Looking At Them

Two: Ryan Hortan

“Ryan hortan!” his mother screamed.

Ryan jolted awake, from his cat nap. Ryan satup from his recliner, and streached.

“oh, hey mom.” Ryan kinda hoped his mother wasn’t made at him.

“im sending you to bourding school, for the rest of you education. They have good teacher thare, I went thare when I was your age.” His mother said, she was a french clothing designer.

“what!” ryan said, he wouldn’t get to see his BEST friend for monthes, or years.

“don’t worry, frankie is going to, his mother is paying his way.” His mother said.
He sighed, this will be hard. He had tried serching for his father when he was younger, but gave up, only having a pictuer in his mother underware box.

Ryan was 13, and his best friend was 14, he turned last week. His mother left a pampflet on the table.

Ryan grabed it and fliped true it.

Welcom to georgia’s bourding school for smart teens
Classes are from 10:00 AM to 3:00PM after school activesits provited.
Dorms- 4-5 people per dorm

He just skimmed it, and threw it across the room, he pulled on a shirt and walked down the stairs. He ran out the frount door, and down the street to frankie’s house, to blow off some steem.

Ryan never knew his father, but his grandfather told him he looks like him every day. He just dosen’t get it, why dosen’t he know his father? A question he would never ask his mother.