MCR Daycare!

It' short... KEHLI IS STUPID!!!!!

"Frank!" Kehli screamed, troubled. Frank galloped over to where Kehli stood. Which was in the girl's potty room. All the girls screeched and ran out all like "Ahh a boy in the girl's room!"

"Yes, my lovely duck?" he said, scratching Kehli behind her ear.

"Your cows are overtaking the daycare!" She shouted, before dropping to her knees, sobbing about her life dream was ruined. Frank pointed and laughed before walking away.

"MY COW BABIES ARE OVERTAKING THE DAYCARE!!!!!" Frank shouted, an overwhelming hate forming for the cows.

Everyone got all mad at the cows so they emailed them to Winona in Singapore. They ate her skateboard designs and she got all sad. The cows got mad cow disease and died.

ALL BUT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!