Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

Stop It Now!

Sean stood there for a moment, clearly fuming. ‘‘It was him?!’’ He yelled. He balled his fists and tried to run in the direction Billy had just walked in. I grabbed onto his arm pulling him back.
‘‘Don’t, Sean. Please, just finish your set and we’ll sort this out later. Just don’t do anything stupid right now.’’ My tone was stern. He nodded, kissed my cheek then walked back on stage. I heard him apologise to their fans and they carried on. Jay appeared next to me, he looked confused, curious and concerned.
‘‘What’s just happened?’’ He asked, looking at me, then Sean, then back to me.
I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples. ‘‘Long story. You’ll most likely find out soon.’’ I said, not actually in the mood to explain. I was too worried what Sean was going to do when they finished.
The rest of the set seemed rushed, and they didn’t talk much in-between songs, so much for wanting it to be their best show. I felt bad really, because it was my fault. If I’d have just gone home, it wouldn’t have happened…if I’d have just stayed home to start with, nothing bad would have happened.
They thanked their fans, left the stage then huddled around me, making sure I was ok, constantly asking me the same questions over and over, ‘where’d he go?’ ‘Are you ok?’ ‘What’s going on?’ it was all getting very annoying.
I pushed away from the crowd of them and gave myself some breathing space. ‘‘Can we all just calm the fuck down?’’ I asked, stressed with the situation. At that moment, everyone stopped talking. ‘‘I think you should all go out there, see to your fans, do what ever you do, come back here and we can talk normally, yes?’’ I stated, I didn’t want them to reply to my yes, it was more of a demand that I was issuing.
‘‘I really don’t think its good of you to stay on your own, not when Billy’s around.’’ Gavin said, stepping towards me.
‘‘I’m not alone, I have Jay.’’ I told him, matter of factly.
He turned to look at Jay, who gave a hesitant wave and a shaky smile, he really had no clue at what was going on.
‘‘Fine, but we wont be out there long!’’ Gavin said and turned to walk out into the venue to go see the people who had just paid money to watch-to nobodies knowledge-a shaky and rushed set.
They all followed, Sean hesitant and still looking over my shoulder. ‘‘Sean, please. Just go out there and try and forget about it.’’ I asked him, causing his gaze to fall to my pleading face.
‘‘For you, I’ll try.’’ He replied. I kissed him and watched him go back into the venue, away from the direction Billy had run in.
‘‘Please can I know what’s going on? My head hurts with confusion.’’ I heard Jay plead from beside me. I chuckled a little, knowing it didn’t take much to confuse Jay, then sat down with him, back in their room we had been sat in before they played. I sat and explained near enough everything to him, he already knew about Terry and Sam, so that was one less thing to explain. I told him about my hallucinations, phone calls, which led onto Billy. I thought I had lost him at one point, since he just sat nodding, but that was just him.
I heard the door of the room open and I spun around, expecting Billy to come through it. The first face I saw was Gavin’s, then Matthew, then James, Gareth the Rhys.
‘‘Where’s Sean?’’ Gavin and I both said at the same time. My heart raced and I stood up.
‘‘What do you mean where’s Sean? I thought he was with you?’’ My voice was frantic, my thoughts were all jumbled.
‘‘He said he was coming back here early, because he couldn’t stay calm out there…’’ Gavin said, not seeing through Sean’s lies.
‘‘Gavin! Do you seriously think he would come here when Billy is probably somewhere out there?’’ I asked him, trying not to shout at him.
‘‘I’m sorry, I trusted him!’’ Gavin snapped back. I rolled my eyes and darted out of the room. I looked in every room, I called his name, but no reply and no sign of him. The rest of the guys had followed me and took off in different directions to look for him. I tired to call him, but his phone just rang through to his voicemail. I reached the area where it had previously been swamped my fans, now it was just a heap of plastic cups on a sticky floor. I looked towards a set of double doors, BAR above it, in blue lighting, like the retro ones. I didn’t think it was right for me to go in there…I hadn’t been in a bar since their first day of tour. If Sean wasn’t in there, would Gavin think I was going back to the way I was if he saw me go in? I had no other choice, I had to find Sean and it was the only place I hadn’t checked. I walked slowly to the double doors, they had no windows, they were just a big slab of oak, with metal handles to help you open it. I neared the door and heard voices.
‘‘You really think its fucking clever to do something like that?! Do you know how scared she’s been?!’’ It was Sean’s voice. I ran through the doors and saw him standing right in front of Billy. The few people left in the bar had also turned to stare.
‘‘You couldn’t have been getting anything for this, since he’s in jail, so why? Why’d you agree to it?’’ Sean shouted at him, clearly not about to give up on the matter.
‘‘Because I owed him!’’ Billy shouted back at Sean. I knew Sean wasn’t a fighter, at all, but he wasn’t backing down in the slightest.
‘‘Owed him for what?’’ Sean yelled.
‘‘Business that has nothing to do with you. I apologised to Maddy, now you should just back the fuck off!’’ Billy yelled back, but it did nothing to make Sean move.
‘‘Apologized? That means nothing for what you’ve put here through!’’ I don’t think either of them knew I was there, listening to them argue.
‘‘I wasn’t the one who killed Sam, Terry did that! Yes I was there, but I didn’t put her through anything, I owed him, so I helped get through to her, I did nothing to hurt Maddy!’’ My heart froze, then everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Sean punched Billy across the face, Billy did it back. Then all I could see were flying fists. He was there? Billy was there when Terry took the one man-I would give my life up for-away? I focused in on what was happening, Sean was now on the floor, getting horribly beat up but he was hitting back just as hard. I ran over to them trying my hardest to push Billy off Sean. It was no use, no one else in the bar was actually helping either, they all sat gasping, to drunk or shocked to move.
‘‘Fucking stop it, now!’’ I yelled, which did nothing. I pushed my hardest to get Billy off Sean, but he was to heavy. Just then, I felt a blow across my face. I stumbled backwards, feeling the pain pulse through. Billy stood up, noticing who he had hit. I looked to the double doors I had previously entered and Gavin rushed though with everyone else.
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I'm all irritated today, it annoys me when i get irritated
but I've written more of this up, it gets exciting....I think =]