Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

Uh Oh

Just so I didn’t have to sit with Gavin and his smug face any longer, I went to my bed…if you could even call it that, early. I lay on the hard couch and put my headphones into my phone, turning on the voice recording of Sam. I thought I could have coped being on tour with them, I thought that I wouldn’t need Sam to get me to sleep, but I needed it, it was like my drug that I needed on a bad day…which was near enough everyday. I replayed it a few times, drifting off then waking back up. I looked at my phone which said it was half past one. I heard no noise from the front of the bus so I assumed they’d all gone to sleep to…very unlike them to sleep early, but it had been a long day.
I sat up, stretching a little to give my back a break from the hard cushion underneath me. I unplugged the headphones and turned my phone off, not wanting to risk battery failure.
‘‘Maddy?’’ I heard a whisper from the door. I shot my eyes towards it, it creaked open slightly. ‘‘You awake?’’ It was Sean, so I stood up and pulled the door open.
‘‘Very much awake.’’ I whispered back, letting him in the room.
He stopped and stared at the couch area where I had previously dozed off on. ‘‘Why the hell you just sleeping on that?’’ He asked me, still keeping his voice down to a whisper to keep Gavin from waking up.
‘‘Because that’s the only place I have to sleep?’’ I said, looking at him confused.
He chuckled and shook his head at me. He walked forward and pulled on a metal bar that was underneath the couch. In the matter of seconds a double pull out bed was there before my eyes.
‘‘Why didn’t anyone tell me about this earlier?!’’ I demanded, slightly annoyed I had a bed there all along and no one bothered to inform me.
Sean laughed, shrugged then sat on the bed, pulling me down with him. ‘‘If Gavin finds out I’m in here, he’ll be sleeping in the same bed with me for at least the rest of the tour.’’ Sean said as I lay my head on his bare chest and pulled the blanket I had been using over us.
‘‘Lucky you to have your own life sized teddy bear.’’ I smirked, knowing Gavin would be that over the top about it. I heard him chuckle again then he kissed the top of my head.
I listened to his heart beat, listened to the beating pattern, then I drifted off.
I woke up the next morning, still in Sean’s arms. He was also awake, a smile on his lips.
‘‘How long you been awake for?’’ I asked him, sitting up and stretching.
‘‘I dunno, about half an hour.’’ He stated, also sitting up. I got up off the bed and pulled some clean clothes out of my bag to get ready in the toilet. I had grown used to using that as a changing room, and had also mastered how not to hit my knees off the door.
‘‘I suggest you go to your bunk or something, so Gavin doesn’t get suspicious.’’ I said to Sean. He nodded and folded the bed back in. I opened the door to see Gavin, standing there, his arms crossed, a frown on his face.
‘‘I swear there best not have been any baby making.’’ He said sternly.
I rolled my eyes at him and pushed past him to the toilet. ‘‘You seriously need to trust me more, Gavin. And Sean. He’s your best friend and you accuse him of absurd things.’’ I muttered then shut the door and proceeded to get dressed.
I left the toilet to see Sean and everyone else up and sitting around the table in their kitchen area. I walked to the back of the bus, sorting my clothes out, fixing my hair then joining them.
‘‘Where are we going today?’’ I asked, starting conversation so Gavin didn’t start on Sean and I.
‘‘Good ole Glasgow.’’ Matthew beamed.
‘‘Can we go into town? Or at least one of you come with me?’’ I asked, receiving a curious look from Gavin.
‘‘I will.’’ Sean piped up, then Gavin whipped his head around to stare at him. ‘‘Or not.’’ He mumbled.
‘‘Matthew can go.’’ Gavin offered.
He was getting rather annoying. Ever since the baby scan issue he hadn’t took the suspicious look from his face. He was constantly frowning when Sean and I even looked at each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tis quite short, I know. Sorry.
I'm in a foul mood for a number of reasons. The ashes are keeping me quite happy though.
Go England! =D