MCR Daycare!


Suddenly, the evil thing popped out of Gerard's butt.

Everyone looked at him all weird and he becan to cry, snapping under pressure. Then he exploded.

"What the crap is that?!" Mikey asked, pointing to the evil thing.

"How am I supposed to know?" Bob asked, getting all defensive. "What makes you think I would know. I DON'T KNOW EVEYTHING!!!" He began running around like a headless chicken. Kehli kicked him and he crapped himself with glee.

"Oh no!!!" Frank screamed, holding the evil thing in his hand. Everyone ignored him. "Fine, then! I'll be A BAD GUY!!!!" still no one looked. Frank got all teary eyed and walked away. "I'm bad now!!" he screamed. He opened the evil thing, releasing something of pure evil unto the world.