Status: New co-author: dreamshadow ! ! ! (not meant to replace Zeek in any way of course.)



“Okay, sounds like a plan. A plan I don’t particularly like but it does seem like the only one,” Jonathan muttered into the phone.

“I know, I don’t really like it either but…” Liv said. “Well anyway, here’s Cadey.”

“H-Hey,” Caden’s small voice sounded through the phone.

“Hi baby,” Jonathan said with a smile. “So you know about the plan, right?”

“Y-Yeah. And it’s okay. I get it. Do what you have to so you can help your sister out.”

* * *

Jonathan knocked on the door to his father’s study “Um, Dad, can I talk to you?” he asked quietly.

“Come in.”

Jonathan stepped inside the dimly lit room, closing the door behind him with a snap. He took a seat in the armchair across from his father. It had been a long time since he’d been in this room. He had forgotten the warm, musty smell of all the old books that lined the walls. Daniel looked at his son expectantly. Jonathan took a deep breath, a bubble of fear rising in his chest. Would he really be able to fool his father again? He had to, not only for himself but for his sister, especially for his sister….

“I-It’s about Liv,” Jonathan started.

“That girl who’s best friends with the MacCoroy boy?” Daniel asked sternly.

“Yeah. She, um… Remember that time I told you all about her and how much I liked her?”

“Which later turned out to be a lie just so you could hide your sick… y-your sickness?” Daniel asked, though it was less of a question and more of a wary accusation.

“Yes,” Jonathan admitted. “I lied about dating her but, but not about how I felt about her, at least not completely. Even when I was… confused… I still had some feelings for her.”

He hated pretending that his love for Cadey was just some depraved confusion but he had to. Still, as much as he loathed pretending, he did take some small comfort in the fact that he had perfected the art of lying while forced to stay at Prodigal Home. He felt a small surge of confidence. Maybe he could trick his father. He knew he had one thing on his side: Daniel wanted so desperately to have a normal, straight son. And now that Prodigal Home had deemed Jonathan worthy of that mantle, the foundation to this new lie had already been built.

“A-And now, being back in school and seeing her the past few days…. I feel like now that I’m home again my head is clear and I’m free. Prodigal Home really did help me, save me. Now I see her and… Well, I, um, I asked her out on a date and she said yes.”

Daniel studied his son’s face for a moment. “That’s good, son. I’m glad to see your focus has… shifted. But I have to admit I wish it hadn’t gone to her. Her mother is a truly sick person, more so than that boy you… She’s worse because she is an adult who condoned it; she took him in. Still…” Daniel’s voice faded and Jonathan watched intently as his father struggled to organize his thoughts.

Jonathan knew what the two opposing forces were inside Daniel’s mind. His son was finally showing an interest in a girl and he wanted to encourage that. But that girl was Olivia Gibbons and there were too many implications involved to ignore. Jonathan knew he was really going to have to sell it for his father to accept it. He also knew that his father would be keeping a very close eye on the situation.

“So when’s this date?” Daniel finally asked.

“Tomorrow night. That’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about. I don’t really know how to go about it,” Jonathan confided. He watched as Daniel smiled slightly. It was the first real smile he’d seen from his father in a very long time.

* * *

“Jon,” Daniel called out the next evening as Jonathan made his way towards the door. “Take the car,” he said, throwing the keys to his son. Jonathan smiled and thanked his father.

Jonathan arrived at the Gibbons household within minutes. He rang the doorbell and waited. The door opened and Liv beamed at him. “Are you ready for your date?” she asked. Jonathan smiled and nodded.

Cadey stepped out from behind Liv looking absolutely beautiful. His red hair shimmered with golden flecks as he stepped under the porch light. His green eyes sparkled as he looked into Jonathan’s hazel ones.

Caden stood with a sweet little smile on his face as he thought just how lucky he was to be loved by Jonathan. He held out his small hand to Jon who took it. They waved to Liv before heading towards the car together.

“I’m sorry that when I get home and my dad starts grilling me on my date that I have to give Liv all the credit,” Jonathan said as he started up the car. Caden shook his head and smiled.

“A-As long as I’m the one in m-mind when you t-tell him.”

“In my mind and heart,” Jonathan whispered. The car sped down the highway, crossing over a few town lines before reaching their exit. Jonathan turned off on it and only a few moments later they had arrived at a quaint little restaurant nestled between tall trees on all sides. It was called La Fiorentina and as sweet as it looked from the outside it was even lovelier within. The two were quickly escorted to a small table with a little red candle burning in the center of it. Just a few other diners were conversing softly and a little piano being was played in a corner.

“Welcome to La Fiorentina, The Little Flower,” the young waitress said with a smile. She handed Caden and Jonathan their menus. “Anything to drink while you’re looking?” she asked.

“Anything you want,” Jon told Cadey who smiled.

“Water’s fine for me,” Caden said softly.

“For me too,” Jonathan said. The waitress nodded and walked away. They ordered a pasta dish to share and shortly after it arrived on a large platter, smelling of fresh basil, garlic and mozzarella cheese. Jonathan speared a few ziti onto his fork and lifted it to Caden’s lips. Cadey smiled widely and parted his lips.

“You’re p-perfect. Romantic and, and just amazing,” Caden told Jonathan once he had finished chewing.

“I don’t know about all that. But, but I know I feel amazing when I’m with you,” Jonathan said softly. Caden felt like he was falling in love with Jonathan all over again as he heard those sweet words spoken to him.

Caden’s birdlike appetite was quickly sated and Jonathan finished all that was left. “How was everything?” the waitress asked as she cleared their table.

“Wonderful,” Cadey and Jonathan said in unison.

“I’m glad. Any dessert for the two of you?”

“Do you want anything?” Jon asked Cadey.

Caden shook his head. “I have everything I want.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Man, I'm missing Ezekiel's contributions to this story. I feel my motivation for writing it lagging but I'm pushing ahead for you guys. I'm glad that y'all are holding me accountable to keep going. Thanks for all your comments. They make me very happy. Love you guys!