Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

Please Just Stop

Sean’s POV
I knelt down in front of Maddy and put my hands on her shoulders. ‘‘Maddy.’’ I whispered. She didn’t look up at me. I knew she probably wouldn’t want to. Her eyes would have been puffy, her face streamed with tears. She hated anyone to see her like that.
‘‘Maddy, please stop covering your face.’’ I asked her, keeping my tone low. She shook her head, sniffing a few times. ‘‘Please?’’ I asked.
She reluctantly moved her hands, giving her face one quick wipe down to remove all trace of tears. ‘‘Happy?’’ She asked me.
I shook my head. ‘‘Not really. I’m worried about you.’’ I said rubbing my thumb over her cheek, wiping away some of the moisture the tears left.
‘‘Well don’t be, Sean. I’m fine.’’ She lied. No point to it really, I knew when she was lying.
‘‘Gavin brought you on tour with us because he thought it would stop you drinking, take your mind off everything, he’s losing his mind at the thought of you going off the rails…again. We all are.’’ I explained. ‘‘Please, when we’re on stage, stay at the side where we can see you, do you understand how much my stomach dropped when I couldn’t see you?’’ I asked her, moving my hands from her shoulders and taking hold of her hands.
‘‘I’m sorry. I just needed to clear my head, I didn’t want to just stand around. I’m sorry.’’ She sobbed, trying to force her tears to stay inside.
‘‘Its ok, just promise me that one thing? Please?’’ I practically begged her.
She nodded slightly. ‘‘I promise.’’ She whispered then buried her head into the crook of my neck. I didn’t mind, of course. There had been so many times before where Maddison and I had sat like that. I enjoyed it, it was comforting.

Maddison’s POV
I felt like an idiot to be honest. I had promised my mum that I wouldn’t drink, or think about my past. But when Gavin wasn’t right there next to me, there was no one to stop me from doing it. I never thought going on tour with my brother and his band was going to be a good idea. I just agreed to it so everyone would stop nagging me, and so I wasn’t under the gaze of my parents every single day.
They used to sit, watching me like hawks to make sure I wasn’t going to flip out and do something irrational and stupid. I was currently sat, crying into Sean’s neck. I knew he didn’t mind. I had done it before, and he sat there, happily letting me soak his t-shirt in my tears.
‘‘I think we should go back now, I need to apologise.’’ I said to Sean as I sat up. He looked at me, wiped away my tears then helped me up from the toilet seat.
We slowly walked back to the room I had just stormed out of in silence. Sean and I used to have none stop conversation, but no one really knew what to say to me anymore, so it wasn’t as easy.
Sean pushed the door open and walked inside, holding it open for me, I stood and kept it open with my arm.
‘‘Gavin.’’ I said, and he looked up from his seat, stopping the conversation he was currently having with James.
‘‘Yeah?’’ He half grunted at me.
‘‘Can I talk to you please?’’ I mumbled. I never did like apologising to him, it was just something I hadn’t learnt to like, and I never had to do it that often anyway.
He stood from his seat and walked over to the door, I stood with my back against the wall, Gavin doing the same on the opposite.
‘‘What would you like to talk about?’’ Gavin asked me, folding his arms across his chest.
‘‘I just wanted to apologise.’’ I started, and a small smile crept across his lips. ‘‘I know I shouldn’t have went off like I did, especially not to drink, but…its just what helps me. I’m sorry I worried you and I’m sorry for doing it, and if you want to send me back home then I understand.’’ I told him, half wishing he wanted to send me home.
‘‘Maddy, I don’t want to send you home, and I wont. I just don’t want you to solve your problems with drink. You’re twenty two, for god sake. Your livers gonna be totally dead before you're thirty if you carry on the same way. I know you’ve been through a shit load this past year, but we are all here to help you, not the drink.’’ He explained coming towards me, his tone soft and brotherly.
‘‘I know.’’ I mumbled. ‘‘Forgiven?’’ I asked him, making him smile.
‘‘How couldn’t I forgive my little sister?’’ He asked, then wrapped his arms around me then kissed the top of my head. ‘‘Just promise you’ll stop?’’ He asked me.
I nodded. ‘‘I promise you.’’ He smiled then let go of me and walked back to the room. As he pushed the door open Matthew came out, almost crashing into Gavin’s chest.
‘‘Where you off?’’ Gavin asked him.
‘‘For a drink, stupid room has nothing.’’ He complained. He stepped out and walked forward towards me.
‘‘I’m coming.’’ I shot quickly, causing Gavin to glare at me. ‘‘Don’t worry, Gavin. I wont drink anything, I just don’t want to sit in that room.’’ I told him. He seemed to relax a little, glared at Matthew and I and went back inside the room.
I smiled at Matthew and he slung an arm over my shoulder. ‘‘I’ve missed you.’’ He stated and walked with me, to what I thought was going to be the bar.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've fallen in love with The Blackout all over again.
Not that I stopped loving them...but I dunno, I just love them lots
I recomend you go watch their new video Save Our Selves....right now! it will make your life complete =D