

The guests arrived to the place where they should be, I don’t make the effort to greet them nor explain the situation to them, just send Natalie to give them the drinks. Maria seems to drink it fast enough to fall asleep, but no one really cares for her in the end, except for that kid Andrew, he wasn’t part of the plan, but he managed to make bonds with Natalie and stalk Maria to the point where he’d notice she was missing. He’s just something I’ll have to get rid of later. Back to Maria, she’s asleep and seems well, Andrew noticed her sleeping and managed to sit next to her, shyly drinking off his cup, I need him to pass out soon, too.
Caroline goes next, sleeps peacefully next to Martin, Nadya manages to give them a strange look, I’m amused at the fact that the kid managed to look above her, she was always looking at herself, not as pretty as she might think. Her hands always seemed strange to me, that’s the reason I’ve picked her. Nadya seems to have noticed that the drinks make them sleep, but she wasn’t quick enough to avoid Natalie and the extraordinary gas. They’ve all fallen asleep and I’ve sent them now to the experiment room.

Natalie is a great person and I’m glad she’s agreed to cooperate, without her my plans wouldn’t succeed the 99% of the times, Natalie wasn’t there for that 1% and that’s why I managed to get her. She’s beautiful and stupid, I’m pretty sure she’ll be useful for me as long as she believes everything about her is what keeps me going.

The guests soon arrive to the room, I didn’t bother to clean it, and I really don’t want to spend money on something as superficial as hygiene. If they wake up within the next 20 minutes I’ll be a good person and give them something to eat, if they don’t, I’ll wait for the first person to wake up and kill them. No, scratch that, I’ll make them the leader; if they’re strong enough to wake up this person will be able to rule this shit. Many people have been in that room, most of them haven’t survived, and those who have owe me their lives and their success. You could say I prepare people for the great success behind them. My name is something you’re not ready to know, most of you would indeed recognize me and ruin my experiments, which would cause a major failure onto the world, without my wisdom and my techniques people wouldn’t be as great as they’ve been. You could thank me for everything you are, since success is something that it’s a common effort, without someone’s success the next big thing wouldn’t be possible, and if you’re not successful you could say that I didn’t pick you. Laws of nature imply that someone must fall in order to someone else to rise; I’m the one that pulls those strings.
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short!chapter is short -.-
I'd also like some feedback on what the hell i'm doing, I'm just i don't know D: