of them are getting their lunch. I think some of the guys had to stay behind in gym for something." She informed me.

"Oh." I breathed.

We were both silent for a long moment until I realized she was staring at me with such intensity I thought her eye's were going to explode. "You ok?"

"What did he do to you, Eleni?" I gasped at her question. That was something I was not expecting. I bit down on my lip to control the trembling. How did she know about that? I had never said anything to anyone and I was sure it wasn't Joe who told her.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed and looked away.

"You can hardly walk. You think you can hide something like that? His finger prints were on your wrists the last time, for God's sake, Eleni." I swallowed hard in my best attempts to get rid of the lump that had formed in my throat. The lump that was threatening to choke me.

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't. All I could feel was hot air swirl around in my mouth. What was I suppose to say to that?

"BOO!" I jumped with a sharp intake of breath as two hands wrapped around my shoulder's. I looked around and was greeted with a soft kiss on the cheek. "Hey." He smiled as if nothing had ever happened. It was like he was sprinkled with some sort of dust when he was around other people. A dust the made him everything but the evil young man he was when he was with me.

I closed my eye's for a moment and took three deep breaths, trying to get my heart rate back to normal. "Hi." I replied coldly. Today I could not be nice to him. It was impossible to be the slightest bit tolerant towards him today.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" He asked, as he munched on his crisps. I opened my mouth to respond but Jodie beat me to it.

"Oh Eleni is coming around to mine tonight. Didn't she tell you?" We both looked at her. All she did was smile at me.

"Yeah, sorry, it must have slipped my mind." I said turning to him. "We had it planned since last week."

"What about your sister? Don't you usually watch her when you get home from school?" He questioned. I knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to find a loop hole in our story.

"She is bringing her to mine of course. She can play with my brother while we study." Wow, she was good.

He turned to me searching my face for any clues. I just smiled in response.

"Someone's got it all figured it out." He snarled under his breath.

One by one our table filled and the loud noises of voices slowly filled my ears. I blocked them out though. I had no idea what Jodie wanted me at her house for.

All too fast lunch past and the bell rang.

"See you later." He whispered in my ear as he placed my bag on my back.

"Yeah." I breathed. I said goodbye to the rest of my friends, well apart from Jodie, we both had History next, another one of my favorite subjects. I knew this was the time to ask her exactly what she was planning.

"Jodie, what was that?" I caught her arm and pulled her out of the way of the students on their way to class. "Why exactly am I going to your's tonight?"

"You're not." She said and my eye's widened with interest. "Well, you can drop Suzie off at mine, my mom will keep an eye on her because I know your mom is working."

"Ok, but what about me and you?"

"Me and you, sweetie." She waved her finger back and forth between us both. "I am bringing you to the hospital."