You're a Ghost, So Why Can I See You?

The Truth

I walked up the driveway in bliss after I parked my car. This had to be one of the best nights I’ve had in such a long time. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’ve had so much fun. I know you’re probably thinking, “She didn’t have fun. She went to a football game and didn’t even watch all of it. How is that fun?” Well, it may not have been filled with partying, but it was certainly eventful. Watching the first half of the game, running from Ethan, hiding in a closet with Ian, almost kissing him, seeing a huge tarantula, and talking to Ian under the stars.

I had fun.

And plus now I was in a fantastic mood. I couldn’t quit smiling, and there was a warm feeling in my stomach that kept growing and expanding. I felt like jumping around or dancing. I was just so happy.

After a hour or a few – I lost track of time – we eventually decided that it was time we should be getting back to our homes. I remember the strange, unexplainable tugging in my chest when we said goodbye. The goodbye’s were really awkward. I had the strangest desire to hug him, but I knew that might scare him, so I offered my hand instead. Meanwhile, Ian was rubbing the back of his neck and seemed to be having an internal argument with what to do. Finally we ended up laughing and giving a handshake.

Smiling, and humming an unknown tune, I opened, shut and locked the door to my house like a regular person. I didn’t shut it like someone scared or cautious. No, that would have been smart of me to do. I was too happy to think about anything bad, Ian made me forget about the bad.

“I been waitin forr ooo,” a deep voice slurred as I past the living room.

I instantly froze, the smile disappearing from my face and the humming coming to a stop.

“Where have you been?” my father demanded as he stood up from the couch.

“I - I was at the football game,” I stuttered surprised. I could make a run for my room and hopefully not trip up the stairs. But, with my luck, I’d be in such a rush that I would trip.

He frowned. “At the football game, huh? You don’t like football though.” He paused and stroked his chin. “That means there must be another reason you were there. Let’s see…a boy, perhaps?”

I sucked in a breath of air and held it. “No. My friend wanted me to go.”

“You’re lying,” he accused, taking another few steps towards me.

“I’m not,” I said, taking a step back. The front door wasn’t that far away. I could make it.

“Don’t even think about,” he said with a smirk on his face. “I know you locked the door. I heard it. There’s no way you could unlock it by the time I get to you.” He took another step forward.

My head way pounding in my head and my heart was beating rapidly. He was right. There was no way I could make it out in time. “Leave me alone,” I said with force.

My father grinned and started walking towards me. “And I will get you.”

Tears started rolling down my face and I took off for the stairs.

“NO!” I screamed as he grabbed my ankle. I fell down on the stairs with a loud thudand started kicking. “Get off of me!”

“Get down here you little bitch!” He grabbed both my ankles and yanked me down. My weak grip on the stairs let loose and I was pulled down to the bottom of the stairs.

“There,” my father said victorious, his alcohol smelling breath filling the room. Before I could recover from the shock and pain in my head, he knelt down, putting both knees on either side of me, and leaned down. Right when he was about to smash his lips on mine I turned my face so he only got my cheek, and screamed.

“HELP!” I yelled.

SMACK! He had slapped me across the face.

Anger boiled inside me, and I raised my knee with a quick movement and kneed him where the sun never shone.

“AHhh!” He groaned in pain. He rolled off of me and held himself as he laid on the floor. “Fucking bitch,” he growled through gritted teeth.

I quickly pushed myself up off the ground and bolted out the door.

I should have known something like that would happen. I wasn’t meant to be happy. Every time something good happened, something bad always happened right after. But at least I got away. He wouldn’t remember anything in the morning from it because he was so drunk, so that was a little plus.

I slowed to a walk as I got far away enough from the house. I couldn’t think of anywhere that would be open at this time of night, so I went to the one place I knew I could relax at. The place where my last good memory was at. I ruffled my hair and wiped my eyes so if anyone was there, they wouldn’t see I was crying.

After twenty minutes of walking/running, I finally came to the football field. All the lights were off, but the moon was shining with all its might, making it possible to see. I walked to the center of the empty field and laid down on the plush green grass, and then stared up at the big silver moon.

Crickets were playing sweet music and the warm, cool breeze of the air started making me feel sleepy. I didn’t have to worry about anyone if I fell asleep because tomorrow was Saturday.

I groaned and slowly closed my eyes. Shit. Tomorrow was Saturday, meaning my double date with Ethan. What was it that he said we were doing…? Was it a movie? God, I didn’t want to go. I didn’t date.

“Peyton? Is that you?”

I quickly opened my eyes and turned to look at the tall figure staring down at me. My first thought was that it was Ethan or that my father had followed me here, but it wasn’t them.

My eyes and face softened as I stared into the person’s beautiful warm brown eyes. “Ian,” I whispered.

“What are you doing here?” he asked concerned. “Shouldn’t you be at home?” The moonlight outlined his figure and made his face practically glow. He looked like an angel.

I laughed lightly to myself, but ignored the question. “How did you know I was here?” He seemed hesitant to answer the question and it made me nervous. Was he stalking me?

“I was just around,” he said. “And I saw you walking here, so I followed you.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Are you stalking me?”

He laughed and shook his head with a smile. “No. It was just a coincidence, really.”

I sighed and looked back up at the moon. I trusted Ian. He wasn’t the type to stalk or…rape. “I know. I was just kidding.” I paused, still staring at the moon. “You should see this.”

Ian walked over and sat on the grass next to me, then laid down gently. His close presence made me shiver and I had the strangest urge to hold his hand, but I didn’t.

“Thank you,” I whispered lightly.

“For what?”

I turned my head and looked into Ian’s eyes. He was looking at me too, so our faces were only inches apart. “For being here.”

Ian turned away from me and sat up, putting his head in his hands.

Did I say something wrong? Was that too strong of a statement? My heart was pounding wildly. What if he got up and left? What if he suddenly wasn’t interested in me? What if he doesn’t like me in that way? Millions of “what if’s” were running through my head.

“Peyton,” he said quietly. “There’s something you need to know about me…”

I sat up. “Whatever it is, I don’t care.”

He turned his head and looked me in the eyes, his looked pained. Whatever it was, I could take it. I didn’t care what it was, as long as it wasn’t something like “I’m a transvestite.” I liked Ian. I liked him a lot.

“I’m not…human. Or, at least, not anymore.”

I blinked. “What?”

“Peyton,” he sighed. “I’m a ghost.”

My mind flooded with memories. He showed up out of nowhere and saved me from being hit by that truck, he didn’t want to be there when I ordered the ice cream, he disappeared when I turned to look at him after crossing the street, no one ever made eye contact with him, he never talked to anyone when we were in a public place, he just showed up out of nowhere tonight…

Ian’s a ghost?

But ghosts don’t exist!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys, listen up. My posting might become a little iregular because I'm starting to play FFVIII again, and if you've played any FF you know how addicting they are. So sorry if I miss a post or if it comes late, but you understand right? I'll still try to get it out on time though.

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really appreciate it!