MCR Daycare!

I pooped a Gerard!


Either way, this brought back horrible memories for Bobster. He had a horrible horrific mental breakdown on the bathroom floor, coughing up blood and all. Then he farted and unicorns flew out of the toilet randomly. Bob suddenly realized he was having a seizure and called the cops.

"BOOOOOOB!!" Ronald screamed, shaking Bob(who was in convulsions) violently and causing him to vomit blood and old boot soup onto him. "Talk to me, Boob!"

"PINECONES ARE GOOD FOR STRONG BONES!!!!!!" A group of toddler preschoolers who were breakdancing screamed. They threw pinecones at the crayon.

The crayon cried.

Ronald cried more and kicked Bob out of the way, diving for his precious crayon. He gave his crayon one last goodbye kiss before it slipped into unconsiousness.

While Bob was still in convulsions and slowly killing himself via rat poison that was in the pinecones which he was forcing himself to eat, Ronald had a funeral for the crayon but there was this rule that you had to wear pink.

Bob suddenly regained his composure and read the engraven words on the soap.

"It saaaaaayyyyyyyssssss......"