Give 'Em Hell


Gerard had his head on my stomach and I had my feet up on his pillows. My head was at the end of his bed and he was on his side facing me. We were talking and laughing.
“So why are you in this line of work?” He asked suddenly serious
“I like it. I like to feel the adrenaline in my veins after anything. With this I get it every day. I live for danger and nothing would be more exciting to me than a whole organization of hitmen after me. I know it sounds insane but that’s what I want. Or at least to be remembered as one of the best.”
“Wow.” He said
“I know. Did I just freak you out?”
“No… not at all. I’m the same way.”
“So I have competition do I?”
“I think so.”
“We’ll see about that.” I said moving out from under him only to climb on top of him
He smiled a dirty smile and slid his hands down my back.
“What kind of competition are we talking about here?” he asked seductively
“That depends…” I said rolling onto my back so he was on top, “what are we talking about?”
There was a low laugh that came form him before he looked away from my eyes and started to kiss my neck. I twisted slightly under him to get him into it more. It worked easily and he started to work his way up to my mouth.
For a while neither of us dared to stop the other. Then as we came to our senses we decided where this was going was not the best thing to be doing… yet. We barely knew each other.
So continued talking until we passed out on each other.

I awoke in the morning to find that I was alone. The bed sheets covered me and they were tucked snugly around me. There was no sign of Gerard anywhere. I rolled onto my side and tired to go back to sleep for another half hour.
When I gave up on that I got up and went into the kitchen to find Gerard sipping coffee and reading over a case assignment. I came up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.
“Hello.” He replied
“How are you?”
“What are you doing?”
“I have work today.”
“It won’t take long though. Quickie job.”
“So we can hang out more or do I have to go home?”
“You can stay here while I go take care of this.”
He stood up and took me in his arms. I put my head on his shoulder. No doubt I would have enjoyed it more if I woke with him next to me. Then we could have done this for a while.
I lifted my head up off his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. I kissed his back and then stared into those amazing eyes. He leaned in and kissed me for a while and then slowly and reluctantly let me go.
I knew he had work and he had to go now. He kissed me once more before returning to his room to get dressed for the day.
“I’ll be back in a couple hours. Till then make yourself at home.”
“I will.”
Again before leaving he kissed me. I went into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. Then I sat in front of the TV and watched some rock countdown until I was bored. Then I took to exploring the house.

When Gerard did come home I was stretched out on the couch starting to take a nap. He dropped all his stuff in the hallway and laid next to me. I snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
“Did you have a good time?”
“I missed you.”
“You kill whoever it was?”
“Yep. Easy just like I said it would be.”
“Good.” I mumbled.
He rolled and pulled me up on him. I started to feel sleepy and put my head on his chest. He began rubbing my back. I realized I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday.
“Do you have anything I can change into?”
“Yea, here I’ll go get something.”
I let him get up and go to his room. When he came back he had a large t-shirt and a pair of boxers. I kissed him and took them to the bathroom to change. I came out and he took my other clothes and put them somewhere.
I laid back on the couch and awaited his return. Instead of coming back though he went to put his things away. I sat up and started flipping channels on the TV. Nothing was really on so I settled for cartoons.
When he did come back he was wearing the same as me. I cuddled up to him and put the remote down. He turned off the TV and carried me to bed. There we cuddled and kissed for the rest of the day.
We got up to eat and that was it. The next three days we spent right there doing nothing. He was put on vacation for three weeks. So I had one more week than him.

After about two weeks at his house we decided to go to mine. The both of us got in my car and we drove to my house. I had to dig around for my keys in the trunk of the car and then we went inside.
I put on my own clothes. Victoria’s Secret pajamas actually and then went out to Gerard. He was looking around the kitchen.
“Are you hungry?”
“Sure. Are you going to make me something?”
“If you want it.”
“Okay. I’ll eat anything.”
So I went into the cabinet and got out something and made him dinner. We sat there holding hands afterwards. I stood up and he followed me. It was almost time for the sun to set and I had a view in the backyard.
I took him out the big bench swing in the back and there we sat, well cuddled. I knew I was in love with him now and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I didn’t want to tell him though because I didn’t know if he felt the same way.
I felt him kiss the top of my head and I pushed myself into him. He seemed to enjoy it and pulled his arms tighter around me.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
I paused. That was the first time he had ever called me anything but my name.
“What is it?” he asked bringing me back
“How are we going to do this?”
“Do what?”
“I was just thinking that.”
“Any ideas?”
“None other than secretive.”
“Well we’ve done that pretty well so far.”
“You know something.”
“What Gerard?”
“I’d rather die than be without you now.”
“Are you saying that…”
“I’m saying I love you.” He said looking into my eyes
“I love you, too.”
He smiled a crooked smile and then kissed me slowly and passionately. I melted right into him. It was perfect. Who ever said that the first kiss was the best was so wrong.
After it had grown dark for sometime we went into the house and to my bed. There I took everything off and climbed into bed. He did the same and cuddled up to me. He kissed me goodnight and we fell asleep.

The next morning he was awake before me. When he saw my eyes open his kissed my forehead.
“Morning beautiful.”
“How did you sleep?”
“Amazing. Best sleep I ever had.”
“Good. Same here.”
I rolled into him to hide my face from the sun. Later when I was used to it I rolled onto my back and pulled the covers over my chest. Gerard put his hand under the covers and stopped on my chest.
He pulled the covers down slightly and just looked for a while before starting a make out session and feeling his way around. It started to take a turn towards something and I decided I wanted him to go there.
It seemed as if he felt the same way. So I let him do what he wanted.
After I was lying in his arms half asleep. It had been so long since I had done that with someone I loved deeply. It felt amazing and I knew he felt the same.

At the end of the week Gerard had to go back to work. That meant we wouldn’t be seeing each other as much now. I drove him home and then went back to my own home. I took a shower and sat in the tub for a long time just relaxing.
Usually I hated vacation with a passion but now I had something to look forward to. I only had a week left and I could go to surprise Gerard because he gave me a key to his house.
In three nights I am supposed to meet him at the same bar we met at before. There is nothing I’m going to do until then.
I tried to get into the system at work but they were smart this time and locked me out. I can’t log in and see what my next job will be. This sucks. So I checked my e-mail, something from work. Most likely Drew again. I deleted it.

I didn’t do anything for the next three days but try to hack into the system at work. Nothing helped me. But it was finally time to meet Gerard. I put on a short black dress and put some make up on.
At the bar he was sitting in a booth with another man. He was skinny and looked pretty tall. I didn’t know if it was another job or what so I sat at the bar and watched him. He noticed me and waved me over.
I came over slowly and sat next to him. He kissed me on the lips and then resumed conversation with the man.
“This is my girlfriend, Amy.”
“Hello.” The man said
“This is Mikey my brother.”
“Hi Mikey.”
We started talking and I was surprised by Gerard’s level of affection because we were in public and someone might see us and because his brother was here. It did thrill me though to hear Gerard introduce me as his girlfriend.
I sat closer to him and all three of us talked for a few hours. Mikey was starting in the business. Of course he was on the other side but he didn’t know that I worked against him and his brother yet.
I figured I should tell him. I asked Gerard in his ear and he told me I could. He would find out anyways.
“Mikey there’s something that I need to tell you.”
“What? Don’t tell me Gee got you preggers.”
“No he didn’t but you know how we all work to kill people?”
“Well I work against you both. I’m with the other organization.”
“Yes. Me and Gerard have been doing a good job to keep this a secret but you have to now too.”
“No prob. You seem like a good girl and I trust you.”
Later Mikey decided it was time for him to get home to his wife. We said goodbye to him and then we were by ourselves.
“So what do you want to do now?”
“Stay here a while. It’s fun.”
“Alright.” Gerard said kissing me a little more than I would have expected
When I looked up from him I noted that two men had ran out of the bar for some reason. I shrugged it off and leaned over to kiss Gerard.
We went my house and went in the shower for some fun. Then we went to bed for even more pleasurable fun.

In the morning I was awakened by my alarm clock. It was my first day I had to go back to work and I didn’t want to.
I rolled over to find Gerard and he was still sleeping. I stared at him in adoration for a while. He was so cute. He was sleeping with his mouth open and his head was on its side so his face was half covered by the pillow.
I kissed his nose and he woke. He knew I had to go from the moment he looked into my eyes. He made a frown and pulled me into his chest.
“You can skip another day can’t you?”
“No then they’d suspect something. I always get to work the day I am told to come because I hate vacation.”
“Why do you hate it?”
“I have nothing to kill.”
“Oh. Did you hate it this time?”
“Not so much. You made me forget a lot.”
“Are you satisfied?”
“Oh most defiantly. You are amazing in bed.” He said smiling
“Not like that silly.”
“Then how?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well I am in every possible way.”
“Alright. That’s all I needed to know.”
I got up a few minutes later and took a shower. Gerard climbed in with me and helped me get washed. Then I got out to get ready for work. He stayed in the shower longer to get himself cleaned off.
I waited until he came down to the kitchen before I left. He was sad to see me go but he had work too. He didn’t have to go in until later but he was still sad.
I laughed at the sight of him in my bathrobe. He hugged me tightly and I played with his long wet hair. Then I kissed him goodbye and went to work.
No one was there yet and I was happy that I wouldn’t be under any suspicion. My boss was here already but he’s always here. I went in and up to my office. I logged in to my system and read all the notices that I couldn’t before. For a few hours I was undisturbed.
I saw Drew walk by but he gave me a dirty look instead of ogling my goodies. I wondered why but then I was happy. Maybe his ego was still hurt from the episode I had in the elevator. I chuckled at that thought and then went back to writing a report.
Someone came in to my office and when I looked up the appeared to be a newbie.
“Yes?” I asked a bit annoyed that this was the first to bother me
“The boss wants you.”
“New case?” I asked getting excited
“Not exactly.”
“Then what?” I asked narrowing my eyes
“He wants you.” Then he left
I got up and started to walk down the hall. Turns out Drew isn’t the only one I’ve pissed off. Several people working here gave me dirty looks before I got to the office. I opened the door and my boss was standing. This is never a good sign.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Sit.” He said flatly
I sat and waited for him to speak. I must have done something bad.
“We know.” He said to me
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