Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

Don’t Die On Me

I was lying down when I woke up, I felt horribly groggy and when I opened my eyes I didn’t actually know where I was. I shot up quickly, not a very good idea really, a pain ripped through me and I let out a loud yell. The door of the room I was in flew open and my mum rushed over, a relieved look on her face. It still didn’t mask the fact she had been balling her eyes out.
‘‘You’re awake.’’ She beamed, taking a seat next to the bed and clutching onto my hand.
‘‘Where am I?’’ I asked her. It was then quite obvious when I looked around and noticed all of the machines I was hooked up to. ‘‘What happened?’’ I asked her, not being able to recall anything that had happened.
‘‘You went to see Terry. Do you remember that?’’ She asked me. I shook my head. I really didn’t remember. ‘‘Well, you drove there, to see him. Then he stabbed you…don’t you remember?’’ She asked me, she sounded like she was almost begging me to remember everything.
‘‘I don’t remember…why would I go see him?’’ I asked her, frustrated at myself.
‘‘Do you remember the argument you had with Gavin?’’ She asked me. ‘‘Two nights ago, you fell out with him.’’ That I did remember.
‘‘He told me I wasn’t his sister. I was angry at him. I remember writing a note, then driving the next morning…after that, nothing.’’ I told her, diverting my eyes away from her and to the door she had previously came through. I felt her grip on my hand tighten and she sighed a little.
‘‘He’s out there…if you want to talk to him.’’ She said, also looking towards the door.
‘‘I dunno, I think he’ll be really angry with me. I’m not sure I want to argue.’’ I explained, not actually taking my eyes off the door in case he came through on his own accord.
‘‘He isn’t angry, no one is. We were all just worried and scared. Gavin wants to apologise.’’ My mum said, her words trying to reassure me.
‘‘…ok.’’ I turned to look at her and she let go of my hand, she stood up and walked to the door. She whispered something and in her place was Gavin. He didn’t really look at me as he entered the room, he just shut the door behind him and slowly walked over and took a seat on the chair my mum previously sat.
There was a few moments of silence, it was awkward, and uncomfortable. I took this as my place to speak. Just as I opened my mouth to let out the words he needed to hear, Gavin spoke them for me.
‘‘I’m sorry.’’ I looked at him, a little shocked, I didn’t expect him to speak. ‘‘I shouldn’t have said what I did to you, I never wanted those to be my last words to you, and they almost were. I’m so sorry, Maddy.’’ He clutched onto my hand, a few tears rolled down his face.
‘‘You had a right…I kept things from you, I did things I shouldn’t have and tried to hide it all. I don’t blame you if you still don’t see my as your sister.’’ I told him, I stretched over to wipe away his tears and again a sharp pain ripped through my side. I winced a little, but Gavin didn’t seem to notice.
‘‘Don’t be stupid, of course I see you as my sister. I said that in a moment of drunken anger, I love you to bits, the last thing I’d want is to replace you with someone else. Yes you’ve made some idiotic mistakes and you cant take them back, but I can see past that, you’re my little sister, I’m going to be here for you no matter how much trouble you get yourself into.’’ I smiled at him, not knowing what else to say. ‘‘Do you want to see Sean?’’ He asked me. I nodded frantically and he stood up, left the room like my mum had done and Sean walked in, a smile was attached to his face and he ran to my side, sitting himself on the side of the bed I was on.
‘‘I thought I’d lost you.’’ He said. His words were muffled into my hair as he pulled me tighter to him.
‘‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I was just so upset about what Gavin said, I was confused and angry and I just went to see him. He was the only person that was willing to talk to me, I never thought he do something like this.’’ I explained to Sean, all in one breath.
‘‘Its ok, you’re safe now. You’ll be fine. No one is going to let him hurt you again and we’re all just so glad you’re safe. Just promise you wont do anything like that again.’’ He asked, pulling away from me and sitting upright.
‘‘I promise. There’s not a bone in my body, that wants to see that man ever again.’’ I replied. Sean smiled and leaned forward towards me. Our lips met briefly before the door opened again. The rest of the guys, along with Gavin and our parents came in. They all had smiles on their faces. There was also a mixture of happiness, relief and concern. They didn’t need concern, I was going to be fine and I wasn’t going to see Terry again. My mind flashed back to me driving into the car park at the prison. I could see myself getting out of the car and walking up to the building. I couldn’t focus on anyone in front of me. I couldn’t even focus on what Sean was saying to me. My mind was stuck on what had happened. From what my memory had previously lost, it was all coming back. I could see myself walking through the building, getting searched then pushing open some doors. My heart started to race when my mind showed my Terry. Everything started to go quickly after that. I could hear his voice, like it was right in my ear at that moment. I could see his face, I could see his lips moving but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. In the matter of minutes, I could feel the pain all over again. I flopped back into my bed and I could hear the machines getting louder. I heard everyone shouting for help and I faintly heard my dad asking where the hell the doctor was. Then, beside me, Sean’s faint words rang through my ears, ‘‘Please, don’t die on me Maddison. Don’t die on me.’'
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sorry i made you wait a day, i actually had a life away from the computer last night xD