MCR Daycare!


Kehli threw all the children into a pit full of boas, pythons, and anacondas. She cackled evilly.

"MOOOOOOOOOOO!" Said a weird voice. The one and only cow ate all the snakes. He died because of the venom.

"Thank you for the venom." He said with his last breath. Then he fell on the sad, scared kids. They coughed up lots of blood before being knocked out by sinister rocks falling from the sky.

"MUAHAAHAAAAahahghghghghgh!" Suddenly Kehli was being strangled by Bob.

"You think it's okay to kill my little girl's babies?! HUH?! YOU THINK ITS NICE?! HINGADINGADURGEIN!" He shouted in a weird way, lighting his hands on fire and waving them around.

"Yeah daddy show 'em whats what!" Frank said in a high pitched voice. He was wearing baby doll clothes and lipstick.

Suddenly Bob stopped and stood still. Then Ray walked by and he screamed like a cannibal and lit Ray's hair on FIRE!!!1

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES!" Ray screamed, throwing himself into Gerard's arms.

"Gerard, save me!" He screamed in a feminine voice. Gerard sighed and pulled out an ax and chopped Ray's hair off.

Ray fell on the floor rubbing his bald head and crying. Nobody paid any attention to him.

Frank tried to start up a conversation with the little girls, but they wouldn't answer him.

"JERKS!" He shouted and dropped a bunch of leprechauns into the pit. They danced around and were all like "IM SCOTTISH LOL ROFLCOPTERS". Then he flooded the pit with the blood of Hannah Montanna and ate Ray's fro off the ground to be safe. Then he kicked Bob and he rolled around like a marble.

"Now look what you did!" Kehli screamed at Hannah who had been sitting in a lawn chair eating popcorn the whole time.

"Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-whatty?" Hannah said and zapped a germ with her lazer beems.

But then suddenly something evil happened!