Status: Finished

My Thorn And My Rose

Do You Still Love Me?

I wasn’t planning on running off again. I was actually happy Gavin had hired Billy for me, it stopped Terry getting near me if he was in-fact really there and not a hallucination. The only thing I didn’t like was him being almost on my back. I didn’t seem to have enough breathing space around him.
I watched my brother and his band on stage. I’d never been to one of their shows before. It made me sound like a bad sister to say that, but I just either didn’t have time, or I was in a state of some sort. They were actually amazing and I regretted not seeing them earlier. I had watched them when they first started out, in small pubs, but that was nothing compared to now. Sean got kicks out of flirting with the girls in the audience whilst Gavin acted like he batted for both teams. They were all hilarious out there together.
When it finished, and they were happy I wasn’t going to go off because Billy wouldn’t leave my side, they went out to see their fans, to sign cd’s, t-shirts and what ever people wanted signing and have their pictures taken with them. They hated letting anyone down and I knew they regretted not being able to do it with the last town because of my selfish little act. I sat back and waited in the room for them, Billy sitting on the seat opposite reading a magazine that was left lying around. He occasionally looked up to make sure that I was still there, not that he wouldn’t have heard me leave.
I sat bored for an hour then they all came prancing into the room, all on a high from the previous show.
‘‘Nice to see you lot again.’’ I huffed, crossing my arms.
Gavin jutted out his bottom lip and held his arms out to me. I shook my head and stayed in my seat.
‘‘Fine, I’ll come to you.’’ He stated and dived onto me, hugging me tightly. ‘‘We didn’t mean to take so long, but more fans kept coming up to us and you know we cant say no.’’ Gavin explained.
‘‘Its fine, I understand Gavin. Just give me something entertaining to do next time you leave me.’’ He smiled, kissed my forehead then stood up to go get a drink from the side table. Billy whispered something to Gavin and then left the room. ‘No more hawk eyes!’ I thought to myself happily. I wasn’t going to do anything stupid though, I didn’t want to break any promises to Gavin.
I caught Sean glancing over at me a few times from where he sat then he patted his knee and smiled. I gladly stood up from my seat and walked towards him, taking a seat in his lap.
He wrapped both arms around my waist and rested his head on my side. I ruffled his damp hair a little and he sat up, grinning at me like a fool.
‘‘What?’’ I asked suspiciously.
‘‘Nothing, cant I just grin for no reason?’’ He asked me mockingly.
I poked my tongue out at him and looked around the room to see a few unfamiliar faces that had followed the guys into their room. Most were in deep conversation so I diverted my attention back to Sean.
‘‘Can we talk outside for a bit?’’ He asked me as his grip loosened on my waist.
‘‘Of course. I’d prefer to be with one person rather than a room full of people to be honest.’’ I replied and stood up, making my way to the door, Sean close behind. We found some crates that were pushed up against the wall so we took a seat on them. Not the comfiest things in the world, but I was happier out of the way of everyone.
‘‘So…what did you want to talk about?’’ I asked him. He sat in thought for a few moments then began.
‘‘You know this morning, when you were talking to Matthew?’’ He asked, and I nodded slowly. ‘‘I recall you saying , ‘he didn’t really compare to Sean, and I didn’t love him as much as I love Sean’…’’ He seemed to cut himself off and sat in more thought.
‘‘Yeah, I did.’’ I replied, confused at where he was going with it.
‘‘You didn’t use past tense. Its just got me thinking to whether…you know…you still do love me.’’ He mumbled the end of his sentence but I could hear it perfectly well.
‘‘I never stopped, Sean.’’ I answered.
‘‘Not even when you were with Sam?’’ He asked me.
‘‘Nope, not even when I was with Sam. You were my first everything. I couldn’t have loved you more. And none of that love has gone. I couldn’t just throw you away like that. I know you tried so hard to help me, and I know you tried so hard to keep me from breaking up with you, and it just made me love you more. So yes, Sean. I do still love you.’’ The grin on his face returned, I’m sure at that point he was lost for words.
He stood up a little from the crate he was sat on and his face came a little closer to my own.
‘‘Just the one?’’ He asked me, like he always used to.
‘‘Of course.’’ I replied, and he pushed his lips to mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
so...I've applied for 2 jobs, I hope at least one gets back to me
keep your fingers crossed for me, aye? cheers
enjoy =]