Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

You’re Coming Out

The day consisted of, washing, washing, and more washing. I hadn’t realised Gavin had taken more clothes than me, so there was more for him to do. When it was all sorted I sat about on the sofa, back to my usual routine, and suddenly missing being out on tour where I didn’t actually have to worry about finding something to do, since there was nothing.
There was a knock on the door then Sean walked in, smiling and waving at me as he did so. I immediately panicked about the lie I hadn’t figured out for his bruised face but he didn’t seem to pick up on it and took a seat next to me on my couch.
‘‘Why are you here?’’ I asked him, trying not to sound offensive.
‘‘My mothers trying to make me tidy up, I thought I’d get out while I still could.’’ He smiled, draping his arm over the back of the seat.
‘‘Sean!’’ My mum beamed as she came into the living room. ‘‘What happened to your face?’’ She asked, stopping in her tracks, her smile faltering and she looked between Sean’s face and mine.
‘‘Its not that bad? Is it?’’ He asked, patting his face. ‘‘I didn’t know Jay had such a hard shot.’’ He continued. ‘‘Brotherly love.’’ He then said, smiling up at my mum.
She chuckled a little, not sounding as if she was convinced, but she said nothing, she had no proof he was lying. ‘‘I’m so glad you two are back together. It’s the happiest news I’ve heard in…well I cant remember the last bit of happy news I heard, it was so long ago.’’ I knew the last bit of happy news she heard was I was going on tour with Gavin, but that was to pull me out of my state and she didn’t want to drag that back up.
‘‘I’m glad too.’’ He replied, turning to smile at me. ‘‘Its good to know our news makes you happy, Mrs Butler.’’ He was never that polite. He always called her Shirley. He wanted something.
My mother knew Sean all to well. With him growing up with Gavin, he would always call her Mrs Butler when he and Gavin wanted something knowing Gavin would always get a ‘no’ if he asked.
‘‘What is it, Sean?’’ She asked, taking a seat on the single seat. I glanced over her shoulder to see Gavin’s head pop around the doorframe to spy over.
‘‘Well, we were all thinking, since we’re back home and we did such a wonderful job on tour,’’ he boasted about themselves, ‘‘we were all thinking about going out tonight…and wondered if Maddy could come along, too?’’ He wasn’t sure of the answer she would give and I didn’t even know this question was coming. Gavin still stood at the door, waiting for her reply.
‘‘You didn’t even ask me about this.’’ I stated to Sean, turning my head to look at him.
‘‘Shhh, for a second.’’ He hushed me.
‘‘Well, I’m happy for Maddison to go out, its just up to her.’’ My mum told him. She knew she couldn’t make my decisions for me but knew I’d be sensible if I chose to go out.
‘‘Well, I don’t drink, so if she comes out, I’ll be able to look after her better then the others will.’’ Sean carried on, but it wasn’t in hopes for my mother to agree fully, since she had already stated her answer, he was trying to make me say yes.
‘‘I don’t know, Sean. I’ve been doing so well away from bars and alcohol…’’I trailed off.
‘‘That’s why you and I can drink….coke!’’ He beamed, thinking of something relatively good for us to drink. I sat in thought for a moment, I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to go out, but I knew everyone wanted my social life to heighten.
‘‘Fine, I’ll come.’’ I said in defeat, stopping Sean staring at my head and Gavin came skipping happily into the room.
‘‘Its just like you were teenagers again.’’ My mum said to Gavin and Sean, standing up and leaving the living room.
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urgh, job hunts, they're so useless
but on the plus side, lets all LOL at Australia's cricket captain, Ricky Ponting =D