MCR Daycare!


One day all of MCR was at the park enjoying a romantic picnic together.

"OMG!" Frank said in a weird voice like a catarpillar on drugs. He made that noise you make when you are trying not to laugh. He couldn't talk because he was laughing so hard so he used a pen to write down his words.

"letz maek uh dai kamp" Bob read, pronouncing all the spelling mistakes. He sobbed harder and harder and eventually he was laying his head in Gerard's lap crying himself to sleep with Gerard stroking his head luffingly, whispering comforting words like "loser" "poop head" and "I kill you now" into his ear.

Mikey and Ray however tackled Frank and demanded he explain.

"What yo tryin' ta do, FOO? Be a cannibal up in my crib?!" Mikey asked in the most gangsta way possible.

"No, Philip! I just-"

Suddenly Mikey stood up with one hand over his mouth with his eyes wide open in a shocked way. Then he began sobbing too and fell asleep with Bob on Gerard's lap.

"Okay so what do you say?!" Frank asked Ray desperately, turning into a walrus.

"My answer is!!!"

In the next chaptar!!!!