Status: Hiatus

He's Her Figment Of Imagination

Chapter One.

Written by Xyrophobia.
Edited by vintageharlequins

March 23rd, 2009 - 1:45 PM
Dear Diary,
I am writing to you today because I just read the most saddest story ever.
It was entitled, The Diary Of Anne Frank. I currently feel sad and angry at the same time right now.
You'll probably know why I'm feeling like this...

I held my diary to my chest and started sobbing.
I can't believe Anne died, how cruel were the Nazi's?
That thought kept running through my head, over and over again.

A few moments later, I wiped my face with my long baggy sleeve, and then I noticed something from the corner of my eye.

It was a guy.

A rather tall guy actually, with straight dark brown hair, so brown it was almost black.
He was sitting on another park bench to my right, which wasn't very far from where I was sitting.
He had deep, dark, intense blue eyes from what I could see, and he also looked like he was around his 20's, just like me.
It almost seemed like one of my vivid fairy-tale dreams because from this view, he actually looked like one of those fiercely good looking and attractive guys that you'd only ever see in dreams.

A few minutes later, I caught him staring at me weirdly, and then he waved.
I snapped out of my daze and gave a small wave back.

I turned and gazed to the left, so I wasn't directly staring his way before I jotted something down in my diary about how great he looks.
I then heard a rather enthusiastic voice beside me.

I turned to look. It was the guy I had admired earlier from the other park bench.

"Hello." I hesitantly replied whilst giving him a weak smile.

"I saw you staring at me before..." he grinned, which made me blush a little.


After a few minutes, which somehow felt like an hour or so, my cell began to ring.

I swear I heard him chuckling under his breath when I was about to answer, probably because of my lame and annoying ring-tone.

-clears throat- Jizz in my pants!

I smiled before I said, "Excuse me for a sec, I have to take this."

I got up, walked over to the other park bench, and answered with “Hello.”

"Babe, where are you!?"
It was my boyfriend, Chase.

"Uh, I'm at the park" I replied.

"Oh, well let me pick you up! Stay right there!" He said suddenly.

" it's okay..I can walk."

"Hello...? Hello?" I repeated confused before hanging up.

"...Pfftttt, boyfriends..." I thought to myself whilst placing my cell in my pocket.

After a few moments of thinking about certain things, I returned to the bench and noticed that my diary was flung right open to the part where I wrote about him earlier.

"Did you, did you read my diary?" I questioned whilst grabbing both books.

"No, of course not." He said slightly startled.

"Well, you better not have!" I stabbed fiercely.

"Wh-Why are you angry?" He asked. "Did I make you angry?" He then said suddenly.

"Well, yes. I dislike people who go through my things." I said before sitting once again.

"Okay, but you should know that I didn't go through your 'things.' The wind must have done it" He said in an assuming tone.

I gave him a disapproving look before I turned my face the other way.
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Thanks for reading...