Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

Its Your Turn

Sean’s POV
Gavin took the note from me, reading it carefully then dropping it to the floor.
‘‘Its my fault…I shouldn’t have said what I said, I didn’t even mean it.’’ He rambled. His mum picked up the note and read it out loud. Tears started to pour from her eyes which only made me feel worse.
‘‘We have to find her, we cant just let her leave to god knows where!’’ I yelled in utter frustration. Gavin took her phone from my hand, he started to flick through it, looking at her messages, then outgoing calls, missed calls then received.
‘‘He’s called her again…she’s gone to see him.’’ Gavin said. He clenched his fist around her phone.
‘‘Who has she gone to see? Where’s my baby?’’ His mum cried. His dad wrapped an arm around her shoulder, trying to console her.
‘‘Don’t worry, I’m going to find her.’’ He replied. ‘‘Sean you’re gonna have to drive me. The rest of you stay here in case she does decide to show up again. I know Matthew will be the only one to talk her into staying right now if she comes back.’’ Gavin said. They all nodded and we left the house. I climbed into my car, sitting in the passengers seat, letting Gavin drive since I had no clue where the prison was.
‘‘You sure she’s going to be there?’’ I asked him, worry crippling my tone.
‘‘Its our only shot just now.’’ He replied then started up the engine and drove down the street. I could only hope the one shot we had was right.

Maddison’s POV
The only reason I knew how to get to the prison was because of the one off time I was going to see Terry, to confront him on why he killed Sam…but I lost my bottle when I got to the entrance. Half an hour drive for no reason. But this time, I had no where else to go, so I drove straight into the entrance, parking up. I walked up to the tall building. It had one way glass on the outside. I caught a glimpse of my reflection. I looked a state, my hair was a mess, my clothes still didn’t fit right and my eyes were horribly red, but I couldn’t have cared less. I entered the building, telling the first guard who I was there to see. I moved up the line of people who were also waiting to go see someone…most likely a loved one, who they were supporting all the way through their prison sentence, but I couldn’t have been there more for the wrong reasons. I was vulnerable, needed someone with me to talk to, anyone, even Terry was going to do. I walked through the metal detectors, then stopped for a sniffer dog to check me, then to have an actual check from one of the guards. I was only hoping Terry would get this much inspection.
I finally walked along the corridor and turned left. There was a set of double doors, and right through there would be all of the visitors, prison guards, sniffer dogs and prisoners. I pushed them open and I scanned the room. The walls were a cream colour and the chairs were a dark blue. There were rows and rows of them, some people hugging, crying, saying hellos and goodbyes. Children were running around, most likely not knowing where they were at that moment, but they were still happy. Then I caught sight of him. He was standing at the door next to a prison guard. His hair was shoulder length and messy, he wore a pair of blue trousers and a grey t-shirt, much like everyone else. A woman showed me to one of the vacant tables and I sat, waiting for him to come over.
A few minutes had passed and I turned to look over my shoulder, he was sauntering over, a grin on his face. He took a seat opposite me, took a few deep breaths then studied my face.
‘‘You’ve been crying, and have a nasty bruise there.’’ He stated.
‘‘Well, way to go Captain State-the-obvious.’’ I muttered. He only smiled at me.
‘‘Its good to see you again.’’ I knew he’d be basking in all his glory that I’d come running to him. He knew that it would happen some day, no matter how much I denied it, but he’d become such a huge part of my life-not in a good way-that he couldn’t be ignored.
‘‘I cant really say the same for you.’’ He knew my words intended to hurt him, but he brushed them off.
‘‘How did you get past Gavin? To make him let you come here?’’ Terry asked, leaning forward and stretching his arms out onto the table top.
‘‘He doesn’t know I’m here. No one does. I told you, Terry, I’ve lost everything because of stupid mistakes. No one needs me back home.’’ I wanted to cry, but nothing came out. I was happy about that though, I didn’t want Terry seeing how weak I was being.
‘‘Which mistakes?’’ He pushed, wanting every detail about my life that he’d missed.
‘‘I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want you to know and have something else to hold against me.’’ I spat. It only made him smirk at me. ‘‘Billy told me it was him. Told me he owed you so agreed to spy on me for you, I didn’t think you’d stoop so low to be honest.’’ I wanted to break him down, take him off the subject of my life.
‘‘Well, you know me. I stoop as low as I can to get what I want.’’ I hated how my words didn’t affect him. ‘‘How’d you get that bruise anyway?’’ He asked me, pointing at it with his finger.
‘‘Billy.’’ I stated, bluntly. A mixed expression came across his face, anger, surprise, happiness…I couldn’t really pick out a definite one.
‘‘Why?’’ He asked. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to answer him. He probably didn’t really care for an answer, he was just being nosey.
‘‘He was in a fight, I got too close…and no, I wont tell you who he was fighting with.’’ I told him before he even got the chance to ask.
‘‘Fine, you know I’ll find out anyway.’’ That was true, Billy was more than likely going to come see him soon.
We sat talking for a little while longer, it was more one way really. I didn’t speak to him much. I just listened to his pointless stories about how he was bored of prison, how it was the same routine everyday. I chipped in that it was his own fault which made him angry, but he didn’t comment back, I knew he wanted to though.
‘‘Times almost up.’’ He said, glancing at the large clock on the wall. I was dreading him saying that, not because I wanted to stay with him, but because I didn’t know where to go next. I hadn’t planned that far ahead, I just knew I wasn’t ready to go back home. ‘‘Can I have one thing before I go?’’ He asked me. I was scared at what it was going to be.
I inhaled slowly for a moment then answered. ‘‘Yes…’’ I still wasn’t sure if that’s what I should have said.
He stood up from his seat, leaning closer to me. His face inched forward, his breath was on my face.
‘‘Its your turn.’’ Was all he said and I felt a pain shooting through my stomach. I looked down and placed my hand over the wound, blood seeped out, covering my white t-shirt. I heard a few people shouting, Terry was being dragged away then I heard two familiar voices, two voices that I wanted to hear.
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OMG.....would you like another update?
ima have to go type it up first, i didnt know i was so far behind xD